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Recently I was gifted fluorocarbon line. Did some reading to find a knot the did not disintegrate the fluorocarbon line at the knot. I am liking the double improved clinch knot. Basically, it is an improved clinch knot with a doubled strand of line.


1 hour ago, fishinwrench said:

Disintegrate fluorocarbon at the knot???

I know nothing of which you speak.  🤔

Fluorocarbon does not like knots. Check out the testing on Tackle Tour. For all of its other benefits, it sacrifices knot strength. I was trying to find a knot that did not lose the advantages.

BTW, I will stick with Yozuri, the hybrid, when I buy.


Berkley Vanish is the only fluorocarbon I've ever used that had unfavorable knot strength.....and that was many years ago.

I use Rio Flouroflex tippet when trout fishing, Seaguar InvisX for tippet when flyfishing for warmwater fish. 

For gear I use Seaguar or P-line flouro's in 6#-20# and have Never EVER had any knot issues at all.   Not even once that I can recall.  And I promise that I don't pussyfoot around with 'em. 

I usually am either attached with a 5 turn Trilene knot, figure 8 knot, or a No-Slip loop knot.   No complaints by me. 

A few of my buddies are diehard Polamar knot guys....which I only dislike because it wastes 2' of line every time. I never hear them cussing knot failure either. 

Your Yozuri Hybrid is (I think) a co-polomer.  Monofilament core, with a flourocarbon outer shell.   No?  


I have used the double clinch knot in the past.  I rank it right next to the palomar as a pita regardless of knot degradation.  A long time ago I switched to the Pitzen knot.  I  am primarily a fluorocarbon user, however, I use it for all line types and sizes.  I don’t retie between even with Elaztech baits and have never seen knot failure.


Double clinch it is, for mono and flouro. Used it for as long as I can remember.

8 hours ago, rps said:

Recently I was gifted fluorocarbon line. Did some reading to find a knot the did not disintegrate the fluorocarbon line at the knot. I am liking the double improved clinch knot. Basically, it is an improved clinch knot with a doubled strand of line.


For gear I used to use a palomar knot now I use the shark knot.   Pulling the palomar tight seems to generate a lot of friction although I never had a problem.  I also use a non slip knot when called for. 
Fly fishing, I use a davey knot or loop knot with flouro flex plus. 



Fluorocarbons surface finish creates friction, which creates heat when cinching. The heats weakens the line. You need to be extra vigilant about moistening the line during cinching. 
Also, the knot diagrams of the older “tried and true” knots were not designed for fluorocarbon...too many loops is usually the culprit. I usually use the Palomar or the uni-knot and wet the heck out of it. I have to check out that double improved clinch knot.

"Honor is a man's gift to himself" Rob Roy McGregor


I use the uniknot on everything. Used to have problems breaking fluorocarbon in the knot on hook sets but very little problems since going to the uniknot.

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