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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. No fishing experience, but I spent some time in Bend on a business trip about 8 years ago. I went hiking one afternoon at Smith Rock state park which is located near Redmond OR. The Crooked river runs through that park, and it looked to be a great fishing stream - I did not see a single fisherman to ask how the fishing was, but it looked very fishy. You have to do a little hiking to get to the river from the parking area so that probably discourages a lot of fishermen. It's high desert terrain there and very scenic. I'd say it's about 2 hours from Eugene. You can hike, fish, and view the scenery, even if the fishing isn't that good, it would be a pretty neat day trip.
  2. Great time to fish the Ned rig too.
  3. I think this one on Ebay is a match, here's the item # 352464837224
  4. That's pretty neat, I'd maybe test a little spot with some Brasso to see what effect it has, but like Gavin says, maybe it is best left untouched. Did you do a search on Old Pal minnow buckets?
  5. Still getting some beans, did a late planting around the end of June, variety is called Eureka. A bush bean plant, I like the yellow color, makes them easier to see when I am picking them. I get colander full about every 4 days. But, the end is near.
  6. According to Ebay, these are now 'Vintage' in other words out of production, at least this brand is. 84 year old friend of the family gave it to me, kind of cool, I'm going to polish it up and set it somewhere in the house. They aren't rare, you can get them (used) on Ebay for $25 or so.
  7. Yeah man, sorry about the pint of Jack Daniels I spilled on the carpet, and it is unfortunate that some of it got in the livewell and killed those nice bass you had caught. And I just plumb forgot I had set that lit cigar on your engine cowling, you'd think Mercury would make them out of plastic that was a little more heat resistant, hard to blame me for that one. And the experiment with me wearing golf spikes for shoes (I had hoped they would help me 'dig in' for a hook set), apparently caused some damage to your boat carpet, but c'mon dude, that carpet was getting a bit ratty looking. Next time I promise to be more considerate of your boat, and I'll bring $20 to help out.
  8. Thanks Duane, please put in for the drawing.
  9. Heck yeah BH, please put me on the drawing list.
  10. We've got a few of them here in the Bella Vista lakes. In the winter and early spring every once in a while I'll see one belly up - they are still alive, but for some reason I don't know, they'll lay on top, belly up, and sort of zone out. I'll try and sneak up on them with the trolling motor, and some times I'll get close enough I can poke them with a rod - spooks the heck out of them! Yes, I am easily amused.
  11. Launched at about 0700, which nowadays is right about dawn. Went back into Indian creek, expecting to find top water activity. Unfortunately there was very little going on top which surprised me a bit. Had one bite on a walk the dog bait and that was it. Went to throwing jigs and shaky heads in the trees, shallow and deep. Not much going on there either. Had one brief hook up on the shaky head, but couldn't keep him pinned. Got desperate and started throwing a little Lucky Craft mini crankbait. 2nd cast with it hooked a pretty decent largemouth, got it to about 2 feet of the boat and it threw the bait. 2 casts later I boated a 12" smallmouth, and after releasing it, made another cast had had another bite. I thought I was onto something, but spent another two hours working banks with the crank, and only managed to boat 2 largemouth, didn't measure them but they were right around the keeper mark. Put the boat on the trailer about noon - weather was nice, good day to fish but it was a slow one as far as fish catching. WT - 76.
  12. Must have been some great days for point hunting back in the 50's before the dams went in.
  13. My grandparents had an 'Indian mound' on their farm in the MO Bootheel. Used to look for points there when I was a kid, never found any complete points but found plenty of broken ones. My uncle had a shoebox full of good points he found there when he was a kid, when he went away to college my grandma threw them out, she being a no nonsense kind of woman who considered them to be old junk. My uncle still is a little aggravated about it whenever we talk about it. Grandma rented out the farm when my grandad passed, and the mound was flattened, not that it was very begin with, just a rise in the land of a few feet, but modern farming they like that land to be as flat as possible. My uncle took a look around about 10 years ago and not a point to be seen. Farm was sold not long after that when my grandma passed.
  14. I wonder if that was what that point was made out of that they have at the Golden Museum? It was from Central America, and made out of a really neat green stone, had that kind of glassy obsidian look to it. 'Teotihuacan Green' - sounds like something that was smoked in a Cheech and Chong movie. 😄
  15. Saw a dozen or so monarchs fly by today on Beaver, not all at once, but one every once in a while. Saw more butterflies than bass. Pretty strong south wind later today, saw one monarch trying to fly up a cove that had a south wind right down the cove. It just kept fluttering but not going anywhere, finally it kind of let the wind push it sideways and I lost sight of it. My guess is they'll go sideways to try and get out of a stiff breeze and try and find some lighter wind to fly through.
  16. Wow, huge cuttie. Anyone know what strain the brood stock came from?
  17. Jimmy Houston takes all of 2 minutes to tell everything you need to know to fish a blade - that says it all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIPOotfOzrA
  18. 10 lbs is a heckuva a cuttie for a river.
  19. Man, that's living right, catching a 4lb. smallie on a spinner bait. Congrats to you and your bro on having some great fishing!
  20. My favorite bait is a Zoom Ultravibe Speed Craw. Also like an Ol' Monster for summer time. Sometimes I'll go finesse and fish a Zoom Finesse Worm, or a Fish Doctor. Pretty much use a 3/4 oz weight except if I'm fishing shallow I might go with a 1/2 or 3/8. My experience is with the lighter weights you don't get hung up as much and that is the number one problem with the c-rig, - snags. I really like Lizards for right before pre-spawn, fish will eat them up on the right days. I never have fished a Brush Hog much. I think it was Tim Sainato that a few years ago won a fall tourney fishing a c-rig deep, can't remember his bait but I believe it was a Zoom Centipede. I bet Bill Babler knows the story on that.
  21. I might try that, cast it up shallow, drag it deep, early in the morning, but in general I usually will fish it deeper this time of year. I haven't been fishing a c-rig lately myself. Going to try the dam area on Beaver tomorrow and I think I will try it a bit.
  22. Based on the reports I've seen from that area, I think it is a good idea to try deep with jigs. Might want to drag a Carolina rig or shaky head too.
  23. I have not been there yet, but it is on my list.
  24. Those points are really neat. BH, you ever been to the Pioneer museum in Golden MO? They have thousands of points on display, maybe 10's of thousands, it's incredible how many they have. Not only stuff from North America, but from Central America too. Some of the Central American points are ceremonial type, I remember one spear head that's made out of Jade or some kind of dark green stone. Works of art in some ways, you can tell the people that made them were craftsmen and had pride in their work. Only negative is everything is from private collections so not much narrative as to what you are looking at.
  25. Had one fly right by my front window this morning heading due south. Out fishing Table Rock a couple of days ago had several fly by, again heading south.
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