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14 minutes ago, dtrs5kprs said:

It was higher than 933 in April 2011. High was 936 and change. Think it hit 935 ish in 2008. The winter flood was odd in 2015, but not the highest. 

Still trying to reconcile why after a 7' jump, and a literally disastrous forecast, they didn't move some water through. Imagine they would like to have any amount less now.

I raised that issue earlier this week!!  I would think that if I'm smart enough to get out of dodge, that the COE would be smar........................oh never mind!!!

1 minute ago, Quillback said:

You would think that they would learn based on past experience.  I know it is easy for us arm chair experts to second guess, but dang this one sure didn't sneak up on us.

Nope. And it started when they let it jump from 907 to that 912 or so.


Maybe crops in white river bottoms and available water later in the summer just are flat worth more $$ than Branson properties and wrecked tourist dollar years for resort owners? 

Although the Corps isn't on the hook for any of those dollars either way... Could a class action suite make them have to compestate the folks they keep flooding? 

4 hours ago, grizwilson said:


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Posted 4/30/2017

Release no. 17-052

Laurie Driver

BRANSON, Mo. – The Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District will increase spillway releases at 11 a.m. today at Table Rock Dam.

This morning 12 spillway gates will be opened to 1.5 feet releasing 20,000 cubic feet per second in addition to the 10,000 c.f.s. being released through the turbine generators.  The total release will be 30,000 c.f.s.

The lake is expected to crest tomorrow around elevation 933 to 933.5 feet above sea level.  Hourly inflows into the lake have been between 250,000 and 300,00 c.f.s. since midnight. 

Daily lake information can be obtained at www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil or the Corps’ mobile App which can be found in mobile App stores by searching for USACE Little Rock. 

That's definately better than 935


1400 update:



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Posted 4/30/2017

Release no. 17-053

Laurie Driver

BRANSON, Mo. – The Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District will increase spillway releases at 2 p.m. today from Table Rock Dam.

This afternoon 10 spillway gates will be opened to 3 feet releasing 38,500 cubic feet per second in addition to the 10,000 c.f.s. being released through the turbine generators.  The total release will be 48,500 c.f.s. but will increase by as much as 1,000 c.f.s. as the lake continues to rise, making the total release reach about 50,000 c.f.s. Future rainfall may cause the Corps to increase releases from Table Rock Lake.

The lake is expected to crest tomorrow around elevation 933 to 933.5 feet above sea level.  Hourly inflows into the lake have average 198,000 for the previous six hours. 

Daily lake information can be obtained at www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil or the Corps’ mobile App which can be found in mobile App stores by searching for USACE Little Rock. 

“If a cluttered desk is a sign, of a cluttered mind, of what then, is an empty desk a sign?”- Albert Einstein

55 minutes ago, Quillback said:

You would think that they would learn based on past experience.  I know it is easy for us arm chair experts to second guess, but dang this one sure didn't sneak up on us.

Now Quill you do realize this is the government right......it takes a time or 2...maybe 3 or 4

30 APR 2017 15:35
                                                           TOP      TOP              FEET ABOVE
                                             --CHANGE--    CONS.    FLOOD   PERCENT    NORMAL
     LAKE              DATE  TIME    ELEV    1-HR  24-HR   ELEV     ELEV    STORAGE     POOL
 Beaver Lake         30APR17 1400  1131.20  0.00   3.23   1120.43  1130.0 113.4 F.C.    10.8
 Table Rock Lake     30APR17 1400   930.84   .28   9.92    915.00   931.0  98.9 F.C.    15.8
 Bull Shoals Lake    30APR17 1400   676.36   .19   9.20    659.00   695.0  43.3 F.C.    17.4
 Norfork Lake        30APR17 1400   576.80   .37  15.46    553.75   580.0  86.1 F.C.    23.0
 Greers Ferry Lake   30APR17 1400   465.71   .10   3.13    462.04   487.0  13.1 F.C.     3.7
 Clearwater Lake     30APR17 1400   556.78   .91  31.58    494.00   567.0  75.2 F.C.    62.8
 Blue Mountain Lake  30APR17 1400   392.16   .14   4.06    387.00   419.0   8.7 F.C.     5.2
 Nimrod Lake         30APR17 1400   350.41  0.00   1.30    345.00   373.0  10.2 F.C.     5.4

Look at these numbers......If I read this right the water level change at TR was 9.92 ft in 24 hours?? And it is 15.8 ft above normal pool....wow.... 

I have a friend that works for the Corp. out of Kansas City - after the last flooding event both on the MO river and on TR I talked to him about how they make decisions...he did say there was a "book" or master plan that is supposed to be followed.

Between major rain events I am sure that there are many more green spaces turned into parking lots and buildings being built that need to have water run off when before there was a chance for the ground to soak it up. 

Frankly when I look at the chain of lakes, Beaver to Norfolk and given the water shed acres I am not sure how you would ever get it "right" 


A Cornhusker


They need to tear up that book and write a new one.  I don't have the answers, but they really need to take a look at what looks to be a repeating sequence of events and come up with a plan to handle it.  Things change, you have to change your procedures. 


Drain the Swamp!

So tired of these bureaucrats trying to reassure us with their numbers mumbo jumbo!

Their (COE) statement on Friday was pure garbage!

How about this "book":


Reminds me of the line (paraphrased) from a Woody Allen movie:

"My Brother thinks he's a chicken. We were going to take him to a psychiatrist, but we need the eggs"



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