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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. You can bring water. The no people part is what's most important to us.
  2. Last night she went in the yard. We value our privacy. You do know we're camping in the back yard, right? The cows never even had a clue. We're doing it again tonight. It's a nice staycation.
  3. I'm more interested in your opinion. Truly.
  4. What's Fauci out to accomplish? Summarize please.
  5. What a great camping trip. Very little driving to get to the campground. Had a lovely campfire and happy hour yesterday evening. Slept very well on comfortable mattress,, nice and cool but with plenty of blankets and shared bodily warmth. Woke up to the sound of a turkey gobbling about 50 yards away. And then a crow in the tree right above us. Totally awesome time. We were fortunate enough to find a campsite with its own private hot tub. Coffee in the hot tub this morning, and then a delicious breakfast in the main lodge. Fresh red grapes, scrambled eggs with brie and tender crisp asparagus, crispy bacon and homemade sourdough toast with butter and grape jelly. The people who run this place seem nice and their dogs are very friendly. We like it here so much we may never leave.
  6. My grandmother lost her left eye to shingles when I was a kid. Still remember her sitting in her chair with cold cloth on her face crying.
  7. Shingles are miserable. I had a bad case two years ago. Still have after effects. Get the shots. The new ones are very effective. You don't want shingles.
  8. Good choice.
  9. Truth. If ever one should be an addict, it's me with all the dang orthopedic stuff I've had. But overall, once you can get by without them, good riddance. They don't really stop the pain, just make you tolerant of it.
  10. I still have Tom Petty channel on the XM dial. His time with the Wilburys was top shelf. But all of those guys. What can you say?
  11. Me too. They were really good.
  12. This kind of in a very strange but not so strange way reminds me of the USMC when I was still wet behind the ears. Started out scared spitless, finally got a little bit used to it and in the end pretty well knew the drill, what would flush, what wouldn't and what to watch out for. Sure this is different, but in some ways, the unknown finally becoming more or less routine but sill needing a fellow to be always careful, it's at least similar. Thoughts?
  13. Alexa is playing Moody Blues music now. Very soothing to the old hippie.
  14. I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing until uncle onehand blows the all clear sirens. That's gonna be a while. But I'm lucky. Retired, live in the country, don't sweat not doing much in town. I'm not what you would call worried for myself but I am what anyone would call very careful. There really is a difference. But. For so many of my countrymen, I do worry. So many are not in that boat at all. I feel for them, honestly. It is not going to be easy for a good long while.
  15. oh yeah. Seriously, do try some raw with good French dressing, I promise you will not be sorry!
  16. There's a lot of noise on the subject. Somewhere, there's a signal, but we probably won't get it as laymen until it's very clear.
  17. Don't ask me how I know but washing that pill down with a beer doesn't hurt a thing.
  18. The campground is open. Everybody knows the covid can't live in the fresh air and sunshine. Even the dog is social distancing.
  19. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Egg Noodles.
  20. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Leftover fried meatloaf sandwich on sourdough texas toast with yellow mustard.
  21. Any excuse for the local weather guesser to take over the TV and see imaginary tornados on the radar machine. This last round they had to have told people get in your shelter now at least 20 times. How many tornados were there? None. I'm 68 years old and I've never actually seen a tornado. I suspect they actually do exist. Seen lots of damage. But as far as I know, it all could have been done by some angry wizard or something.
  22. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Not death by chocolate though. Maybe death by savory goodness.
  23. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I know it's weird but all those death by chocolate things just make me want a green popsicle or a glass of iced tea. They are just way too much for my delicate palate.
  24. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Not to mention the flies.
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