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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Sold pending payment.
  2. I keep a 1”x8’ fiberglass pole in a locker. I’ve only had to it once but it saved a trolling motor prop and a total scan transducer.
  3. Stockton treated me like a step child. I got the next to the last parking spot. I fished for specs for a while. No love. Moved to High Point and got a few bass on Rock Krawlers. Moved to Turkey creek and drug Flicker Shad. Had a few bites and 3 hookups in 18 fow. Water temps were 59° and 60°. Loading was a Zoo. It only takes 2 who don’t know how to do it to mess up the whole thing and they were there at the same time.
  4. Nice looking bunch of fish. I am going to Cedar Ridge today looking for specs. I hope that I can do as well.
  5. I am going through Barlow’s web site filling up my cart restocking items for jigging spoons and bladed jigs (split rings, snaps, 3d eyes, etc).
  6. Hey thanks. I’ll give them a call. That is where I buy my spinner bait skirts. The number listed on the web did not work.
  7. A friend of mine canned some carp. He got me to taste it. It was puredee nasty.
  8. Do you know if Rock Springs Tackle is open? I have been trying to call them but can’t get through.
  9. Any of you guys live there?
  10. Dutch


    I prefer to have them lightly steamed, but we grill them, bake them, and cut them up and use them in frittatas
  11. I don’t use a hammer when modifying a mold. I tape the item in place with masking tape then go to my largest bench vise. I put the mold in the vice and tighten it down. I also have used JB Weld but lately switched to RTV silicone.
  12. Maybe a Stay in Charge system for your boat is what you need.
  13. Dutch


    I fertilize mine as soon as I quit picking it. When the ferns turn brow I cut them off. I got 18 spears 3 days ago and 32 yesterday.
  14. I keep 2 bottles of Super Glue gel in the boat at all times. One is an unopened backup in the glove box while the other rides in a cup holder beside one of the consoles. I use it for all plastics which contact a jig head. The bottle in the cup holder stays there and has never blown out of the boat on the lake or on the road.
  15. I just got my second one in last week. I did so many mods to my first one that I decided to start over. I have used several different hooks up to 2/0. I prefer a Gamakatsu 1/0 that I got for 60% off on close out at Shorty's Hook Sales.
  16. You may want to try Barlows Tackle in Richardson TX. I just ordered a mold and some keepers from them I got them quickly. I don’t order plastics from them as I make my own, but I assume they would come as quickly as possible.
  17. Dutch

    Like Deer Hunting

  18. Excellent condition. No boat rash. $150 local pick up.
  19. Not at all. I went up. I fished between the Virgin bluff and Carrs. All of my fish were around ledgy points. I threw 3 colors of Zeros and caught fish on all of them. Alabama Craw was the best but PBJ was a close second.
  20. I was the third rig at the Cape Fair ramp this morning. When I left there were less than 10. I had a few green fish and some spotted ones. The only bites I could get were on a Zero. Water was 56° to 59°.
  21. I had to go to Stone Co today so I decided to run by Cape Fair. The first lot was full. The new lot above it was full. Many of the marina sites were taken. The west lot and any wide spot around it were taken. There must have been 30 trucks and trailers at the ramp next to Flat Creek Restaurant. I’ve never seen so many units in my life around there. We also must have met at least 20 boats between Cape Fair and Elsie. It
  22. Good to know. Thanks. Mine are from GL era and I’ve never had a problem with them.
  23. Are these rods from the Gary Loomis era or after he sold out?
  24. Dutch


    A friend of mine is catching smallmouth down by the dam. Like you I like the river. I hope to go tomorrow. I think I will start down around school house or JL hollow. We had some spinner bait and crank bait fish down there a while back. Are there a bunch os white bass chasers between Asher’s and Blunk’s?
  25. It is just about the same thing as we have had here in Greene County already.
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