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Bill Babler
Bill Babler

4-22-19 Kind of Nuts Today


Started at the dam early and it was just not what I wanted it to be.  Had several fish with a 4.52 jaw but not many bites.  Loaded u.p the rig and headed for Baxter.  Temps at the dam were 56 when I launched at 6.



Relaunch at Baxter at 11 and the temps were 60 and it was just flat on.  I caught them on a Keitech 3.3 and a jerkbait with the boat in 30 ft.  Fish seemed to be in that 15 ft. range suspended and moving up.  Fished from 11 to 5 and did not go 10 minutes without a bite.  Wind was just perfect.  Had 2 keeper walleye one 19 inches and one 22 inches and I released them.  Had 10 crappie, the biggest I have ever caught.


  One here and one there.  They were monsters. Biggest at 3.08 and 18 inches.  Next biggest at 3.02 and 17.75 inches.  The 10 weighed in at a little under 24 pounds.  Smallest was a shade under 17 inches.


I have fished in my 65 yrs. on Lake of the Ozarks, Lake Barclay, Kentucky Lake and Toledo Bend and never had a 2 pound crappie let alone a 3 pound crappie and for gosh sakes catching them on Table Rock is just unreal, I'm in a fog.  Knife is 15.5 inches long.


Every crappie came on a suspending jerkbait.  Color did not matter as long as it was Blue.  They were not schooled, one here and one there.   Pole timber was always present.  Best 5 bass would have pushed 17 pounds, all the best being jaws.



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