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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. I just got all my neighbor's mail.😎
  2. Can't wait for the story of how that kidney stone works out with no medical people involved. Or the fully torn rotator cuff/bicep... or... Point being stitches are one thing. Other things sometimes occur whether we like it or not. And then Doctors are the best friends you've ever had.
  3. Tomatoes do not like cold feet.
  4. Hey Wrench: What's wrong with snagged in outlet 3?
  5. I went camping once where there was a bunch of skunks. Lots scarier then any trap league I ever shot in.
  6. Hey Wrench: What's wrong with my phone?
  7. That's what she said.
  8. Hey Wrench: What PSI should I run in the rear tires of my ZRT mower? Also can you recommend a good sex therapist? I'm tired of getting bucked off. Asking for a friend.
  9. You can try and put union meanings on my words but that's not what I meant and you know it. I'll rephrase the question for you: Hey Wrench: How much does your wisdom increase as a percentage per year you're able to stay alive?
  10. Wait just a doggone minute here. I want - nay - DEMAND! some credit for being old i.e. "senior". McDonalds gives it, lots of places do. It's the only thing that makes these golden years worth putting up with. Seniority rules! Ask any Senior in High School, they'll tell you.
  11. He's not older than me. Which leads me to this... Hey Wrench: How much wisdom credit, say as a percentage, do you get for each year of seniority?
  12. Hey Wrench: Why don't people get any smarter when they get older but they do get slower? Asking for a friend.
  13. I have that same motor - not the actual same one but the same model - on my Shawnee. Think I'll keep it.
  14. What'll you take for that croc?
  15. You nailed it.
  16. That was a whoopin'. Gonzaga seemed "entitled" until the UCLA game. Then they were shocked to realize they were still human. Lucky to make it to the title game if you ask me. And then Baylor just flat outplayed them from tipoff 'til the final buzzer. I loved it when they got in the wayback machine with the Baylor coach.... Took him a while but he got them there.
  17. Hey Wrench: What do you think oneshot really got that trophy for?
  18. Actually tonic water was developed by the British Army in India when it was a British colony. For the reason you cited.
  19. MDC did a tick project on Lyme disease years ago. Put traps on property I owned back then.
  20. Too late. Already hijacked😎. By me. Way back in October.
  21. OK. So who's watched "My Octopus Teacher"?
  22. Terrierman

    Ho Ho Ho

    I can tell you for an absolute fact that a buzzard is not put off by a skunk's odor. Buzzards gotta eat too, same as worms.
  23. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    That fried fish looks really good.
  24. Terrierman

    Ho Ho Ho

    And somebody other than me to run it. They will work you to death for not much in the way of results.
  25. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Thanks. And about "The Grill" You got that one right monkey boy!
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