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Everything posted by Smalliebigs

  1. I floated right around where a river tourney will be held this Sunday by myself. Started before good sunlight and the top water bite was great if you could make the accurate casts in the right spots, was off the water by 2:45pm. I had at least 10 to 11 lbs with my best 5, they should be able to produce a pretty good bag this Sunday no doubt.
  2. I also watched his tourney video and let me tell ya he missed 3 or 4 very good top water bites that would have won them that tourney. Yeah I have bigtime respect for the river tourney guys but, In the same respect I know I could hang with them any of them. Over exposing one darn creek no less so you can get monetized on YouTube is gay as hell in every respect and to think you are doing something special by catching nice Bass out of one of the BEST fishing creeks in Missouri you are a naive fool who is just narcissist.
  3. Yeah okay lol
  4. I have fixed this as I don’t have to post pics of fish I put in a tank or a bag so I could show the world that I know how to catch fish lol. I just don’t take fish pics anymore and haven’t since last October. I don’t have to show everyone I know how to catch fish on the WWW, I am comfortable knowing I catch fish and BIG ones too.
  5. I slit the gills of as many as I can and snag them as often as I can and try to feed the raccoons as well as I can but, it does nothing
  6. Wow!!! That is a huge blow, I talked with him a few times and it was a pleasure and I was a sponge…… he will be missed bigtime
  7. 100% true Brian
  8. Another tuber geek flooding the streams with his awesome editing skills lol
  9. So I don’t see how what was being discussed here by Tucker and the doc is anything outlandish at all. Why wouldn’t you consider not getting that experimental vaccine when your odds of something bad happening are better than if you don’t. You can shove that vaccine up your arse as far as I’m concerned. Typical BS response though to anything Tucker lol
  10. Instead of counting the number of species I can catch in a year I keep track of the number of bass over 20 inches I can catch out of rivers. This one made my count only go to 4 so far this year, which is fine with me lol
  11. Wow Pete !!!! Mitch just told me about your arm thing geez!!! I am glad to see you’re doing better it seems
  12. Nasty!!!! I hate those smelly posterior Asian pieces of monkey dodo. Slit the gills!!!
  13. Normally I stay the hell away from the rivers on Memorial Day and usually don’t fish during the spawn. Well I broke both of those codes this weekend. I only fished top water all weekend which made for a lot of work for the fish I did catch, I passed on many big fish on beds and obviously guarding an area as I just don’t do that monkey dodo. I fished very early before any drunks were out decimating the river. The Smallies really relate to the Willows on this watershed when the water is up at all. Super long casts and being patient and committed to walking a bait 40 yards will get you bit. The 6th sense Dogma 100 in Shad Burst is a beast in clear water no doubt. Wading in 44 degree air temps in the end of May is kinda weird and will make your balls recess back in to your body pretty quick lol.
  14. 17lbs is a nice bag of Smallies that I never see you guys post
  15. I love it when a tournament geek come up to our dock and we walk out on it and they start huffing hahaha it’s like if you don’t like then go fish somewhere else. I feel like saying your pitching and skipping skills are lacking dork so go pray for a 15 inch bass somewhere else because you ain’t got a snowballs chance in hell of catching a fish here dork. The best is when one of the wannabes says “oh I’m filming be careful of what you say” hahahaha give me a break only a friggin dork of epic proportions would film such boring posterior crap???.... so you can replay later and confirm you suck at fishing??
  16. Yeah I’m done with Lews...... used to buy their crap but, I have moved on to better products. Good luck with them
  17. Couldn’t agree more and basically that’s why Bull is better
  18. Yep we agree to disagree on that one but, we are talking about apples and oranges. Running a tunnel with a jet out board will not run more shallow that a flat transom hull with a jet outboard set at the right height on the transom. Just like you have your opinions and I have mine based on many years of running rivers with jets with tunnels and without. Having a recessed intake with a tunnel leading to it is awesome though. Like I said agree to disagree lol
  19. That’s just wrong when your talking about running a river
  20. The Quillback hit a craw as I started catching some spots and smallies so I switched for a few lol sorry really wasn’t into pics on these days they kinda suck 😜
  21. Here is a 27 for reference
  22. When this is your average size fish you will have a big smile on your face. I caught some in the 20 to 22 inch range with most being about 25 inches and there were quite a few from 25 to 27 inches. Without sounding like A fish counter that’s exactly what I did over the last 4 days. 113 Hybrids 100 something Whites 3 Buffalo 4 Drum 27 Spotted bass 4 Largemouth 1 Long Nose Gar 1 Quilback I knew this Ketch board would be a little short but, it is a very solid a serviceable board that I highly recommend.
  23. Message me soon as the window is closing fast
  24. This was just a small example of what was brought to hand. When you start to get tennis elbow from fighting too many fish you know you’ve caught quite a few lol
  25. They are biting and the river is about to be blown. Too many fish for One dork.
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