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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Very cool on the state record! Getting tangled in a trot line....horrible
  2. Seth showed me a thing or two today as well! That storm was pretty bad! We hauled tail to the ramp to find a guy trailering his boat by himself! 2-3 ft white caps and trees breaking and falling on the other side of the ramp! Scary stuff but great memories! Thanks Seth!
  3. Some here could relate
  4. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    If you can sweet dill pickles, I might seriously have to re-evaluate our friendship.
  5. Since we're discussing this, why would you use a slip sinker in addition to the jig head? Is it for a rattle sound since you fish at night often? Does it add an extra "umph" to the hookset? Does it allow the fish to pick up a lighter weight and not be spooked?
  6. Send TrophyFshR a message. Man, I'll bet youll miss Kreis' Steak House!
  7. I've had one of these for years...caught a few bass with it. Looks like the same thing. http://www.jackall-lures.com/test/products/topwater_dagored.html
  8. If you have the time, this is possibly the greatest insight I've heard on the subject:
  9. God Bless LEO's......having to deal with people everyday who are talking about retaliation against them, people who have been taught from birth to treat them with disrespect, and people who's politicians fan the flames for political benefit. Worse yet, when many or most allegations are disproved, no punishment is given, encouraging more of the same crap.
  10. Welcome! and Go Cardinals!!!?
  11. This one goes out to JoeD in good ole STL
  12. 3 miles from my house http://m.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/ballwin-officer-shot-during-traffic-stop-is-in-hospital-fighting/article_2def1b64-a632-5ea7-b5f0-031f4dd1bce3.html
  13. i miss when people were responsible for their own actions.....I'm watching the situation develop in Dallas as we chat.
  14. I miss Chris Schenkel
  15. Very nice!
  16. Those ZMan heads seem like they would fall way too slow for my taste, exactly how you described. I work my jig very slow most of the time...but that's when it's already on the bottom!?
  17. Not sure why, they are killers on the rivers!
  18. yea, without a weed guard you waste too much time not fishing during the day.
  19. Great stuff Dave!!
  20. Very nice!
  21. If you dont want to do it, don't do it...if you're poor, dont be so easily offended...I thought you were a tough guy?
  22. The understatement of the year!!?
  23. I noticed the same thing They claim that bass can see 7 times further in the water than us?
  24. I'll be here all week! But seriously folks, don't forget to catch and release! Bye bye
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