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Bill Babler
Bill Babler

5-19-19 White River Report

Current Table Rock Lake Fishing Report Shell Knob, White River Outfitters. 5-19-19



Launched with Tom and Julie at SK 6:30 and it was on like Donkey Kong.  First location with a Red Fin and we had 11 fish, all keepers off one location.  As I was releasing our 9th. fish, I got pulled in on by a Bass Pro Tour guy in a Pee Green boat.  We saw him coming and he pulled in pretty close.  I was unhooking a fish and he yelled over he had driven 65 miles to fish that point.  My lady caught another fin fish about that time and he yelled over again, and asked If I was a guide.  I should have said no, I'm just getting in casting practice today and letting this lady catch the fish.  I kept my mouth shut.  About a minute or two later he yells over he is in contention to win 100 G.   

At this point my lady asked if he was going to cry if he didn't  get to fish here.  "She said its ok, we have caught enough here."  I yelled over that he was making her feel bad and so we went else where.  Which at this point really does not matter.  Our next location we had 6 more fin fish and a bunch of Keitech fish.  Fished a total of 4 location around the mouth of the Kings that right now has beautiful James River Green color.  68 degree and probably 6' visibility. 

 We had 44 Keepers and 62 fish this morning and nothing would have been under a pound.  It was catching this morning and not fishing, just reeling them in.  Biggest fish today was a LM at 2.95,  on the MLF scale.  Julie with a nice Jaw and Tom with a short but over a pound K that they doubled on in the  Photo.

There are fish in the water column from 1' to 35 feet.  and all the area in between.  We would swim the keitech on a 1/4 oz. head Pro Blue Pearl 3.3 with the boat in 25 and when I would see a cluster we would drop on them with the shad shape worm.  Probably over a dozen doubles.  There were bass on the bottom and everywhere in between.

From Baxter to Big M right now the lake is perfect color and just stupid with fish.  Most are solid 15 plus inch fish.  We had lots today in the 2.70 pound range.  K's, LM and Jaws all mixed in and out.   Lots, and lots of fish totally full of eggs, mostly K's and you don't dare grab them around the middle.

Good Luck

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At 500 a trip...I’d say you stand to benefit from the chamber of commerce video weekend...I wouldn’t ruffle any feathers 

it only cost me $30 bucks in gas so maybe that’s why it didn’t matter

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44 minutes ago, wily said:

At 500 a trip...I’d say you stand to benefit from the chamber of commerce video weekend...I wouldn’t ruffle any feathers 

it only cost me $30 bucks in gas so maybe that’s why it didn’t matter

Your absolutely right.  If I'm fishing for fun it really does not matter to me where I fish.  When I have clients it a different deal.  They're paying to have the best options that I have and I try and keep them on them the entire time of the trip.

Right now it does not matter as there are fish biting everywhere.

As far as the Chamber my trips book months in advance most of the time to reserve a particular date or weekend, so anything they do is not a factor in my guide business, after close to 30 yrs.


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I didnt mention this earlier in my posts but as I was giving the mlf guy an extra wide space. He decided to leave and just before he fired up the boat he yelled over enjoy the spot! Almost sounded like I was crowding him. 

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16 hours ago, merc1997 said:

is there a place with major league fishing to send an e-mail to voice a complaint about how some of their pros seem to think they own the lake and no one should be fishing where they want to fish?  i watched jt kenney pull right in on some folks fishing from the bank, and he even made the comment that they were just fun fishing and he was fishing for a living.  that is not promoting any type of behavior and courtesy they should be.

now that my rant is over, great job bill!  i believe this to be the main wave of spawners coming in right now.  many of the feeders are going to think more about nesting each day now.


Are you sure you don't have your anglers mixed up? JT Kenney is an announcer for MLF and not a competitor.

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19 minutes ago, Seth said:

Are you sure you don't have your anglers mixed up? JT Kenney is an announcer for MLF and not a competitor.

Exactly.  I doubt it was JT Kenney since he was likely on the broadcast.  

We spent Sunday way up above Bridgeport.  Only saw 2 wrapped boats all day.  Andy Montgomery pulled into a cut that we were in and I just slipped out of his way and let him fish the docks that he was eyeballing.  He caught 3 and thanked us profusely for letting him in.  The camera boat stuck around and they talked to us for quite a bit.  

Ran into Fletcher Shryock way back in the back of the cut that houses Cape Fair Marina.  We watched him the whole time he was in there, and he caught 3 flipping the bank.  Went in right behind him and caught a couple too, then put it on the trailer.  Both guys as well as the camera crewwere super cool to us.  Fletcher and Andy both joked with us about sore lipping "their" fish.  My biggest takeaways were that they were both really nice guys, but watching them makes me really realize what they consider covering water is much different than what I consider covering water.  They seriously don't screw around.  They're either getting bit, or moving.

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41 minutes ago, Seth said:

Are you sure you don't have your anglers mixed up? JT Kenney is an announcer for MLF and not a competitor.

no, i do not.  they were fishing on champlain.  could be why he is in the booth and not competing.


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31 minutes ago, merc1997 said:

no, i do not.  they were fishing on champlain.  could be why he is in the booth and not competing.


Gotcha. I thought you were talking about it happening within the past few days on Tablerock. You never mentioned anything about being on a different body of water. It all makes sense now. :goodjob:

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I wonder if it was Dave Lefebre that was talking to Bill and his clients.... he has a lime green boat... and from what I have watched.. sounds like something he might do...

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I respect that these guys are out there earning a living and I would never go crowd in on a guy.  But they are using a public resource.  I don't get that many days on the water and have to make the most of them.  If I was on a spot first there is NO WAY I would yield to them.  There is plenty of lake out there for everyone.  

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