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Everything posted by Seth

  1. That's good to know. The USACELittleRock app just shows a URL for releases now and it's annoying.....
  2. I was going to recommend a few different setups, but it doesn't look like BPS carries those brands.....
  3. Myself and three buddies started the year of catching a mess of fish on a beautiful day while listening to the Chiefs get a dub on the radio. We threw white swimbaits on rock banks all day long and caught 8 different species of fish and ended up with a good mess of "eatin fish" to boot. I caught my limit of nice white bass and fell one short of my walleye limit, which would have been a first for me.
  4. For sure, especially if you bow hunt. We pretty well lived on wild game (mostly deer) and fish growing up when it was dad, me and my younger brother. Dad and I would kill 8-12 deer a year and keep most of it for ourselves.
  5. Most counties allow unlimited archery antlerless and two firearms antlerless tags. There are a few counties in the northwest corner and down in the south east corner that are more restrictive on antlerless tags. Since I've filled my second antlerless tag with this doe, I would can't shoot anymore with a firearm in this county, but I could purchase and fill two in other counties if I wanted.
  6. Seth


    My electric fryer has a temp setting but otherwise just use a grease thermometer. I always use one when frying with tue propane burner.
  7. Seth


    On those bigger pieces of fish, fry them at 325 degrees for 6-8 minutes. Frying at that lower temp will allow you to cook the fish all the way through without burning your breading. That's also how I fry my scored sucker fillets. Rarely ever get a bone that way.
  8. Seth


    The people I know of that REALLY like them all grill or smoke it. They are a lot more fun to catch than they are to clean and eat to me. Try cooking them this way. Get a charcoal grill good and hot. Melt butter and liberally season with cajun seasoning. Dip 1" strips of paddlefish fillets in the melted cajun butter mix. Throw paddlefish strips on grill and cook each side for 4 minutes. Eat them while they are hot. It was about like eating grilled chicken. The only paddlefish that I bother keeping is the smaller fish caught below Bagnell dam. They are usually snakey, river fish but taste better than the big reservoir fish IMO.
  9. I took the smokepole out for a little snow doe hunt after the Christmas festivities were finished and took this big girl. She came in with four other does. There was a buck grunting and chasing a doe back behind me in the brush. I waited a while hoping the buck would pop out just to see what he was, but the doe I ended up shooting started getting a little spooky and forced my hand to shoot. She made it about 100 yards and piled up. I sure do love letting smoke fly on those cold, late season hunts!
  10. I get burned out on the river bass come July/August when the bite gets tough and would rather go fish for something else. I'm good outside of that though when I can go after trout, crappie, etc.
  11. Whole home water filtration systems and water softeners serve seperate purposes. One purifies the water and the other softens it. They can run in conjunction to one another for the best of both worlds. Are you just wanting cleaner tasting water or are you actually wanting softer water?
  12. I could have been a tree. I know there was the stump downstream from the first island on Taneycomo that we had to watch out for in the dark. All I know for sure is that it was a large object that made a wicked sound as the raging water crashed in to it.
  13. DJ - WATCH THAT ROCK! Me - What rock? You mean that one 100 yards downstream from us? DJ - Yes! This happened during the high water Jigfest I made a few years ago while we were floating and fishing. 😁
  14. Our family farm is similar this year. It just hasn't had crap on it compared to how it was 5-10 years ago. Im sure part of it is that fact that up until about 5 years ago, there was essentially zero hunting pressure to the east and west. Now we have pressure on both sides. I'm trying to convince dad that we need to go in and do some TSI work to really thicken the place up.
  15. I layer up under my Cabelas Guidewear in anything above 20 degrees. Below that I will wear my hunting bibs and jacket. It doesn't feel too bulky to me either. Heated clothing is another alternative that a lot of folks are turning towards. The low was 14 and the high was 28 on the day that I caught this brown this past February. We were out fishing in it for a while too. Merino wool base layer Mid weight baselayer Heavy fleece vest/pants Insulated Carhart jacket and insulated camo bibs 1000g Thinsulate boots
  16. I'm headed down to Peck Ranch for a managed muzzleloader hunt with dad, father in law and a couple buddies this weekend. I've never hunted down there this time of year so I have no clue what to expect. We've killed several bucks over the years when the hunt was in late October/early November. Unless you cleared a bunch of cover to make a food plot, I doubt it has anything to do with that. The acorns were crazy heavy this year and I'm sure that might have something to do with it. This was the worst year we've ever had for growing food plots so ours aren't doing much. We have some wheat growing, but it didn't get rain till late October and isn't very tall. Our brassica plot burned up from the super dry September/October and grass took over.
  17. This is the first time I can remember being able to hang deer for an extended period of time. I’m loving this weather!
  18. Seth

    Deer pics 2022

    Turkeys are the same way. Can’t find a gobbler to save my life in the spring but watched 9 gobblers peck and scratch around me all evening a few days ago.
  19. Seth

    Deer pics 2022

    I had several shot opportunities on does the first day, but passed since we already had two deer to deal with. Now that I'm ready to bust a mature doe, I can't get one to show up! Funny how that works.
  20. Seth

    Deer pics 2022

    I got this guy about 30 minutes after daylight Saturday. It rarely happens that quick for me. My buddy was hunting with me and took a doe shortly after that. I'm going to try and fill another doe tag with my rifle and then switch to the muzzleloader or my dads Ruger Redhawk .44 mag pistol. I've always wanted to harvest one with the pistol but haven't actually tried.
  21. All fish or five fish, we all know Wheeler will continue to dominate the circuit. He's already shown he can hold is own at five fish regardless of which major circuit he is fishing. Personally, I wish they'd do a 50/50 deal where half of the tourneys are five fish and the other half are the tradional MLF style. The catch, weigh, release system is the important part anyways.
  22. Turkey numbers are down all across the midwest.
  23. The southern part of the state is big timber with very little CRP or ag farming so those issues shouldn't change much down there, but they are still experiencing issues with turkey populations as well.
  24. Mostly in a tree, but I do hunt a few pop up blinds or brush blinds on the edge of ag crops. Shooting deer with a bow from the ground is more of an adrenaline rush than doing it from the tree. You really have to know when to draw on them or else they will pick you off in a hurry. For comfort and hunting with young people who move a lot, it's hard to beat a elevated blind.
  25. I've still got quite a bit of meat left over from last year (I killed six) so I haven't been in a big rush to get out there. I usually start getting after it once youth season is over with.
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