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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. If fly fishing for them, it's usually a big popper, with rubber legs, but you rarely pop it. Dead drift on smooth current. The other is the good old fashioned Sparkleminnow. Fish a walking plug to, or a plopper, buzzer etc. Not a huge fan of plastics other than a Zoom Super Fluke. Look up Chuck Kraft and Eastern Trophies on Youtube, you will get some ideas.
  2. Looks like an old trade rod made for Western Auto, etc. likely made by Shakespeare.
  3. Shot you a PM...I have a buddy who buys & sells classic fishing tackle.
  4. They look like light duty oarlocks for a small boat. Whats the O.D. on the pin? What is the I.D. on the rings?
  5. Nice bunch! We were there last year. We stayed at Hazlett State Park and went sailing with our neighbors. I didn't fish right below the spillway, but I caught a couple of crappie in front of our campsite, and some Asian carp about a mile down from the spillway at that old suspension bridge. Hazlett was a pretty nice place. We would camp there again.
  6. Smallmouth are invasive in many parts of North America. I have no problem with eating them for lunch in Canada, but not here. They taste just like the walleye & pike.
  7. It will be the same. Drop Ned’s/ jigs/flukes into out of traffc shady spots and you will catch some fish. The fish just move around the crowd and feed off the stuff the crowd kicks up.
  8. Don't know what you can tow, but we really liked the floor plan in our old Jayco 23B. It was a hybrid, not a popup, so you don't have to crank it up and down to load, and up and down to unload every trip. It was a pain to dry out the canvas sometimes though. Same problem with a popup. Other than that it was a fine camper. Lots of them out there.
  9. Call some marina's, most have rental boats with cheap electronics on them. It's not in-expense but it is cheaper than owning a boat. It's about a $175 +/- for a fishing boat, $250+/- for a pontoon with a bimini depending on size, or you can get a wake boat for around $500+/- a day, A boat rental should provide a positive cash flow after you consider the deductions for depreciation and insurance proceeds that your going to get from yahoo's tearing up your stuff.
  10. That looks like something you do once. Bet it was fun! Nice build on the fly rig, nice and clean.
  11. It looks like they need to build inventory, and well, I need none of their stuff, so I'll call that a win win.
  12. Bass...above Greer or below Riverton. It is a water temp thing. It's 56-58 degrees in the heavilly spring fed trout water, but some will stay in off current warmer ares. Bass will seek the warmer water in the winter but they leave, to seek warmer water above, and below in the spring.
  13. I usually have better luck with suspending jerkbaits or a rattle trap, but have caught them on clousers. Coyote tail, with minimal flash. My nymph rod usually has a Pat's Rubberlegs...size 4, and another fly. RLGRHE, Pinky Peach Glo Ball, Prince, or a CR Gold.
  14. My daughter and me started a bunch of tomatoes this year (full sleeve of solo cups worth). We only had room for 7 plants. The Neighbors/office got the rest. Starting some pole beans. Daughter’s herbs are in the ground. Cilantro, purple basil, green basil, and thyme. Plan to add parsley and chives. Maybe a couple stalks of sweet corn.
  15. There is a Walmart in Salem, but that is about it. Reeds should have everything you need.
  16. I guess I’ll blame it on lack of intelligence. Why should idiot bass lotto players be allowed to monopolize our big public lakes.
  17. I never saw the point of tourney angling. It's expensive, and I'd bet that the great majority of tournament participants rarely cash a check (if ever).
  18. I tend to see more stripers in the slow holes between Rainbow Spring and Blair Bridge than I do on the lower river. The river was flowing pretty well last week, 1,300 cfs. Wading is tough at that level, you will need a boat to cover water.
  19. I want one with at least 40x20 primary grill space. This will do for today by rhe fire box is about to fall off, and it’s cooking to hot. What do you have? May just haul this down to the welding shop and have them mid & fix it.
  20. There is a low water bridge to portage. It's been years. Talk to Steve Andersen at Cherokee Landing. He and Christine might be able to help you out.
  21. Epic trip! I have not been to S Florida in a few years. But it looks like you caught most everthing in the invasive trash can slam other than a python and an iguana. Glad you had fun and I enjoyed your reports.
  22. 3x flouro is my usual. if getting swatted with no hook up. Twitch it. or speed up. The old crackleback bounce. Twitch it a half inch, until bang. Trout don't really care that much on a dingy river like the Niangua. Heavier tippet would increase drag and speed it up.
  23. Likely in a dumpster. Add it to the list of deductions in the settlement if she had custody. Should have stayed there, if possible, or carted all of your stuff out prior to move out. Sorry for your drama, but it is only temporary. Better times await!
  24. They are good eats. Grandpa Ben would catch a bunch off the beach in Ft Myers. FL. Filet, skin, and fry.. Stingray is good too.
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