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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Dutch

    Family History

    At what time? The French Revolution was over half a century before the Civil War.
  2. My guess is, if he messes with her she’ll slap a wild onion fart out of him sideways that will whistle like a freight train.
  3. One of my old fishing buddies does a lot and uses 65# braid. My braid of choice is Power Pro.
  4. I thought I was a Ned fisherman until today. I got schooled and a good waxing today. Thanks so much for the trip Jeff.
  5. The seats came yesterday afternoon. Now if I can get the boat back I will try them out.
  6. There was no consensus. I had a vote and she had a VOTE.
  7. https://www.fishingspecialties.com/shop/?olsPage=products%2F3d-livescope-bowducer-assembly&gclid=CjwKCAiAyfybBhBKEiwAgtB7ftWEAd1tCq1rpqJxZh3KKMfsoPJCUjwGey8VOUKEABAwvWC6ex2-pRoC1LUQAvD_BwE This is what I have. You need a bracket and plate for both sides of the boat.
  8. I smoked a turkey yesterday. My wife is getting the other stuff ready so we can take it to the farm later. I wanted guajalote mole poblano but got out voted.
  9. I’m wanting a 12’ rod for crappie fishing. I need one that is light weight but with enough backbone to hook them pull them up from 30’. Anyone got favorites in this category?
  10. Sounds like a pretty good day to me. How were you rigging your Ned?
  11. Sorry about that. What kind of cancer?
  12. Ok you guys have convinced me. I found a deal and ordered 2. Thanks for the recommendations.
  13. I see a cable kit as an add on. They have several models in the lineup. I don’t know how to choose.
  14. I went to their site just now. I didn’t see any with cables.
  15. I don’t know anything about them. His has straps. I’ll take a look at the cables. Thanks.
  16. I have a bad back. I always come home with it killing me even with Tylenol in my system. I got invited to go crappie fishing with an old friend. He had some different kind of seats in his boat. They looked more like lawn chairs than boat seats. I noticed that during the day my back wasn’t hurting. He doesn’t remember where he bought them. I think they were Millennium or something like that. Any of you know about this kind of seat?
  17. I have been trying to get rid of multifloral rose for 20 years. It apparently is spread by birds.
  18. I talked to a guy last night who went Thursday. He didn’t mention shad but said the crappie are moving deeper. They were 18’ deep. So just guessing but the shad must be moving out also.
  19. I used to have a neighbor who’s 200 acres joined one of our farms. He had one covey and we shared one. I would hunt them a couple of times each year. One day we were talking about the quail and he said that there used to be 10 coveys on just his farm. He wondered what had changed. We talked about how the land had been used and the fences. He said it had been a dairy farm. He had fields of Lespedeza, milo, corn and alfalfa. His fence rows were grown up. Now it had been changed to beef production with clean barbed wire fence rows and fescue pastures. He went from a lot of food and cover to no food and one brushy draw.
  20. Birds eat the berries in my asparagus then poop in the neighbors’ landscaping. They have no idea what the green ferny stuff is that they have growing.
  21. Dutch


    They should have done it last year at least. I for sure won’t miss Rogers.
  22. After all the green is gone is cutting time. Until then nutrients are being provided to the roots for next year’s spears. I usually wait until late December or later.
  23. She’s going on 7 and hasn’t missed a lick.
  24. Dutch


    I used to put compost on my garden with my Newer spreader. But now just on the yard.
  25. I don’t know how they could be quieter. At idle I have to look for the water stream to see if my Verado is running.
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