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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Gentlemen: This situation has gotten a lot of thoughts and conversations between Phil, Jeff and Rick. Here's what we've come up with: 1. Pete's link has a load of political memes, but it's sure possible he didn't see them. 2. John's comment same way. 3. budman is new and didn't know the rules. All three warnings are being rescinded. We're working on a way that first warnings can disappear after a reasonable time with no more warnings. One takeaway for sure; when you post a link, please be certain it's in line with the various forum rules about offensive or political materials. Thanks and we all hope everyone is good with this. Comments welcome.
  2. no need. see below
  3. Pete, the link you posted is full of political memes. You might also want to know there was a complaint which is how your dear moderator became aware.
  4. Warnings for political posts in violation of forum rules: Snagged in outlet 3 Johnsfolly budman
  5. I like Costas just fine. Recently had to replace a pair stolen off the dock at Truman. They were maybe 7 years old and good as new. Maui Jims are every bit as good. Prefer the fit of the Jims. I keep a pair of amber and a pair of gray for different light conditions. Always glass. Clean them with the spray and microfiber cloth they come with.
  6. Glass lenses from Maui Jim or Costas. They last until you lose them or they are stolen. Not cheap but to me at least, worth the money.
  7. I've driven past this tree thousands of times. And never truly noticed it until yesterday and for some reason I saw it as a representation of the many twists, turns and unexpected happenings that life gives us, shaping us along the way. I will never see that tree the same way again.
  8. Rosemary is good with a lot of grilled food- chicken, pork, fish. Nothing - not even an oyster - suffers from being over charcoal and some kind of wood.
  9. Get rid of everything that's not white and they are really good. I do mine like Harold Ensley did back when. Coat filets/chunks in yellow mustard, dredge with cornmeal and then deep fried. Sounds a little weird I know but if you try it I bet you will like it.
  10. You also need a combination shovel/broad axe.
  11. Best to you man, hang tough.
  12. It's easy with the right equipment. I actually got pretty good at it and then like just about everything else in my life, I got bored with it once I felt I had it mastered. Have not had a fire going under a wash in quite a while. I will say you have to be very careful with your consumption. Very easy to overdo and you don't know you did until it's too late.
  13. Well I did and guess what. One in the ear and out go the lights.
  14. Get a transfer switch and a generator plug in installed at the meter. Safest approach for you and for linemen. Mine is about ten years old Harbor Freight 5KW. It will run the well, HVAC (ground source doesn't take much power), keep us in lights and allow cycling of two refrigerator/freezers and the deep freeze. I wish it was electric start but it's not. Never had to use it but it's nice peace of mind. Lives in the shop but I still run it every year or two with some load on it to keep the windings dry.
  15. I keep a Walther P 22 close for those duties.
  16. nothing solar around here. Battery backup/ups for the computer and a gas powered generator for any extended outages.
  17. He was a great coach and maybe even better announcer. We'll miss him.
  18. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Some like it rare.
  19. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I've got four boneless skinless mallard breasts marinating in a mixture of soy sauce, sugar, garlic, ginger and orange juice. Some red potato chunks to boil and butter with parsley. Hot fire getting started in the egg. Hope I haven't forgotten how to sear a duck breast.... Go Chiefs. All my peeps worrying about the Covid - my best wishes to all of you. A dear friend of mine from Nevada is struggling with it right now. Hoping he comes out of it alive. Diabetic and it's rough for him right now. Good thoughts for all.
  20. I've had a lot of Jack Russells. They're hard to keep. Like to roam, hunt and dog fight if they're worth their salt. They need fenced yard and no cats or chickens around. They were bred to get fox in their dens in England and it's still deep in that breed. For a lap dog, you can't beat a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. They're like a bit smaller and a lot smarter Cocker Spaniel.
  21. Big deer no matter when.
  22. Right back atcha'
  23. Well. You do have standards as much as you pretend not to. Good job you old bib wearing to the big party hillbilly.
  24. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Isn't it amazing what carving a turkey does to moisturize your hands? We did the family thing Thursday. Today I did a turkey in a Butterball oil less fryer which is actually a roaster. Cooks hot, ten minutes per pound. Has a pan for wood chips or pellets. Apple and beech went in today. Turkey injected with creole butter and heavy rubbed with Lawry's. I always use a thermometer, turkey at 165 and left to rest for an hour or so is about as right as I can do. It's no joke good. Dressing and green bean casserole are in the oven, gravy is ready. Merry Christmas to all my friends, family and the whole wide wonderful world.
  25. People eat oysters. I guarantee mud puppy recipe exists. Yep. Southern Fried Mud Puppies W/Jalapeno Ranch Tartar Sauce #RSC Recipe - Food.com
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