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Everything posted by jdmidwest

  1. There were some studies on open cavity hollow points catching a wad of cloth as they passed thru before they hit flesh and bone. They would fail to expand and fail to produce a deadly wound channel. Hornady puts the red plastic in to solve it, Hydroshoks added a little spire in the center. I have never had to test them in real life, but good solid theory. Hope mine just get to look pretty until I dump them in a Target and reload a fresh batch every year in the guns. My 45 acp's are mostly loaded with Winchester PDX 230 grain since I carry them as backups hunting for the most part. The 9' and 380 have Critical Carry or Critical Duty in them.
  2. Shopped at Lowe's and Manards for several hours Thursday without a mask, but fully clothed with some thermal underwear. The place was at Max compacity for new regs and mask usuage was about 50%. No infomercial here, just passing along the advice of several doctors I have consulted. And actually getting out in the world each day observing what is going on instead of watching it on CNN. Being essential, the wife and I have performed daily functions as normal. The only changes have been no haircut, can't find lodging where I normally stay, and one set of Grandkids have been isolated from us due to the Dad having one of the underlying conditions.
  3. What is life if you are afraid to live it? Its the flu. Slightly more deadly if you have underlying conditions like Diabetes, Heart Disease, or Respiratory issues. It tends to cause pneumonia in more advanced cases, which lead to complications compounded by the underlying other disease. Wash your hands and avoid close human contact. Wear your mask, it may help. Be smart, live wisely.
  4. People shopping for groceries. Fishing for food is an essential need.
  5. Any place you can drop the boats in and pull them out is fair game. Overnight stays seem to be the issue, no inns open or camps.
  6. Offer up, there may be takers. I have not seen that part of the state yet.
  7. You have to find humor in your medical deformities. I miss the hair on my tongue, it was way cooler at the bar than the big ole chunk out of my arm.
  8. Hornady Critical Defense. What my carry guns have in them. The plastic in the center of the hollow point keeps them from wadding up in clothing and gives reliable expansion. Insures it makes a big hole, no matter what you shoot. You shooting a .40?
  9. Are you wanting to wade fish?
  10. Traveling anywhere in tight quarters with someone on a plane or cruise ship opens up many possibilities of contaign. Crabs jump ship, lice crawl, alot of people are just nasty and filthy.. It moves over when you are elbow to elbow. Worse when they pass out on your shoulder on a long plane ride.
  11. 5 days is still the norm as far as I know. Neighbor went thru it a few weeks ago, his girlfriend thought she had it and both hunkered down. Put his garden in and did alot of yardwork. She came back clear. Allergies or side effects from smoking. All drive thru centers closed here this week.
  12. Good weekend to get out of town....
  13. I had a staunch Dem Uncle that would grab all of it he could get and sell it on the streets. But Auntie made some of the best Mac and Cheese for dinner when I visited. The old comodities were top notch stuff. Propped up all of the farmers hurting for cash. Now the farmers are used to all of the subsidies and make a killing off of them. Those were the days.
  14. We shall see, this will get them stirring. Big party in town this weekend I am sure. Traffic doubled today. Nothing like a pot full of cash burning a hole in the pockets of the spreaders.
  15. The Free Cheese checks and deposits are filling the streets and stores. Prepare for the next boom in the cases.
  16. Before or after the head came off?? My job was catching the headless chicken going down the hill and taking it to the scalding vat. I got bloody and a whiff of the stinking last chicken I delivered. I graduated to head chopper later. Made a mislick with the axe and cut across the eyes. I still see that one clearly in my mind.
  17. Tattoos or the latest facebook challenge........
  18. I made my mask out of non woven polypropylene. A simple laundry bag from the dollar store provided alot of material and coffee filter for the extra protection. I used them mowing at the farm this weekend and my sinuses loved them. Still have not seen a reason to use them in the public. Washing hands and keeping away from sickies has worked well this month as the doctor ordered.
  19. You are going to need a bigger shop. Still drinking that funky Crown Royal?
  20. Nothing like free range chickens eating the corn out of the hog poop. I always love the feller that will not eat a pig, but loves chicken. Chickens are nasty animals, even more so when in cages. They stink bad when you clean them and get tough when they get a year old. But a pig that has been fattened on a farm, marinated in its own wallow, is a tasty SOB. I miss the pork we raised on our farm. We used to butcher pigs, smoked our own bacon and hams. Best tasting meat I have had.
  21. I paid 2.49 at Casey's two weeks ago for Ethanol Free hi octane on the boat. Regular corn gas was still 2.09 then. There has to be a point where they stop putting corn in the gas, Bush said it was around 1.70 a gallon back when he put it in effect.
  22. We made some a few weekends ago out of boredom. Work great mowing the lawn, my nostrils did not get gunked up with dust and debris. Radiation zapped the mucous out of sinuses for the most part. Smell increased hundred fold. No runny nose. But, the mucous filters out alot of gunk. Mowing kills me now, dust builds up and gets infected somewhat.
  23. Obey the government, stay at home. Be a good citizen.... Enjoy your check that you have to deal with next year at tax time.
  24. Ethanol free gas right now should be whatever the gas tax is plus about 20 cents a gallon. Wonder when they are going to stop putting corn in the gas and save more money??
  25. 22 and snow, I would hold off on seeds for a while outside. Cold crops will germinate with 40-50 degree temps. Beans and corn slightly warmer. Cucumber, squash, and others like that need even warmer. Okra is best to start late, it needs really warm to germinate.
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