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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. When I was looking at the ramps, I talked to a couple of guys at Hartley. They said they had to go up river to find there fish. They said it was tough.
  2. I don’t know. I’ve only been once and just had 12. If the rain settles down and the river mud clears, I plan to find out. Nothing is as good as it used to be before the Bull Shoals die off in 2002. I plan to go Wednesday but I will be a long ways from white bass country.
  3. The courtesy docks are pulled out of the water. COE left them close by. DNR has them a long ways out. The pontoon dock ar Hartley is the only close one that I saw.
  4. We have been self quarantined for several days now and I am going nuts. My doctor recommends I do this for 3 months. After lunch I am going to drive down to Stockton and have a look around. If there is anything worth mentioning I will report this evening.
  5. According to USGS it has come up 8 inches today.
  6. Much of the time deer cross a timber line that is about 240 yards from my lawn chair which I set up by my truck. Any closer and they might detour.
  7. I always sight in at 200 yards. That way I may be a bit high at 100 or less but can comfortably take longer shots.
  8. You may want to call COE or State Park and check on the curtesy dock situation the way the lake has risen.
  9. I can do line # test but don’t know about diameter. Ill see if I have it.
  10. There is going to be water coming down the James also. We have had 6” of rain at the farm south of Hurley in the last 4 days.
  11. They would definitely feed us with some left over. Nice looking specs there. So has muddy water made its way down to Hawker? I just can't catch fish in cold muddy water. It is a bit early for me to be down by the dam but warm weather may put me there looking for greenies.
  12. I had planned to watch March Madness. Now I am watching birds in the back yard fighting over worms. So far the score is Cards 4 and the Jays 2.
  13. These fronts can really mess with prespawn whites. I’ve seen a front come through and cause them to turn and head back toward the lake. All but 1 of the whites that we caught Friday were heavy with eggs but did not look real close to spawning.
  14. My wife has walked most of them while I was out fishing.
  15. I cannot catch fish in cold muddy water. I was on fish consistently in the James till muddy water came down last week and killed the bite.
  16. Some one must have we struggled in muddy Son’s Creek for 2 hours this am. Not a bite so I headed up river. Stopped on a couple of points and caught a dozen close to spawning female whites. We never had a black all day. Man that ne wind, cloud cover, and temps in the 40s did a number on this old body.
  17. I moved my operation south for the winter. Table Rock doesn’t treat me so bad in the winter. I do plan to be on Stockton maybe SonsCreek tomorrow.
  18. May be the same one I saw too far up Turkey creek by the bridge.
  19. That’s probably right but plane is too fast to dodge stuff. Besides the last time I tried it was with a guy who said he knew just how to go. That little trip cost me $800.
  20. He may have been. I don't know anything about river levels. All I know is what I read about lake levels. My boat won't go very far up a river.
  21. Welcome back hope all is well with you. Bass reports have been slim on this site.
  22. Perhaps we aren’t talking about the same levels. All I know about is the lake level as reported on USGS.
  23. Level holding around 870. I plan to go Friday if they don’t get too much rain down there.
  24. I use heat shrink tubing The Mud Hole. I like the red/black best.
  25. I’ll know for sure after Thursday. I’m really getting tired of Arigs and shaky.
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