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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. What kind of water temps are you guys seeing down there?
  2. Dutch

    CC area

    You are so right. I only make the run if I am looking for white bass or shallow crappie.
  3. I use either a 1/16 oz head or 1/8 oz head and a 2/0 or 4/0 Gammy hook with a swim bait or a fluke.
  4. Bo I totally understand what you are saying. When I was a kid I fished Flat Creek a lot. It was very clear and you could see everything that they did. I once watched a large hybrid at Truman come up and take a gizzard shad of about 10-12 inches by the tail. It just held it like a cat will do a baby rabbit. It let it go and when it tried to swim away it grabbed the tail and hung on again. This happened another time or two then it turned the shad lose and swam away.
  5. Dutch

    CC area

    I probably make that run from Mutton Creek to CC around 20 times each year. The most serious shallow water is above Springfield Cove. I don't run much over 40 mph because of all of the switch backs which at least double the distance. One can only follow the fields and stay away from the channel because that is where 90% of the trees are located. I spent a few minutes with google maps and got 16 miles from the dam to the Hwy Y bridge.
  6. Dutch

    CC area

    I think you are way underestimating the distance. It is close to 15 miles from Mutton Creek by water to the CC bridge as shown on my trip meter.
  7. Dutch

    CC area

    I'd say it is a bit less than a 40 mile boat ride from your CC to the real CC.😋
  8. Dutch

    CC area

    It is a few miles east of Greenfield off Hwy 160. Your best bet would be to look for it after you pass the intersection of Hwy 160 and Hwy 243. It is actually the Greenfield area but right at the CC bridge thus most of us refer to it as CC.
  9. I have some of the original ones that I bought in the 70s. I wonder what they are worth?
  10. Wrench I believe that is on waters where length limits apply. stuart I believe that could get someone a ticket.
  11. twenty bucks for the lot?
  12. Nice. I wish I could have been out today but was traveling back from Louisiana.
  13. The ramp at Beaver is supposed to be looked after by MDC. The closest guy to do that is like in West Plains. He told me to feel free to hook a chain on it and pull it up or back into it hook up a chain and push it out as I saw fit. That was several years ago when I fished down there a lot. As for River Run the COE told me that it would never happen because it would be a night mare to care for.
  14. I used to fish with a guy who would go roaring down a bank pull up and fish back. He said that it would wake them up.
  15. What part of the lake?
  16. I have no idea. I quit using the electric fence wire because it had to be reshaped after every fish.
  17. I have 1 now paired with my MK trolling motor. I want to remove a Lowrance in the console and replace it with a second Solix. Are there any issues running 2 of them networked?
  18. Money arrived and unit shipped.
  19. I have not been finding an early morning bite where I am fishing up the James. There is a little water color and there really isn't deep water. I am finding that I have to try a lot of water before I find a productive place. For example a friend and I caught 35 on 1 stretch a couple of weeks ago. The last two trips it has only given up 1 fish each trip. I had to keep moving to find fish and as the water has cooled each trip the fish are getting fewer and fewer.
  20. What part of the lake were you on? I am older than you and I just suck it up and throw the A. A couple of Tylenol before and after helps. This time of year I do better up in the rivers than main lake. I live close to Cape Fair. I was down there Saturday and Monday. The total count was 11 and 5 so not so great for me but it is still winter.
  21. Go to the sewing department in Wal-Mart. They have some really good ones that are knife sharp.
  22. I'll get back with you when it is out.
  23. They aren't much. This is just some electric fencing wire with some Bondo poured into a mold and some blades and heads. Later I got some real wire forms when Battlefield Wire was in business.
  24. I got my flyer today and looked through it. That thing was about as exciting as the Super Bowl. I did not find anything that I would buy if I were in the store let alone drive to Springfield for it.
  25. When I fry fish I deep fry them. I cut them up into chunks or strips and soak them in a mixture of milk, egg, and mustard. When the oil is hot I drop them into a gallon zip lock bag that has yellow cornmeal in it. I wallow them around till all are coated then put them in the fryer. When using a large fryer I take them out as soon as they float. In the Fry Daddy I watch them and pull them out as soon as they are a golden yellow. I've never had anyone complain about my fish. I don't care much for them baked but I do like to blacken them on occasion. I watched my neighbor cook some. He pulled his out when they were the color brown of the circle to the left that has a D in it. They looked plumb nasty. I'm sure glad he did not invite me to dinner.😈
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