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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. This an heirloom big beef. About twice the size of when it went in the ground. When it warms up we'll see some growth! The Cherokee purples are about the same size and are also wearing blooms. Which I will not be pinching off! Crooked neck squash in the background. There's a hill of zucchini at about the same stage too.
  2. I've tried it and do not care for the texture.
  3. Wifey says same thing. I doubt it but who knows for sure? Unless you've been tested. Not for us regular folks though, at least not around here.
  4. I would not say alas. Shoot for not getting it!
  5. I notice how the places I go to buy things handle their interactions with customers. Cannot tell until you are there, but... the places that are taking reasonable steps - masks for staff, cleaning carts, putting up those plexiglass barriers etc. are the ones I'll go back to. The ones that basically say you're on your own? No thanks for next week. Very noticeable differences in that down here.
  6. Exactly. It was a dream. There was no happy ending.
  7. Ha Ha. Hilarious.
  8. I've read on multiple sites from multiple sources that in the end, it's expected that 60% to 70% of the population will get the covid. I'm doing my best to be part of the 30% to 40% that doesn't. I'm a contender. On a slightly related note, I had a horrible dream last night. In the dream, we (humankind) learned that one currently unknown effect of the disease is sterility. I woke with the sense that this is our asteroid moment and in a few million years the evidence of our mysterious disappearance will be argued at length.
  9. Yes to all. Do check with the bait store. They'll be able to fix you up.
  10. If you're up for a little traveling, the Osage up around Taberville is my old springtime area, especially with the kind of water we are seeing lately. We always tried to fish the third rise. Cut shad, shad guts or a big old gob of worms. Anchor the boat, put on enough weight to get bottom and give it a whirl. If no bites in 15 minutes, move. It's mostly blues and a few channels. Occasional flathead but they're more night time with live bait - a bluegill, goldfish or if you can find them carp. There's a bait and tackle place in Taberville and they could probably steer you in the right direction.
  11. Philistine that I am, I get along OK with 7' Browning Airstream. But I'm far from an expert.
  12. Wow, very nice!
  13. Back to the subject of the thread. Can someone please explain the reluctance to wear masks? Protective of yourself and others. How did the mask become the political symbol it appears to be, at least in some circles. It's not a sign of weakness, oppression or fear. Why won't the state and federal leaders model a behavior that is protective of the public health? I honestly do not get it.
  14. Dude. You got my respect. Not trying to piss in your face. I'll just leave the rest of it alone.
  15. Faker. Why try to be what you're not? You're not my favorite guy on here. But you're no faker and I respect that. Fakers not so much.
  16. I want tomatoes. Heck with energy.
  17. BS. Plain and simple. You're younger than I am. You're just another faker who wishes they had the stuff to be a part of my beloved Corps. But didn't. Prove me wrong. Where/when did you do boot camp? Surely you remember your boot camp platoon number? Where/when did you go to "engineer" school? What was your MOS number? What did you actually do when you were with the 10th Marines? What Company What Battallion and were you with them at 29 Palms or Pendleton? Give it.
  18. They are tough little bastages too and very reluctant to give up their skin. They have to be run through a pressure cooker.
  19. Engineer? What MOS? 10th what? Don't claim what you didn't earn. And if you did, put it up or shut it up.
  20. What did you do in USMC? What was your MOS?
  21. There are blooms today on both the Cherokee Purples and also both of the heirloom Big Beef. With all the rain, who knows what the future holds. I did put down some crushed oyster shells so there will not be a shortage of either calcium or magnesium. Given the wet cool weather, things out there look surprisingly good. I do need my little Stihl M66 cultivator back from the engine shop though. Or weeds will get too good of a start. Used the garden weasel yesterday on the hilled stuff. Too hard and too much for that thing around the tomatoes though.
  22. I have a bloom on one of my Cherokee Purple tomato plants. 😎 We put out a bunch of flowers on Saturday. Hauled everything portable into the house and covered everything else. The buckets tarp and blankets kept everything safe. Glad I put them under cover both nights - we had heavy frost both times. The only damage was a couple of leaves on parsley that must have been in contact with the tarp when it got good and cold. Success! Tomatoes don't like cold feet. Ready to see some 80's and sunshine. They will really take off then. They're about a foot tall or maybe a little more and ready to get with the program.
  23. A pescador is fairly svelte compared to a lot of what's out there these days. I've got one myself and can tell you it is fine on the Ozarks streams.
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