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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Our farm house is oak framed. The floor joists are full 2x12 oak and haven’t moved over 60 years. The roof is straight as a string. The barn is hand hewn 10 x10 mortise and tendon oak cut off the farm. It is circa 1898 and standing tall.
  2. I buy my scissors in the sewing department at Walmart. They are super sharp and cheap.
  3. You just keep telling yourself that and don’t bother to fish where it’s windy. Me I’ll take a good strong fall wind blowing from the same direction for three days and enjoy myself whether the food chain is there or not. By the way the wind moves the algae. The zooplankton, shad and shad eaters follow.
  4. Dutch


    I’m guessing it is the Hwy 7 bridge.
  5. If the weather works out I plan to go back down on Monday morning. I have made some baits that may be a better offering.
  6. From what I saw yesterday morning I’m sure that they will be. I got a late start last fall and only got to go twice, not like when I used to camp at Dam Site for several weeks and fish for them every day.
  7. I put on backing because sometimes I have several setups with braid on them. I tie them together and put a piece of tape over the knot.
  8. That’s my guess. They will be long gone before I get back down there. I will be there in the fall.
  9. Like I figured I didn’t get there very early. It was almost 9 by the time I got there. Some were still busting shad but they were scattered. I managed 14 before they quit. I’d like to be there at first light and see what is happening but I’d have to get up by 03:30 and that wouldn’t be any fun.
  10. If I get to go I will probably be too late for surfacing whites. Thanks for being willing to help.
  11. I won’t be there in the evening. It will be morning. I normally launch at Nemo or Lightfoot. Which arm will be most likely to have surface activity?
  12. Dutch

    Put On Hold

    I think I meant for you. Not me or oneshot.
  13. I plan to head down there Thursday of Friday morning. Do you mind sharing the area of the lake where you have been seeing them and the time of day? I would love to get in on some of that action.
  14. Check your pm.
  15. Dutch

    Put On Hold

    Titanium knees in the future.
  16. Who’s that and why paint the board black?
  17. Dutch


    When I did a lot of night fishing down by the dam I couldn’t have a light on for more than a few seconds or they would be all over me. Windy nights kept them away.
  18. Dutch


    I don’t know what species they are but it is very common to have them by the millions like that at night. The thickest I have seen them is at Cedar Ridge.
  19. Got you. Thanks.
  20. Do you use a slip bobber? Is that how you know the depth?
  21. Won’t pay what on covid, meds, hospitals, funerals??
  22. Dutch


    It’s been a long time since I got on whites surfacing. It was always a lot of fun. Congrats.
  23. Please let us know when they get it finished.
  24. So was this from your boat or from the bluff?
  25. I know where he learned that.
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