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Leaving tomorrow afternoon and should be in sometime Friday night for another weekend at my favorite fishing hole.  Me and my cuz will be fishing hard all Friday and Saturday night.  This is a family trip this weekend so daytimes gonna be packed with SDC and other stuff, but we'll be fishing all night or until we can't go anymore...  

Gonna try to get my daughter back out in the water with me at some point during the day too.  She doesn't like the cold so the 40 degree rainy evenings will likely deter her from night fishing with us.

If anybody would like to sync up and fish with us just shoot me an IM.  Hopefully the DO levels stay solid while we are there, and I'll try to keep this thread updated with Pics.

5 hours ago, JestersHK said:

... my cuz hit a nice 21in brownie.



That's a great looking brown trout! Congrats to your cousin. Looking at these posts from Richmond Indiana heading back to MD. Trying to figure out if I could make a Taney trip when I come back for Jigfest in Dec.

Keep us updated on your successes. Haven't seen a walter photos from you guys in a while.


Long day of Christmas at silver dollar city today... Just got back home and getting geared up for night number 2.

Last night we did see a sea monster down past outlet 2.  I'm usually pretty conservative on estimates but I bet he was over the 25in mark.  He was chasing smaller bows in the flats but couldn't get him to hit the jerks.  

We're gonna get the long sticks out tonight and Chuck some streamers and mice.



So last night got interesting... Started off throwing jerks past outlet 2.  Fish were stacked up all over the place and hitting surface pretty regularly.

My cuz struck first on his fly rod stripping olive wooly buggers.  

I've been trying some of the super cheap lures that Duane used for his blanks.  They so far have been pretty good producers, but last night things just started to go downhill.  Started breaking hooks left and right on them, then broke 2 bills off bouncing on the bottom... Just seemed like my luck had changed. 

Then I stuck a pig.  Hit me like a truck and then the aerobatics started.  Very similar to the big fish I lost last time I was down, I survived the first jump, but the second one he shook off...

Not sure what I would of done different, I did hook this one on a jerk bait that had pinched barbs in the back... My sissy fingers are to blame lol.

Then it started sprinkling.  My cuz checked his phone and said we got 20 min before rain.  We were all the way down past rebar again so we headed back to the pavilion and got rain gear on.  

Got geared up and it was just a nice pleasant rainfall.  I like fishing in light rain, and my cuz said, " man if it's gonna rain, it should really rain, not this piddly stuff"

Well God was listening as we were up by outlet one and he unleashes a line of rain and wind which chased is off the water... Thanks cuz... Lol

So we did catch a few normal rainbows and one little brown.  Saw a few big browns, but overall not the night I was hoping for fish and weather wise.  

Maybe tonight will be the night!



On 11/3/2018 at 7:38 AM, Johnsfolly said:

Keep us updated on your successes. Haven't seen a walter photos from you guys in a while.

Saw one last night cruising.  Well saw his eyeballs in my lamp.  We didn't catch any last trip either.  First time in a while we haven't caught them.  And yeah @trythisonemv I just wish it was closer... But then I'd get myself into trouble.  Feel like I was in a car wreck today between SDC and sleep deprivation lol


         I envy you my young friend. Good going and keep at it as long as you are able. Enjoy your enthusiasm and reports. DJ,


"We have met the enemy and it is us",


   If you compete with your fellow anglers, you become their competitor, If you help them you become their friend"

Lefty Kreh

    " Never display your knowledge, you only share it"

Lefty Kreh

         "Eat more bass and there will be more room for walleye to grow!"


    " One thing in life is for sure. If you are careful you can straddle the barbed wire fence but make one mistake and you will be hurting"


  P.S. "May your fences be short or hope you have long legs"


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