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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. I ran across these in the back of a shelf. They are Motor Guide. If any of you have a use for them I will send them to you for the cost of postage.
  2. You didn’t get all of them. They are all over my windshield too.
  3. Jeff and I got on the water by 06:30. We fished from Cape to above Walnut Springs. The sky was very cloudy with fog in the area. The air temp was 71° when we launched and 84° when we loaded. There was no pattern except shallow. Even on channel banks the fish were super shallow. We caught fish on a variety of crank baits, spinner baits, and jigs. Wacky worms and buzz baits were used but didn’t work. We caught 21 bass and one flat head. The size was small but it sure beat mowing the yard. We fished around a bunch of bait eaters. Jeff left a couple of cranks and I left several jigs.
  4. I am not a striper guy, but if you plan to get into this you should be able to shorten the learning curve by hiring a guide.
  5. They are yours.
  6. I used to do a lot of crappie and white bass fishing and camped at the lake for a month or more at a time. I made my own jigs as well as some for friends. Now I mostly just bass fish. I have a variety of jigs that are not and won’t be used by me. Flat rate shipping is around $10. I’m not looking to make a profit so if any of you want them, pm me and I will send them for $15 including shipping. The pic isn’t all of them.
  7. That sure beats what I was doing this morning. Glad you got to go.
  8. You are missing the point completely.
  9. I joined this site because it was a family site for fishing and hunting. All that has gone away. It reminds me of why I quit going to the barbershop and early morning coffee.
  10. Who could blame him for leaving a nonpaying limited power position.
  11. It was a beautiful morning. All it lacked was biting fish. Thanks for the trip.
  12. Dutch


    What grain is it. Most flour is wheat which I’ve never seen gluten free.
  13. Dutch


    No gluten, so are you using rice flour, oat flour or something else?
  14. Dutch

    What's Cooking?

    I don’t but one thing I used to do was cut fish into cubes, lightly boil them then dip them in cocktail sauce (poor man’s lobster).
  15. The humidity was too high to open the windows around here today. I did have to open both ends of the garage and a couple of side windows then torn on the pole fan go get the air moving. In the summer it builds up heat during the day and the insulation won’t let it out during the night.
  16. Dutch


    What’s the recipe?
  17. Dutch


    It took 5 hours and several miles of boating to get them.
  18. I’m in year 11 since I had mine done. I had my astigmatism corrected with toric lenses while he was at it. It was an extra $1,000 per eye. That has saved me a bundle with no glasses for all this time. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.
  19. Dutch


    My neighbor and I fished out of Cape Fair today. When we quit it was 90°, the water was 90°, and we had caught 10 bass. All of the fish were in skinny water from 1-3 feet. Spinnerbaits were the best. We fished from the marina to Asher’s and back. There were very few others out there. We had 4 nice keepers up to 18”. 9 were lmb and 1 was a spot.
  20. Jeff and I met at 06:00 today looking for a top water bite. We used my boat so we could survey the area with live scope. There was scattered surface action and always too far away to reach with a cast. After a while we switched to Keitech swim baits. The fish were 30-35’ deep in 35-40 fow. There was a mixture of lmb, spots, and whites but not as many as last time. The one I could see on the scope wouldn’t react to my bait at all. We also caught a few in other places but it was a tough morning for me. We wound up with 10 whites and 6 or 8 blacks. Jeff the swim bait guy caught most of them. It was pretty windy. Spot Lock was a lifesaver. The water was 83° in most places. The air was 78-89°. Very few other fishermen were out there.
  21. Like Marty and Mike I have the Rapala lithium knife. When it works it works good, however, I don’t get much life from the batteries. I’ve had 2 of them. The first one got a blade hung in it and no one could get it out.
  22. It was better than we thought it would be. If it weren’t for luck it would have been a long day. I am glad that we went to that secret Jeff fish getting spot. It is like my old buddy Lefty Evans always said, “I’d rather be lucky than good any day.” Thanks for the invite Jeff.
  23. I could join you guys at McCord Bend. I don’t think it’s deep enough for me to go much above that.
  24. My s-i-l called a bob cat in while we were turkey hunting. He was on the ground next to a tree.
  25. If you drove by it you for sure wouldn’t go.
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