Smalliebigs Posted July 28, 2016 Posted July 28, 2016 DJPV\bh &ÌÒØÞ; PV\ ÐÖÜâ T ¦¬² &$*;`fl ¦¬ à Flysmallie 1
Old plug Posted July 28, 2016 Posted July 28, 2016 I wonder if any of you people seen that wrap up of last nights convention. Of course it was a black guy doing the honors and I can really understand what that means on this forum. But you got to hand it too him he really put on a preformance.
Mitch f Posted July 28, 2016 Posted July 28, 2016 1 hour ago, Old plug said: But you got to hand it too him he really put on a preformance. Feel good politics only, I'm more convinced by his actions, his words don't mean much. "Honor is a man's gift to himself" Rob Roy McGregor
Mitch f Posted July 28, 2016 Posted July 28, 2016 11 hours ago, Al Agnew said: I'm somewhat voting on the Supreme Court, but also against the Republican platform. I ain't sure Trump really buys into the platform, but there are some scary things in it. Advocating selling off "selected" public lands (with no mention of WHICH lands) should scare anybody that hunts and fishes on federal land. Agreed, but let's look at a more clear and present land grab of sorts, going on right now. When people keep piling across the border pregnant, they have a check in their hand in 72 hours. Millions of illegals doing a land grab around our "secured" border. I remember you wrote about going on an African Safari where there was a huge fenced ( If memory serves) border around it. The native had to walk 5 miles each way to break in and steal firewood. Even thought you felt sorry for the guy, you knew that if the park allowed everyone to do it, there wouldn't be a park anymore. I feel this is what's going on right now with the sanctuary cities and such. BilletHead 1 "Honor is a man's gift to himself" Rob Roy McGregor
Quillback Posted July 28, 2016 Posted July 28, 2016 7 hours ago, MOPanfisher said: I hear ya spoondog, I am similar but on the other side. I know a lot of what Trump claims to want and will do, I also know he doesn't have the authority to do almost any of it, and honestly I am counting on the rest of Congress (can't believe I said that) to keep him under control, the reason I am counting on them is that we as citizens have the ability to flood them with our opinions and more than anything they like to please so them will be re elected. I would have to stay home before I could vote for HC, and the SCOTUS is ultimately to me more important, their decisions/opinions will affect us for the next 50 years. I may throw up a little when I vote this time. I'm convinced HC is going to win. And to your point, hopefully Congress will keep her in line and hopefully keep her from spending us further into debt. That's my biggest concern, our fiscal situation and current economic stagnation. Neither candidate is addressing those issues. What do we have now, 40% of Americans need food assistance, close to 50% don't make enough to pay federal income tax, median income is stagnant, GDP growth is anemic, interest rates at the fed level are still close to zero. One candidate basically proposes that this is good and we should maintain status quo, the other doesn't offer any kind of realistic solutions. 300 million people in this country and these are the 2 candidates we end up with? I am really disgusted with out presidential candidate selection process. Lately I have been trying to disconnect myself from this whole race, it just pizzes me off. I didn't even want to comment here, but I guess I just did. Flysmallie, Mitch f, MOPanfisher and 2 others 5
Mitch f Posted July 28, 2016 Posted July 28, 2016 7 minutes ago, Quillback said: I'm convinced HC is going to win. Hey, they re-elected Marion Berry in DC after he was caught on video tape using crack cocaine with a prostitute, of course she could win. "Honor is a man's gift to himself" Rob Roy McGregor
MOPanfisher Posted July 28, 2016 Posted July 28, 2016 Quillback, I don't disagree with anything you said. The problem with both candidates is they are saying the things they think they need to "Make America Great Again", awesome, how. At this point both are pretty short on details or specifics. Let's level the playing field on manufacturing and imporing goods. Have a court that subsidizes manufacturing so it can be sold cheaper in the US, well that's what tariffs are for. Make a HUGE push to make and buy American, help kids who want to go to college (not free, although things like the A Plus program are great, my son is taking advantage of it now). The little school/town here, so many kids were on free or reduced lunches, that they decided to make all school lunches for the kids free. My daughter and son in law both have jobs, and are never more than one large expense or missed paycheck from bankrupt. They can't afford daycare for my grandson, and can't afford to lose one of their jobs either. It is very tough economically right now for most people and I think the draw of Trump is that he is different. Don't know that he is better than anyone else but at least different. Quillback and Old plug 2
Quillback Posted July 28, 2016 Posted July 28, 2016 MoPanfisher, I am not disagreeing with you either. Just wanted to throw a couple things out there.
DADAKOTA Posted July 28, 2016 Posted July 28, 2016 Not sure how we have gotten to the point that people expect the government to provide everything for them. I am all about giving a hand up to those who need it. I do not think that the government handouts should be a lifestyle. Cigarettes, alcohol, etc. should not be purchased. Drug testing should be mandatory as well as assistance to find a job, job training, etc. Maybe the best idea is to just give folks the food they need and not give them a choice. That way they won't be eating crab legs and steak on the govt. dime. Why should the government pay for someone to babysit your kids? If you can't afford kids then don't have them. If you can't feed your family then get rid of your I-phone, internet, cable TV, flat screen, etc. and get another job. The American dream is there for those who work for it. Go to school get an education. The infrastructure of this country and our cities is deplorable. Put folks to work fixing these problem areas. As a country we can not continue to support the world and every country with a crisis thus driving ourselves deeper in debt. Does anyone help us when a tornado hits or a hurricane or an earthquake? When we send troops, planes, equipment, etc. does anyone help with the cost? If we are going to stick our nose into a skirmish we should only go to win. No more police actions. If we save your keister then you should repay us for doing so. If you are not a citizen of this country you should not receive a cent in government assistance. We have too many citizens that need help to be subsidizing non-citizens. There are ways to become a citizen. Learn what they are and then work towards it. Learn to speak English as that is the language of the USA.
Flysmallie Posted July 28, 2016 Posted July 28, 2016 7 hours ago, Smalliebigs said: DJPV\bh &ÌÒØÞ; PV\ ÐÖÜâ T ¦¬² &$*;`fl ¦¬ à Quit talking with your mouth full. Daryk Campbell Sr and Smalliebigs 2
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