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Hey Wrench i just got a new rig wih a 2006 Xr6 150.  Runs good but i did have an alarm go off today. ITs somthing to do with the oil sensor in the cap on the resovoir under the hood.  The Resovoir is full.   When i idle no alarm but when i start hitting some waves and bounce around it beeps here and there.  Any known problems with this you know of?


Yeah, it could be the motion sensor detecting no movement in the oil pump drive gear.  That will give the broken beep-beep-beep-beep tone.   The motion sensor is behind the control arm just above the oil injection pump.  

If it is the o/i drive gear failing just terminate the oil injection and start mixing your fuel 50:1 before it eats a piston.

Better have someone that knows what they are doing run a series of troubleshooting tests to make sure.


Absolutely.  It's a crappy system that makes no sense at all unless you are in the habit of idling long distances, then running at 3/4 to full throttle for long distances, then idling for long distances again.   If you idle a short distance then run 3-5 miles, then idle a short distance again.....the oil ratio is all wrong for the whole trip.  Might as well split the difference and mix 65:1 for everything.

That system with its plastic drive gear has caused more powerhead failures than anything else.


Well you'd have almost 2 weeks to get it here, I'm 12 days backed up right now.  

Not difficult or overly technical to do.  I could talk you through it...... but not today. 😊

Tues-Wed. if you wanted to grab your tools and stand on the port side of the motor, give me a call and put me on speaker, we could take care of it in about 30 minutes. 

47 minutes ago, aarchdale@coresleep.com said:

Excellent, im actually going to be out of town for a week so i may hit you up when i get back.  Anything i need to order to do it?


Yeah they make a Terminator plug, get this on the way.... https://www.amazon.com/Mercury-Mariner-10-41506-43453T/dp/B07MJ82LLY/ref=asc_df_B07MJ82LLY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=241924658829&hvpos=1o3&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15139673312527494303&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9023493&hvtargid=pla-740423790437&psc=1

Some 1/4" drive metric sockets, side cutters, pair of needle nose pliers, screwdriver, and some tie straps.   

I'll buy your cap sensor, so actually you're gonna make money on this deal 😎

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