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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Yep it's all about what values and guidance their parents bestowed upon them.....or didn't. And yes Al, it's getting more and more common. I bet the number of honks I hear on a yearly basis when driving has grown exponentially in the last 15 years.
  2. That could very well be.
  3. When I used to go there as a kid, I remember you needed to be on the water as the buzzer was going off to really catch them quickly. The frenzy lasted for the first 2-3 minutes. I would always start out with a rooster tail so I could get the first 2-3 fish as quickly as possible without messing around with dough bait. I would always carry a bucket to put the fish in so I didn't waste any time putting then on a stringer. After a few minutes I would switch to Velveeta cheese. It seems nowadays they don't release near the amount of fish they used to. You have to struggle a lot harder for the fish.
  4. Sounds like a guy with a truck with lots of door dings has done this kind of thing before and wouldn't think twice about being a jerk. Maybe he thought he was cool in front of his friend. Maybe that statement that he would never own a car like that meant he was looking to get paybacks....who knows. He's a jerk anyway and sounds like a young kid. A kid on Manchester road almost T Boned my daughter and I after he was racing another new Charger like his. He went around me and turned back in my lane very quickly, almost clipping my front bumper to show me what he thought. He then floored it and got up to about 90 then had to lock the tires up because he almost nailed a guy making a left in front of him. He turned into his subdivision after that and I followed him to find out where he lived. I rolled down the window and told him he better learn how to drive. He told me I pulled out in front of him. I drove away thinking I would call the police later and tell them the story. I really think the Ballwin police would pay him a visit if I called.
  5. Do you think the guy did it on purpose because he thought you parked too close to the line and thought he would get you back?
  6. Looks like a goggle eye
  7. You and Doty need to dress up in tactical gear and form Seal Team L
  8. Oh boy, I'll say a prayer
  9. People amaze me....that response, "it's a parking lot" wouldn't have set too well with me
  10. The smoothest whiskey I've ever had is Jeffersons Reserve
  11. That's because you weren't using the WII Kinect......get with the program man
  12. Yea, I don't think the buzzbait color matters too much. I watched a couple of George Cochran videos where he would tweak the blades with more cup for a slower speed in the mornings and used darker Buzzbaits, as the day progressed, he would flatten out the blades a tad to make it faster and use a white color. Pretty sure he liked a long rod with a medium tip to delay the hookset a little. I'm a walk the dog guy mostly but have had my tail handed to me sometimes on the river with guys throwing buzzbaits.
  13. Mitch f


    Yes he can catch fish in that stuff
  14. If they could figure out a strain of organism that only kills Asian carp.
  15. Most guys I've seen use both colors during the day depending what time of day it is.
  16. Nice fish and now because you were impaled by a hook you have a rite of passage into river smallie heaven.
  17. That's very cool Pete
  18. Mitch f

    By the Way....

    Its all about the dynamic ability to hide PED's...plain and simple
  19. Mitch f


    Good luck Aaron! Let us know how it goes
  20. Only when I used to take my 90 pound lab for a walk in my subdivision. But I was carrying a plastic bag!
  21. Interesting factoid about hogs.... I met a couple of girls my senior year that had no idea that pork was a noun too!
  22. Very nice, now remember what you did and take notes. But I wouldn't trust 6 pound test anymore!
  23. No one was diminishing it, good call
  24. I don't accept this finding of yours, the trouble typically comes from one source.
  25. Yep, queer is the new bad word. I'm a bad boy!
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