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Maybe because I am just old enough to see how much things have changed, in 1970 Ozark, Missouri had a population of 2384 in 1980 it was 2980 took 10 years to jump about 600 people...now its almost 20k...Our population in this part of the country is getting to the point we can't afford to allow the small % of people that cause litter, pollution, over harvesting game, or get drunk, cause problems to the general population....at one time I could go to Branson/Silver Dollar City and probably see someone I knew...

I lived in San Antonio for about 8 years moving back to Carthage in 2011, I realized when you are anonymous people can and will do things they might not if someone knows them. I can't remember ever going anywhere seeing anyone I or my Wife (who lived there all of her life) that we ever knew...ever.....

This area's water using population, has been blessed,...with in a reasonable drive from my home in Carthage, Mo...we have Grand Lake, Beaver, Table Rock, Taneycomo, Bullshoals Stockton, Truman, Lake of the Ozarks, not counting Trout parks and the many many Floatable/wade-able rivers/creeks..... Outdoor using population was spread out.

I have seen the newly in this country devastate the places I used to wade fish a short drive from my home, They being used to subsisting living, didn't understand that pound and a half Smallee he caught on a pop can wrapped with fishing line using a hook/shot and worm he dug, was more than a meal to those who have grew up fishing here.

I used to fish over 300 days a year, if we fished LOZ and got tired of fishing, we buzzed past the party cove to see busty co-eds looking for Mr $ to get their MRS degree. We knew if you hit the main lake on Grand you had to watch for the big Cruiser yacht's wakes that would submarine almost any Bass boat long after they passed. You fished Table rock early in the year before the lake got warm enough for the water sports folks came out in force. You could fish down lake on Taney and catch huge bass most never ever knew where there and never see more than a handful of people fishing even on a weekend in May...Then there was Stockton(except for the hand full of sailboats) was a fishing lake most times too rough to water ski..(got a bit more when PWC became popular)...It was by design a fishing lake, restrictions on boat docks and limited ownership of lakeshore property...on a late July night, I could fish and see the stars like I was in a planetarium. Catch monster Smallmouth and walleyes, and hear sounds that carried across the water at night..

I guess what I am saying is hearing drunks party, and wanna be Musicians butcher their cover of Sweet Home Alabama clear to point 6 on Stockton.... or a Jet boat tour blasting past like a Miss Budweiser unlimited hydroplane is the straws that broke the camels back

MONKEYS? what monkeys?


u enjoy the lake as u see fit and others will enjoy the lake as they see fit. 

have u and ur tried going to talk with the Owners of Mutton to voice your opinion

Like stated previously if you and ur buddies can front what they make in revenue for a month or a season then you guys might have a way of changin things GOOD LUCK

15 hours ago, fishinwrench said:

........but it almost always happens that rowdy hell raisers come to calm quiet places and force their atmospheric wishes, forcing the other team to either DEAL WITH IT OR LEAVE.   And that is bull anyway you try to justify it.



I posted about this topic on the Stockton Forum (Simple Question) and with regards of how they felt about it and i wasnt surprised by the response 


Actually Stockton was not designed "as a fishing lake".  It was part of the COE's overall flood control plan and included Truman lake.  Truman was supposed to be built before Stockton, but the Lake Association through many trips to DC got Stockton built first.  When Stockton was built first the Corps. wanted to name it Truman but the Lake Association wasn't having any of that. One of the major draws for the Committee was economic development.  My wife's GPA was the President of the Association and had been on the one at Table Rock.  The construction of Stockton lake was popular with a lot of folks and very unpopular with others.  Lots of old family farms, houses, etc.  were inundated by Stockton lake and there were lots of hard feeling on both sides.  MoCarp your quiet, pristine lake caused much heartache to those that lived/farmed in its footprint.  At one time there were plans for Holiday Inn  to build a large hotel, conference center, and golf course in the Umber area.  I have seen the plans.  It was envisioned that Stockton would develop similarly to Table Rock, but that has not happened.   Progress and change take place and some do not get their way or get to keep things as they were.  Mind you, all change/progress is not good, but we can't expect things to stay 100% the same as the population of this Country grows and technology advances.  I'm glad Stockton is the lake that it is.  Usually quiet, peaceful, and uncrowded.  I fish all over the lake and rarely fish at night.  Boogie fever going on at Mutton doesn't disturb me at all.  I'd guess the band deal is a weekend thing during tourist season 3 months out of the year.  If anyone would be upset by the music it should be those camping at Mutton.  Apparently it has not caused a mass exodus from the campground and impacted the owners bottom line.   To me a far greater concern are the giant boats and the tweakers and thieves that hit the various boat ramps around Missouri's lakes as well as steal from the docks and marinas.


1980 was nearly forty years ago, and given the limitations of physics there's literally nothing you can do to make then now.  If that's your singular goal, the only thing you can hope to accomplish in the process is making yourself just absolutely miserable- a total pill.  If that's the case then you can never be completely rid of the a-holes; at the end of the day you're still stuck with you.  

And why 1980?  Forty years before that Stockton didn't even exist, should we go back to then?  Forty years before that, everyone was using canoes- should that be our goal?  You're arbitrarily picking a point in time which maximizes your benefit while only other groups bear the costs.  Let's call it what it is.

If you don't want to share a public resource that's fine.  But then the problem isn't everyone else.  Having been around longer doesn't confer any special privilege to decide who gets to enjoy the resource and when, what they get to wear, what they get to drink.  If their activities are making other users unsafe, or if they're damaging the resource, sure- let's reign it in.  But beyond that, live and let live. 

If someone told you to quit fishing their dock because they believe tricking and scaring a poor defenseless fish and stabbing it in the face is amoral, most of us would probably laugh and tell them to eat it.  We may tell them that it's a public resource, that we have a right to fish there, that they don't have the authority to decide whether we get to fish there.  In our heart of hearts we understand banning some activity based on our version of morality is a pretty lame argument, but one some folks will trot out when they feel it's in their best interest.  The same folks shouting "Snowflake!" are the ones who want to limit activities which offend their sensibilities- it's silly and hypocritical.  

2 hours ago, DADAKOTA said:

Actually Stockton was not designed "as a fishing lake".  

No large reservoir was built for fishing, Usually impounding a river/stream for water supply/flood control..as was Stockton, yet its managed differently than many Missouri Impoundments.

"It has a "non-development policy," and is surrounded by unspoiled, tree-covered hills. Its banks are owned and operated by the Army Corps of Engineers."**

** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockton_Lake

2 hours ago, DADAKOTA said:

   To me a far greater concern........The tweakers and thieves that hit the various boat ramps around Missouri's lakes as well as steal from the docks and marinas.

 The bar party demographic??????


1 hour ago, SpoonDog said:

1980 was nearly forty years ago, .....And why 1980?  

That is the year population grew Exponentially


Screen Shot 2017-06-29 at 10.14.50 AM.jpg

MONKEYS? what monkeys?

1 hour ago, SpoonDog said:

If you don't want to share a public resource that's fine.  But then the problem isn't everyone else.  

I don't mind sharing, kinda like a port pot..its all cool when 5 people take a dump...but it becomes something else when 100 drop said duce


1 hour ago, SpoonDog said:

 Having been around longer doesn't confer any special privilege to decide who gets to enjoy the resource and when, what they get to wear, what they get to drink.  If their activities are making other users unsafe, or if they're damaging the resource, sure- let's reign it in.  But beyond that, live and let live. 

Having live longer gives those of us more insight, we watch as fads come and go, hair styles, cloths fashion change, we look back at what WAS cool and laugh at it.

1 hour ago, SpoonDog said:

 The same folks shouting "Snowflake!" are the ones who want to limit activities which offend their sensibilities- it's silly and hypocritical.  

I didn't invent the term..but fits eh????

"Snowflake Generation", is a neologistic term used to characterize the young adults of the 2010s as being more prone to taking offence and less resilient than previous generations, or as being too emotionally vulnerable to cope with views that challenge their own."***


Perhaps we need a "safe space" here on OAF????




MONKEYS? what monkeys?

1 hour ago, DADAKOTA said:

I see your children have no problem with individual expression.  Not my cup of tea, but to each there own.

not my kids......they were Giving a jet boat tour in WISCONSIN

MONKEYS? what monkeys?

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