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Everything posted by jdmidwest

  1. The problem with a solar panel system only would be charging your batteries after you get done fishing. Unless you are a morning only guy, darkness would hamper the plan of panels direct to trolling batteries. You would have to collect on separate battery during day while fishing and use inverter of evening when you are done.
  2. Its a battery powered inverter with a pure sine wave. Clean output for electronics.
  3. Grand Gulf, outside of Thayer MO. Neat little area. Have to do some walking and steps to get to the bottom.
  4. Electrical Shrink tube works good too if you don't use rubber O rings. Don't have to heat it, just get the right size to match the worm. Tough as nails. I use gold carpet nails for my whacky heads as weight. I have always felt a little gold helps a bait.
  5. That would work on my camping trips. I normally spring for an electric site to charge the batteries. Sometimes, can't even find a plug at the motel to run a cord to. I would have not thought about using a battery powered backup to charge a battery, I would have thought it would be weak in the amp ratio.
  6. We used to flip the nuts over to the Blue Heeler stock dog that would swallow them whole. He would eat them until he puked them out. Then come back for more. Dad would always wait until they were about 70 lbs. I would grab them by the back legs and hoist them up, cross my legs around their head and upper legs, leaning myself back against a fence. Nut cutting took place just below my chin and neck. Talk about a squeeling wiggling mess. I usually wore a pair of coveralls to keep them from biting my legs. But, we always had the best pork in the freezer. Nothing comes close at the stores today.
  7. jdmidwest

    Fish Taste?

    You have noodled them with your hands??? That is a handful.. https://www.outdoorlife.com/fishing/noodling-catfish/
  8. Trout line bait.
  9. With all of the public land in the path, you should not have the crowds at all places. Just the advertised ones around towns. There are many state parks, public forest areas, lakes, rivers, and parking lots in the path in mostly remote urban southeast Missouri. MDC and NFS has lots of ground. Any mountain area around Arcadia would be neat, Taum Sauk, Bufords, Shutins, Silver Mines, etc. Lots of little lakes too for a boat. The eclipse lasts for hours and has 2 minutes of totality around 2 pm.
  10. Then the trout park trout will taste like carp... I like the liver taste better, makes the meat nice, gray, and mushy.
  11. I worry more about coon and deer at that garden. Squirrels would pillage it here while I was at work.
  12. You say that, but the never seem to mention anything about fossil descendants of freshwater fish like the basses and sunfish. Wonder what they were, back in the cave man days of mastondon.
  13. I joke in parody of the MDC release of Otters and elk. And the money spent doing so.
  14. Don't have a CFO laying around for sale?
  15. My backyard garden has gotten covered over with shade trees, limited to what I grow there. But plan on breaking up the big garden this spring at the farm and putting in sweet corn. May even get a roto tiller for the big tractor, break rows 5' at a swipe.
  16. I worry more about the Teradactyls, herons on steriods. Think about how many fish one of those suckers could stab in a lifetime.
  17. We really need to clone it and reintroduce it like the otters and elk, since they were really here first. It would be pretty cool. I may even sit in a field near Peck Ranch and see them come out of nowhere around dark, if you are lucky in a viewing area....
  18. 4 years and 4 months, barring any interuptions.
  19. How in the world can anyone know what they are going to be able to do in a year from now? I can't even plan my day at 11am when I leave the office. Never made it past project 1 today.
  20. I wonder what Mammoth tasted like. Beef or Chicken?
  21. Good thing I never did the FB thing..... Amazing the time I never wasted.
  22. Was that Jesus or Haysus, the spanish version? Amazing photo from the year 36?AC.
  23. Ibuprofen works better for me when my casting arm gets sore. Did you catch any? Doves have been back roosting in my pines for over a week, signs of spring is coming.
  24. Per Valentine tradition, 2 rows spinach, 1 row ruby red, and 1 row salad bowl lettuce in ground. Asparagus beds cleared off. 4 active bee hives. 63 today and sunny. Thick pork breaks on grill
  25. Interesting place, basically a wooded walking trail system thru Karst sinkholes, cave collapse, and natural arch remaining of cave roof. Not real open for viewing the sky, 20 car park lot.
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