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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by WoundedOne

  1. Yes i did and called and removed yesterday
  2. Not going to make it for overnight stay. @Phil Lilley let me know what reservation fee is. @Quillback Sorry Jeff you have an extra seat for Saturday. I may be able to swing by Saturday for a few hours around lunch.
  3. Let me know when it gets closer. They weather is perfect to get some cheese cold smoking, and let it mellow out for a few weeks. Going to smoke some cheese in next day or so. Marty and i will have some good cheese to share. I will bring Crackers and water for the group, and some smoked deer jerky to.
  4. I will fish with you saturday Jeff.
  5. Just made my reservation. See you all soon.
  6. I am open to this also. Great idea and should be lots of fun.
  7. Shout out to my friend Britt. Excited to see it..
  8. Just go fishing who needs all this crap. Beat the bank, find em trees like good old days. People spend more time these days lookin at a screen in life instead of just enjoy the outdoors. NO ELECTRONICS OR SCREENS. Stop looking down, Head up and look around is my motto.
  9. @BilletHead He is the man on this
  10. Very cool. Its going to be a nice addition.
  11. This should be renamed to Weatherfest...Like Ducky says them fish dont care if its cold or raining they are already wet and cold.
  12. I am out this year. have a graduation to attend.
  13. You should come to JigFest.
  14. @gotmuddy I will be there Thursday as well.
  15. What about you Marty? Can you come play for a few days?
  16. That sounds great Cody. I am in for dates. Will stay at Cedar with you all. I can bring Oil for fryer.
  17. I will take the lot shipped. 


    14108 Duke Lane

    Diamond mo,64840

    does paypal work?

  18. I am ready. Gettin license soon. Got out a ran the motor for a bit in the yard started right up.
  19. Happy Birthday Jeff
  20. I have a Pin oak tree that has been healthy for several years that the wife and I planted. Last week I mowed yard and it was fine, within 3-4 days it turned brown. Not just a couple of leaves the whole tree. It looks like there is some Japanese bettle's or insect damage on some of the leaves but I have seen this before and it was just isolated to a few leaves. I have researched a little about this I wonder if it is Oak Wilt. No cure for Oak Wilt if this is the case. I am attaching a few pics that I have. I went to George Washington Carver State Park as it is close for advise and got nothing but a referral to MDC Neosho office. No response yet. I am concerned that this may affect other trees if in fact this is Oak Wilt. Please advise on next steps. Thanks Michael
  21. This transducer was designed for use and was/is packed with the 898c SI, 898c HD SI, 987c SI, 997c SI, 998c SI, 998c HD SI, 999ci HD SI, 1197c SI, 1198c SI, 1199ci HD SI, HELIX 10 SI GPS, HELIX 12 CHIRP SI GPS models. This transducer can also be used with those products listed above under the XNT 9 SI 180 T . However, those models do NOT support the 800 kHz elements in this transducer.* Individuals may see enhanced performance from the 455 kHz element in the XHS 9 HDSI 180 T over that of the XNT 9 SI 180 T I currently have the The compact Side Imaging transducer, part number XNT 9 SI 180 T is made up of the following frequencies and beam angles:200/83/455 kHz20/60/180 degrees Let me knw hat you got. Thanks in advance
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