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I think the real point here should be how little people are aware of who was president and who did what. Ignorance is bliss. Polls are biased. But i am encouraged by this pole from Louisiana. Only 29% blamed Obama. I also noted Obama was a Yankee senator not just a senator or a senator from Illinois. Bias is everywhere in everything. .

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Yup most of the blame goes to the media, who failed to mention several things Like the fact that Katrina didn't really hit NO hard but the city wasn't really ready with a corrupt police department and questionable levees. Like contract truck drivers not wanting to go into NO because of reports of shooting. The hardest hit was Mississippi and you hear little about it. A few years after the governor said that 90% of the blame for the deaths in NO were the fault of the mayor and 10%, I believe was the figure she used, was hers for believing what he told her before Katrina hit. She said the federal government had nothing to do with death and destruction.

As far as what some people know about, unfortunately the vote.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.


Lesson 2. Don't pay attention to polls.

Unless there is a stripper swinging around one :)

-- Jim

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles. -- Doug Larson


So mic for all of your inner city Democrat friends with coexist stickers on their bumpers.....what were their responses in your lame butt poll??? and it was Katrina not the ghetto version you used ...Catrina. I think I would be a little more concerned with Barry get forcing us to be involved in Syria and what are his hidden agendas as to why we are going to oppose Russia and China on this???? If it is a few hundred men, women and children getting gassed???? Then where was Bill Clinton during Rwanda???..... se how gay that sounds to compare crap from the past with stuff of today??? I hear from libs everyday about George Bush.

Every good Republican should have a liberal friend, and I can be yours. So to help all of my backwoods republican friends: Obama was not the President in 2005 when Catrina hit the Gulf.

A recent poll in Lousiana showed that 28% of Republicans blamed the poor response to Catrina on Bush. Not really suprising as there was a lot of things that went wrong, and a lot of people to blame. HOWEVER, 29% blamed Obama and 44% weren't sure if Obama or Bush was to blame for the poor government response. So if you get a call from a pollster. Obama was a yankee Senator in 2005 and did not work in the executive branch. It is a trick question.


I agree, It is everyone's personal responsibility to be aware of the weather threat and to leave when the time is right. I'm not blaming the failure of knuckleheads to do the right thing on the government. I'm blaming the local government for failure to follow the emergency plans that lots of time and money were spent developing when the emergency happened.

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


One size doesn't fit all. Not all the people had the means to evacuate, the nursing home comes to mind. In a real world Nagin would never had been reelected, a real media would have picked him apart.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.


Lighten up Lucy... my comment was not on politics of the Presidents, but on the enlightment of the voting public. One could find polls like this in a DEM state.

Just to clarify... I'm right down the middle in politics and believe every topic should be handled on a case by case basis.

Just to clarify... I believe Presidents get to much praise when things go well and to much blame when things gone wrong.

Just to clarify... Hindsight is 20/20. I think the break down of responsiblities between the states and the federal government was the core problem with Catrina.

Just to clarify... I think the core problem with American politics is gerrymandering. The voting districts are designed to seperate Americans into catagories and make Congress seats to safe. So we, the voters, can always point fingers at the other guy and nothing gets done.

Just saying....

So mic for all of your inner city Democrat friends with coexist stickers on their bumpers.....what were their responses in your lame butt poll??? and it was Katrina not the ghetto version you used ...Catrina. I think I would be a little more concerned with Barry get forcing us to be involved in Syria and what are his hidden agendas as to why we are going to oppose Russia and China on this???? If it is a few hundred men, women and children getting gassed???? Then where was Bill Clinton during Rwanda???..... se how gay that sounds to compare crap from the past with stuff of today??? I hear from libs everyday about George Bush.


Unless there is a stripper swinging around one :)

Come on now.......Miley needed the money!!

"Honor is a man's gift to himself" Rob Roy McGregor


Wayne the government made busses available for people to leave including shuttles to come pick up people who had no means to get to them. All efforts pre-kitty were made to evacuate everyone who wanted to leave. After it hit they were on their own and justifiably so. All the government agencies told people they might not be able to help them during or after the storm for some time. It really isn't governments job to put others in harms way for stupid people.

This really isn't about politics as it is about people wanting hand outs and crying when they don't get them fast enough. Substitute the words Katrina for Sandy and see the same thing.

Here is the truest sign it was going to be bad... When you see every Democrat and Republican all agreeing it will be devastating and all agreeing people need to get out and even going on the News together agreeing and telling people get out. People need to listen and GET OUT you NEVER see them all agree on anything they did on this and that should have scared the hell out of everyone to GET OUT.

Now as to the new topic at hand.

We need less Miley and more Miranda! and if Miley was on a pole I would demand my money back for the cover charge and beer I spit up.

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