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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. I was thinking maybe $5k for a guy who wants a solo drift boat. Not sure how many of those guys are out there. About the hull. Aluminum is some rock sticking stuff.
  2. Too much screamin' reel IPA. ONE IPA is too many.
  3. Neither one of those guys had on a life jacket.
  4. There's a guy on here who's a pharmacist and occasionally fishes a ned rig. We call him Super Dave. He used to make and sell jig heads. The piano wire heads were just simply the best.
  5. Google says it's open.
  6. That hot spring pool in Salida is awesome.
  7. It's Ouray. And yes, it's quite something. Like Switzerland.
  8. I'm just glad you're still at it. Keep hanging in there. I need somebody like you to give trouble to. Keeps me going too.
  9. But it was a beautiful weather morning, right? You are freakin' great, and that's no joke.
  10. Head does not look big enough to me.
  11. Agree. We've seen it very bad there. In the middle of the afternoon and I can only imagine what it has been like at 2:00 AM. But still, giving a spot to a bunch of no count drunks is not a good look for the Christian County Sheriff's Department. They're supposed to solve problems, not make excuses.
  12. I hope they still keep the road going west along the Finley closed and only let folks get to the river. I live about halfway between Linden and Green Bridge and launched a canoe at Linden many times. That said, it was really a hot mess. People and plenty of them so drunk they could hardly walk cussing a blue streak and stumbling around young families with kids of a tender age just trying to enjoy the river on a sunny summer day. Sometimes I miss a guy like Buff Lamb. I saw many times where somebody took their trash for a ride too. And not just a trashbag. A couch, old mattress, bedding you name it. Al is right, patrol the place a lot, and hassle the ruffians. They'll get tired of it.
  13. Rolling Stones and realizing what a big part of their sound Charlie Watts really was.
  14. A big part of that ride comfort and drivability comes from coil springs on all four wheels. Ford and Chevy both still use leaf springs on the rear.
  15. I loved mine too. No bolt problems either with any Dodge, Ram, or Jeep we've ever had.
  16. Great truck, you're going to like it a lot. That 5.7 motor is really strong and still gets decent fuel economy. Transmissions these days are nothing short of amazing too. Rear seats fold up in mine to give a flat storage option inside the cab.. Big Horn package has a lot of nice add ons. Good luck with it.
  17. Floating alone can be a great time. Glad you got into them.
  18. Please leave politicians and political affiliations out of this discussion.
  19. Yes. Even more that flathead belly. Which is a very close second.
  20. No, for eating.
  21. Beatles. White Album.
  22. Okay then. How about "happiness is a warm gun"? "
  23. I'm pretty sure Johnny Paycheck is the only hell his Mama ever raised.
  24. What song is that? And whose mother said it?
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