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Everything posted by Smalliebigs

  1. My VPN is running quite well but, who gives crap about that stupid stuff??? let's go, the river is still high though.....I have been in this house since the 13th and everybody is fine and dandy. The hybrids were just starting before the high water events.....please message me and lets go
  2. way to make a blanket statement there bud, not all of us are White LMAO
  3. Stories like this are why we are screwed as a society. Back to the food for kids who's parents are too lazy to provide for thing. Gavin, so loosers who can make the effort to get over to the school to pick up a free meal when everything is quarantined here in St.Louis but, just can't seem to put that much effort into furthering themselves to be able to provide food for their families??? Sorry but, that is a bunch BS. Instead of quarantining people we need to be sterilizing people. The apathy in our society is at a Pandemic level as it pertains to our country, friggin LOOSERS
  4. I have always asked the same question here as the wic kids are dropped off by people in Yukons but can't feed their kids???
  5. Funny I have never been checked at an urban lake fishing for oil trout and have seen several Bosnians and African Americans as well as White Trash hoosiers keeping trout and bouncing them all over the banks. The urban trout program benefits a few old loosers like myself who know they don't even put big trout in the springs anymore and I go nail my 4 or 5 Lunkers there every year......other than that it's a blood fest for dumbshits looking for dog food tasting trout.
  6. Kinda gay..... I always fish by all the gay trout rules there..... guess I should have been throwing my hard baits
  7. Wow kudos man!!! Those warts look like pieces of art..... very nice
  8. Seth.......BINGO and I know where the next state record is swimming around and the best part is everyone I know sucks at fishing there but, it's there and it is gonna take a good fisherman to get it. The Meramec had THE highest shad population in decades in my opinion and they went up stream further than they have in my memory. The closer you get to the Mississippi on the Meramec and the closer you get the Missouri river on the Gasconade the shad populations go up bigtime. You would have to be a fool to not think Jeff's fish has the potential to be over 7. I know someone who caught a 23 inch smallie similar to Jeffs in the last 2 weeks. It didn't weigh quite was his did but, could be a 7+ easy. Unfortunately my friend wants nothing to do with anyone knowing about the fish.
  9. not sure what yer talking about there??? are you saying you would rather Jeff lip a fish with Two hands versus One??? if so that is a new one......or are you saying he should have held it horizontally with Two hands, which makes no sense at all because then you are putting massive pressure on the fishes jaw if you don't support it's body but, he wasn't holding it like that???
  10. holy crap some of those Gasconade smallies are just emaciated looking.......I have always caught longer skinny ones there
  11. Jim that Smallie was a giant dawg.....most people have never even come close to that around here. I find most are just guessing on size and weights and in that process stroking their egos and inflating the length and weight.
  12. easily and I will say it does......Jeff's fish was 22.5 inches and not as fat as it could be. The state record from Stockton was a hair under 22 inches
  13. Smalliebigs


    Way to go KC .... keeping it classy there are absolute out of their brains freaks out there that will do anything no doubt
  14. You would have to be an ignorant fool to think there isn’t straight poaching going on there. The one time we called the authorities we were fishing at dry Fork and a small jet went by, so we went upstream and when we peered around a bend we see the Two guys gigging at 3:30 pm??? Oh it was 03/17/2001 friggin losers They saw us walking back up a quickly shot back down stream but, they were gigging. Nothing happened as far as I know we even gave them their boat numbers. So yeah if they will poach in broad daylight out of season monkey dodo.... did you know right now you can gig gamefish all night and day long as long as you don’t possess them???
  15. Al sorry about your colds this year but, when my wife was the president of a medical provider here in St.Louis she would show me all the screw ups from surgeries. Trust me there is a reason why every piece of equipment and gauze is counted and numbered and accounted for Twice. The amount of infections and items left in body cavities is astounding and this is the hospital that everyone in this region claims is THE best but, their cancer center is. Stay away from surgery at all cost
  16. that's awesome man.....I really hope you guys are doing well buddy
  17. hahahaha don't do what the MDC says......I'm in surburbia yet, I have 85 acres of woods behind my house but, we get so many animals and birds its kind of a joke. I mix all my own seed and I feed in the morning and they eat it all and then the crazy deer don't get to munch hahahaha I feed all the animals in my yard screw the MDC and enjoy all of them especially all the Barred Owls and Great Horned Owl couple
  18. bummer dude....don't do that......honestly you are why I come in here every now and then, I need honest and real responses. Don't leave man!!
  19. yep that's lame
  20. Yeah and these look completely heterosexual hahahaha no offense but, if we are going on looks those look like a cross between Jimmy Buffet meets Fantasy Island. Not sure I’ve seen any water shoe that looks cool though especially these or the 5/10’s
  21. Yeah that kinda thing never worried me as I have been known to wear some ridiculous monkey dodo hahaha
  22. man I wished a lot of you guys would have listened to Al when he touted these 5 10 Water shoes.... There is absolutely nothing better. I'm like Elaine with the Today sponge over here as I have 6 pairs of size 11, 4 in boxes still
  23. Smalliebigs


    Any pics of either the feeesh or the fat man??
  24. There are sleeper cells all out in the sticks of Missouri. My family member spoke with me who works fairly high up with HS has shown me general areas they are watching and have been watching for awhile. They mostly speak in Arabic and keep to themselves but, their asset exchanges have caused the Feds to follow and watch. They have all been mostly quiet other than the professor at Mizzou who dragged out a gal by her hair for alleged wrong doings with their religion. They are out there though with very big Farms with lots and lots of acres.
  25. Sweet hybrid and nice report
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