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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. I was in Springfield today and an honest to pete toad strangler came through about 1:30. Geese were paddling around that vacant lot at National and Montcrief.
  2. Not super clear but not muddy either. Didn't have a secchi disc but would guess it at about 4'. I'd call the water stained.
  3. Sawdust tilled in will use those nutrients to decompose.
  4. No jigs. We were catching best by casting about 20' and letting minnow just slowly fall with slow retrieve. When the line was straight down from the boat, just let it soak. I'd say most of the fish were caught at 12 to 15 feet and usually close to the boat and lights. We've found it best to be close to deep water. Think bluff end where the channel swings close. Bridge pilings can be good too.
  5. Went to Stockton with two good friends Monday evening/night. Tied to the bank with about a 40' rope and anchored in the back. Fishing in about 40' of water with minnows under the lights. We started catching even before it got dark, crappie, three or four undersized walleye and about a dozen white bass mixed in. Started fishing about six and all three of us were limited out on crappie by eleven or so. It was real steady until moonrise and that huge bright full moon did slow things down a bit. Crappie were nice, very few that we had to measure. Most were somewhere between 11" to 12". The biggest was 14 1/2". Beautiful night to be out. Later on the breeze stopped and the lake turned into a big mirror. Sorry, no pictures, it was dark. There'll be a nice fish fry later.
  6. You're welcome.
  7. Go ahead and cuss and get cussed all you want. Nobody cares.
  8. Middle grandson graduated from Missouri State 2 years ago with degree in environmental management. Worked every summer, saved his money, lived in our tiny house out back, lived like he always did when not in class. Didn't go to Florida on Spring Break trips, just generally acted like he wasn't some entitled rich kid. Worked in the field since he graduated. His student loans are already paid off. He and his fiancé are fixing up an older house they're buying to live in after they get married this September. She's an enterpeneur and has a successful business with an event venue she bought and fixed up, does events all over the area setting up for wedding receptions, parties and so on. Has a little trailer photo booth that is way popular. They're both good looking smart hard workers who are going to do well in life and be great parents. Yeah, we are in trouble. In some places sure, but not everywhere.
  9. I've been cussed at by professionals who meant it. Think USMC boot camp. At the job, a mad amateur is just going to get left alone. I don't have a thin skin but don't tolerate someone who doesn't know me getting with it. And especially like I said earlier, on the phone with female office staff. That will get you dropped as a customer.
  10. This is maybe a surprise to you but every single day people express truthful thoughts and opinions without profanity.
  11. You lead a right fair life sir. Nice fish.
  12. A date! How awesome. Does Ms. HK know?
  13. There is never any call for that in a work setting. People on the phone to female office staff are the worst. Face to face to a man hardly ever happens, but when it does, it never works out well for the person doing the cussing. At least in my experience.
  14. So if an automobile or pickup is fine with it, what's the problem with boat motors? Wait, I gotta guess. A tank of fuel that sits unused outdoors during winter and early spring on a lift on a lake (or on a trailer under a cover even worse) for oh, say six months or better. Condensation and so on.
  15. We're out of power since about 930 this morning. No reports yet on when it will be restored. The generator at least let me brush my teeth and wash my hands and face. Depending on duration it will also save frozen food. Glad to have it.
  16. We wound up with 6.26 for the last week. Finley was over Riverside Road in Ozark yesterday evening. Not sure if it still is. As usual, there was at least one high water rescue for an idiot driver trying to cross a flooded crossing on the upper James. Those people should get a bill, and a big one.
  17. Here just east of Ozark we got an inch yesterday and two inches since midnight with more on the way. Wet week it is.
  18. We have friends with a 22 year old son who was headed to the NFL draft this year. Diagnosed with a glioblastoma brain tumor, had emergency surgery and is now at M D Anderson in Houston for proton therapy radiation and chemo. Cancer is hell on the patient and their whole family. If there's one even marginally good thing about it, it shows how family, friends and community can all come together to help out as much as they can. Small solace though it may be. Glad you made it through it, hope he does too.
  19. Good luck oneshot.
  20. If it happens, Fox and CNN will both cover it.
  21. That one is a nice eating size.
  22. I'll buy a ticket for me, one for Marty, one for Les and one for Ham. I'll bring sandwiches and cokes as this might take a while.
  23. Rest in peace.
  24. Congratulations both of you.
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