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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. So is the river going to be unfishable at these flows? If so, we should reschedule, maybe for March.
  2. It's looking downright balmy. Lows in the 30's, highs near 50.
  3. Well hope it all works out. If not, we'll improvise.
  4. So hard to tell sometimes. It does seem to have a faint lateral line. Nice fish whatever it is.
  5. Ahh, I figured out you guys are talking Norfork, thought you were talking White.
  6. Not an expert on the flows for sure, but it looks to me like they are running 14,000 CFS through the generators right now.
  7. Nah, going to stuff the frozen bird in the microwave, figure I can speed thaw it in a few minutes.
  8. Yep, Happy Thanksgiving!
  9. Happy Thanksgiving all! I'm in charge of the bird today, gotta get going on that.
  10. Yep, some good winds last night, saw there was a tornado warning north of here in Barry county. Had a bunch of leaves piled in front of the garage, they are now gone, so it wasn't all bad.
  11. Is there any realistic hope that we have low flows during Jigfest?
  12. This tree always had good fall colors, I think it is a cypress. Only one around that part of the lake as far as I can tell, makes me wonder if it was planted there when the park went in. Fishing was OK, started off fishing the Ned rig, couldn't get much of a bite on it, and the fish that I caught were mainly 12-13 inch spots. Switched out to fishing a 2 3/4 inch tube on a 3/16 shaky head, and got better results, still mainly spotted bass, but got average size was better. Only caught one smallmouth, a 12" dude, and only one largemouth, 14 incher. Fish I caught were on bluffs, steep banks, and points, anywhere from 5 to 30 FOW. 16 bass, 5 were keepers - seems to be a pretty good year class of 15-17 inch spots in the lake this year. WT 51-52.
  13. About three weeks ago there were stripers from Starkey to Honey creek. Don't know if they are still there, but it doesn't sound like they are in Indian creek in force yet.
  14. Snagging spoonies?
  15. Well sorry to hear you did not get into them. Those dang stripers can be anywhere, or nowhere. Good day to be out, looks like the weather is going to go south on us tomorrow and stay bad for a while.
  16. In Maryland?
  17. Quillback


    Had one hover over me for about 5 minutes while I was fishing Beaver one day last year. One of the few times I have seen one.
  18. Good deal, glad to hear you got out.
  19. I have to remember to check them out, keep forgetting about them.
  20. So it says that it is "normal" regulating stage for this time of year?
  21. Basically I'll go 1/8 with a 2.8, 1/4 with a 3.3 and 3/8 with a 3.8.
  22. They did brine the roads around here when we had a dusting of snow, whenever that was, maybe two weeks ago. I did not go out so don't know how effective it was. A few years ago when we had a snow storm and the roads, including the main HWY's, were snow and ice covered for like a week, the news crews went up to the border and showed how right at the border it was ice on the roads in AR and completely bone dry, nothing but asphalt on the MO side. Major embarrassment for the AR HWY dept. Since then, if one snowflake is seen, road crews are out in force brining and sanding.
  23. Hound Dog worthy. Black Friday is approaching.
  24. Predictions are for 1.5" over the next couple of days. Remember the good old days when they would predict rain and it wouldn't happen? Seems like lately, if they predict it, it falls, and usually more than the prediction.
  25. It is a short shank. I like them for keitechs. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Dirty_Jigs_Matt_Stefan_Guppy_Swimbait_Jig_Head_3pk/descpage-DJSGH.html
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