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Old plug

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Old plug

  1. Thing about batteries. A lot depends on how they are maintain and how much they are used. many are overcharged, or charged to fast and and much they are used. I no longer have a charger I use on the boat over 3amps.
  2. I am staring to wear a inflateable even on the dock. At almost 80 I do not take chances anymore. Kids in sister on it.
  3. How far up you asking about. Here at Cedar Point it is turning pretty muddy
  4. All this stuff about this that and the other thing. Everyone helped make the bed and we might s well lie in it. Climate change is real. Our Weather its iscontroll a lot but the oceans of the world they been steadily getting warmer. As far nice ages go they can come at anytime and rapidly if the Atlantic belt slows down or stops and it has been doing that for several years. Then there the Astroid belt. I would suppose most are aware we got the gulf of Mexico from one of those things lighting on the earth. I often think that is the tool God will use to get rid of us. Wrench is right IF your Christian and GOOD HONEST CHRISTIANS you do not have anything g to worry about. We live at the end of times. It is going to get worse and worse. I believe people today will believe anything. So does Trump
  5. It probably should be 12 they seem to be all over fhepalce in places like LOZ
  6. They are mostly just expensive decoration anywhere in the Ozarks. I suppose there is no keeping up with the jones unless you look like it anyway
  7. Down here on the Gravois yesterday we had some sustained 40mph winds. Mostly out of the south. They made white caps coming out of the coves on the Southern side of the lake about 3 ft high. The docks were dancing around so hard I would not have chanced to walk on them. About a hour before it started I seen 3 or 4 bass boats come blasting up the Gravois past the mouth of Mill Creek. I think they came out of Coffman's Beach. I hope they were Locals and knew where they were going and got back OK. That wave action would have really been a threat to even a big bass boat. And with the water Temperature so cold they would have be asking for a case of hypothermia. just from the spray.
  8. I do not like them out on the dock. i have had the both the dock damaged and a prop damaged. My advise to anyone you catch Never tell anyone you catch crappie there not even close friends. Unless those friends have crappie beds themselves. Never show a picture to your local tackle shop profiteer , HE WILL SNITCH. If you do you will become a known. Then you can see boats around your dock in 3s and 4s at times. But do not worry most will be gone in a few years. But there will still be at least a few come by in the most foul of weather. '
  9. I used to think that also. Not anymore. second one I experienced on LOZ we pulled into a dock and it was a awful ride for a few minutes. Glad we did not get out. We were about 200 yards from where it crossed the Gravois. When it was all over there was a big sycamore down that the tornado had twist in half and dropped the upper half about 75 yds from us. As far as paying attention to the weather. To me that means watching the sky for any thunder heads. We have had 4 close calls since we lived out here. First one was a sunny day in the 90s. I was putting a new window in my garage. Walking up I noticed this very high White cloud with a very flat top. I knew it was a danger sign. I went ahead and was loosing up the old window to put the replacement in. I walked over to get the new window and the one in the wall blew 1/2 way accross the garage. Tornado had come down our point and thankfully missed us. I have seen more docks upside down in yards than I like. I have seen a two stall dock with a 24ft pontoon and run about in it plus a swim deck all picked upend layer upside down like some giant pancake turner just reached down under it and flipped it cleanly. I been through 2 hurricanes at sea and they never compared to with the sudden violence you can experience from a tornado. I about lost Wrench in one some years back when he got him in a direct hit and it wiped out everything he owned. His description of going through that was something to read
  10. It is really a dangerous time to be out on the lakes right now. You can die in a matter of a minutes sometimes at times. even in a life vest. . I recall a whole 3 man S2F anti sub plane all being ,lost even with poopie suits on Of course that as up at the arctic circle. But it does apply down here If the water is cold enough. Here on LOZ it is a Ice is a threat most times I think BaIbler can remember the narrow ares of the Gravois between Cedar point and North side of the lake. Last year it was covered with ice about 6" thick . But because of rain the night before it had a thin sheet of water on top of it. Detecting it was impossible because there was no wind that morning. My neighbor set hopelessly in his living room and watched several boats coming up full tilt up from coffins beach collide with it. tearing up a few motors and hulls I believe one go those boats at least ended up in Wrenches shop
  11. I have visions of the lakes and ricers around St louis looking like Opening day at a trout park every weekend all summer long.
  12. I have some those stick on rulers the Statewide give out. I do know why. I rarely measure anything anyway. And if I do I got a very accureate yard stick in the back of the boat. Well if there is no understanding . I understand the problems the young agent was faced with. He could not even have given him a ticket. It would not stand up in court. In the end he might have gotten in trouble over it. The alternate would have been to call in interpreter and just stand there and wait. Its the law. I could force one to call a interpreter if he was a smart a__. I am deaf but speak very clearly I have run into a few instances where someone thinks I am lying.
  13. That works down here Wrench I know. But for the most part I do not catch my best Hybrid very shallow. Hey Wrench I just poured several pounds of that lead mix I made those real shiny heads out of you liked. Let me know if you want more.
  14. He has more than that. I watched one set up a stool and a try pod with a big telescope on it just off my road a few yers back. He spent a couple hours watching some place all the way on the other side of Gladstone Hollow Cove. He was in uniform as well. But you know they work together with other law enforcement. For ll I know hevmight have been staking out for state police
  15. That is for sure Champ. I like to experiment. Last year I caught a couple shorts believe is or not on a drop shot in water barely 40 degrees. I had about 14-15' (it varies)between my 1oz drop shot and the worm I had on the line.. I was fishing a secondary point back in a cove and I could see fish on the finder setting down there about 10 or 12 ft on the bottom. It drug the drop shot down the side of that point and keeping it still every yard are so. Sure enough one nailed it. No great planning involved. Just curious was all. So I jumped out of the box.
  16. And if all these techncalities do not work. You might try a Sluggo type plastics and let is just sink with gentle jerks. It can imitate a crippled shad like nothing else. Lot easier too than trying to think of a multitude of things related to the retrieve. Like or your not in the right spot to begin with.
  17. Bill I just loaded a sping reel with 12lb Nano. This particular setup is for hybrid fishing ,but I think the stuff would be great in 6lb or 8lb For Jerk baits. It does not float but it does not sink fast and chard like Mono either.
  18. There is always what we call noise. Just remember they are feeling it not hearing it and they are highly turned to that. That is what God gave them instead of ears. I am sure somethings can drive them away are attjack them. If you want to be super quiet turn of the depth finder. They know your up there pinging them. I think we are better off not working about into much.Otherwise it gets in your head and that will be worrying about it when you should be paying attention to your presentation.
  19. The sound a motor makes in the water is related to Prop wash and underwater exhaust. And I think that would be a lot mot than we have above the water I know that vibrations can travel real well thru water. I have always felt like things like your fishing line are very apparent to fish. It not the color are maybe even size. They know it is there. What interest them is what is going on at the end of the line. Even you rod and reel sends vibrations thru the water. I can remember many yers go a some old timers would not use Garcia bait casting reels because they had noisy gears. If of you can remember that period of time your about 80 yrs old. I think fish are constantly bombarded with vibrations just like you are in the atmosphere. A unusual vibration is something that makes them flee are bite. And yes i am sure air sound do penetrate water. You can lay in a dark or muddy river and feel people walking the bank. I have not. But i know some special forces receive that exact type training.
  20. Been many years since I haunted the Mississippi up around Clarksville. Back then you could fish the river from bank to bank. You just could not tie up or git out ofter boat and fish from the bank.The sloughs and shoots were also off limits
  21. I do not think it makes much differance with us Wrench. I think they all are deaf from the 600 to 1000 hp motors.
  22. We are not out of the woods yet. You better ask before you come. In addition to what he is saying warm sunny unwinded banks. And shallow is the key. If your fishing something like a Rogue and do not big it on the bank few times your not shallow enough
  23. Bill are you filled up all the time in the summer. I have a friend Does a weeks appearance at Silver Dollar City every year. I forgot the dates right now. Need to look them up If I can talk the other half here into it. I might come to her show Cannot hear her but always try to support her and her band.  Might want to sty 1 night during the week. If you take on night rentals 

    1. Bill Babler

      Bill Babler

      No, she has plenty of opening through out the Summer.  Thanks a bunch for asking, you would just need to have your wife call Becky at the Lodge to check out the dates.  417-779-1556

      Thanks Again

    2. Old plug

      Old plug

      Wife  says she does not want to go.  They have a summer  house across the lake from me here on the Gravois. I see them regularly anyway When they are down from Kirksville. I fish with her husband sometimes. Sorry  

  24. Old plug


    i think it might depend on the design of the sinker as much as the weight. Flat ones will hold in the current a lot better. Other than split shot and worm weights all I use are Bell sinkers that I make myself. I make my own. I am surprised you do not do that. It is easy and will cost you a lot less over the long run..
  25. I guess around 55 yrs ago. Wife family settled that area Between Leasburg and Steelville. Nobody left since the early 70s. They sure had a colorful run down there. Everything from A circuit riding baptist minister too Missouri Red leg and Quantrell.
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