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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Just seemed appropriate for me to post this: Ozark angler hooks state-record quillback MDC congratulates Timothy Keene on breaking the pole-and-line state record by catching a 5-pound, 13-ounce quillback on Bull Shoals Lake. OZARK, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) reports that Timothy Keene of Ozark became the most recent record-breaking angler in Missouri when he hooked a quillback on Bull Shoals Lake in Taney County using a rod and reel. The new “pole and line” record quillback caught by Keene on June 26 weighed 5 pounds, 13 ounces. It broke the previous state-record of 2 pounds, 12 ounces. Keene and a fishing buddy were using red and purple-colored spoons trying to catch walleye when he hooked the state-record quillback. “The quillback put up a pretty good fight. I fought it for at least four minutes until I got it in the boat,” Keene said. Keene said once he got it in the boat he didn’t really know what type of fish it was, but his fishing buddy did. “I’m pretty new at fishing so I don’t know all the fish species, but my fishing buddy knew we had a really nice size quillback,” he said. “After some quick research, we were confident we had a new state-record fish.” Keene says he still can’t believe he has a Missouri state record, which was confirmed by MDC staff using a certified scale at Shepherd of the Hills Hatchery. “I can’t believe it! This is an event I would have never dreamed of,” he said. The quillback fish is a part of the sucker family. It is deeper-bodied than most suckers, leading to a carp-like appearance. It can be distinguished from carp by the lack of barbels around the mouth. Keene is unsure if he is going to mount the fish or not. Missouri state-record fish are recognized in two categories: pole-and-line and alternative methods. Alternative methods include: throwlines, trotlines, limb lines, bank lines, jug lines, spearfishing, snagging, snaring, gigging, grabbing, archery, and atlatl. For more information on state-record fish, visit the MDC website at http://on.mo.gov/2efq1vl. Congratulations to Timothy Keene on breaking the pole-and-line state record by catching a 5-pound, 13-ounce quillback on Bull Shoals Lake.
  2. There's some reviews out there. I haven't used one, so no comment from me. http://www.scout.com/outdoors/wired2fish/story/1738126-first-look-abu-garcia-vendetta-casting-rod
  3. I see in Dave's future a bunch of orders coming in from the Great White North.
  4. Yep. And that people of all ages can get in trouble out there.
  5. 81 year old driving the boat, and here we are blaming the young'uns for all the trouble on the lakes.
  6. My 2 cents on the Zinker cut in half and used on a Ned head, is that I use the salty ones. I'll pull on the Zinker to get the salt out, leaves it with a foamy consistency that has a lot of movement with little input from the rod. I have found that a Zinker with little salt in it, just doesn't fish as well for me. It won't "foam out" like a salty Zinker. That's just for the cut Zinker, I have fished the Elaztech Lizards and did fairly well on them for a bit this spring, and they do not have the salt content of the Zinker.
  7. Congrats on your new job, and keep us posted on your fishing exploits down there if you don't mind.
  8. Heading out to the garage to hook up the boat... No not really, I ain't going near that lake until after the holiday, but thanks for the tip, I love to fish a jig.
  9. That's what AGFC says when they shock Beaver for their surveys, smallmouth get missed so they never get good smallie numbers.
  10. I haven't been on Beaver in a few weeks myself.
  11. Does that make them "old man" shoes? Do they come in white with a matching belt? I will be 60 this fall, so I am always on the lookout for comfortable shoes.
  12. Welcome to the forum, and congrats on some great fishing!
  13. I like the looks of the Spro 90 crank bait and the Megabass "Dark Sleeper". The Sleeper retails for $5.99 supposedly, almost makes me think it's a typo.
  14. Roaring river in MO is another option also, maybe about an hour from Eureka.
  15. This guy has done well by me and he stands by his work. But, turnaround time is usually 4 weeks or so. http://www.delawarevalleytackle.com/
  16. Excellent!
  17. Well I caught one of those 'eyes myself today, on a DD22. With me it's just dumb luck to get one. Bass fishing was slow, caught 5 on Trick Worms and that was it. One of the slowest days I have had in a long time.
  18. HAHA, you are very funny. Yeah, I would go fish Big M, but I found a huge, and I mean HUGE school of 7 lb. smallmouth downstream from the SK bridge. They are just smashing top waters, as a matter of fact, I just got back from the doctor's office, had to get a cortisone shot in my elbow it was so sore after fighting so many of those hard pulling smallies. They are easy to find, just get out early and idle away from the bridge, keep going until you see them blowing up. If you reach Kimberling City without seeing them, then you've gone too far. Turn around and idle back, repeat until you find them.
  19. Glad to hear she is doing fine, I don't think I would have gone fishing 3 weeks after mine was done.
  20. I am sure your are familiar with those big foam hands that make the we're #1 sign. We need a big foam hand that is flipping the bird. Somebody flips you off, you can retaliate with the big foam hand giving the middle finger salute.
  21. Launched early with OA member Muddy Water. Can't say that we found any spectacular fishing, but we worked hard at it, and had around 30 in the boat (maybe 5 keepers) by 1 PM. Got a few early on jigs, then it slowed down for a while. Bite picked up around 10 AM and our best fishing was from 10 to 1 PM. We found fish off steep banks, and most of them were off the bank a bit in 10-20 FOW. Zoom Trick worm on a Charlie Brewer Spider head and jigs worked best for us. Mix of largemouth, spots and smallies. WT 80-81.
  22. Thanks for that info, my favorite launch is back in business!
  23. Hackney really whacked them.
  24. Glad to hear you made it out OK.
  25. Is Ducky fishing for rainbows this year?
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