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Dewayne French

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Dewayne French last won the day on March 6 2017

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About Dewayne French

  • Birthday 03/14/1969

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Brown Bullhead

Brown Bullhead (12/89)



  1. Fish tacos now that's a good thing😁....The reason my wife says go fishing
  2. I like the wrap on that hook Mr BπŸ˜‰
  3. Nice but now I'm getting jealous 😁
  4. Yes, I'm crazy and yes I went fishing Saturday. I only seen 2 or 3 other boats all day it's never like that on a Saturday even in the winter. I fished the lower end and caught some fish and never did get cold, but I was dressed for it. Had a blessed day stayed safe didn't tear up anything and didn't get wet. Got unloaded at the Old 86 ramp and stayed with 5 miles either side of it. My rig was the only one at ramp all day. When I got there at 7 the air temp was 28 degrees with a strong north wind and I fished until 4:30. It was 24 degrees when I loaded up. I don't know the speed of the wind, but as the big boys say it was gassing, all day. Water color was good and clean except for the wind blown stuff. The water temp was 46 degrees about everywhere I went. I should have tossed the old wart or crawler some, but my first fish of the day was a 3.90 spot on the damiki and that was kind of how I wanted to fish. I had some new heads and baits I have been wanting to try. They were busting through the shad balls around 30 feet. So I stayed with that most of the day except when I tossed a jerk bait and A rig. Caught fish on most everything I tossed, but the moving baits like Jerkbait, A rig and Ice jig got the better bites. After the first stop it was a hit or miss on the next 10 or so stops. You could see pretty quick if they where going to play? All in all it was a great day to be on the water. I was mad enough to go, so I did. Some of you will understand that πŸŽ£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚.
  5. Class act for sure and a great report as always. I can't get fish to bite ice jig I always resort back to a plastic shad type bait, but I guess it just confidence.
  6. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰ That was a good day and by far the best I have heard since last winterish time. Glad to hear your reports I dream of that someday while I'm still working, but the day is getting closer to the "R" word.
  7. πŸ˜†πŸ˜πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ Usually don't see that temp in my boat ever.......Sorry couldn't resist that one.. But I would hope it is getting there.
  8. I have run it several times in a basscat with a 250 just pay attention as wrench has said. Just keep a check on your levels between know and then and adjust accordingly and report back. I have even went past the bridge
  9. Not a bad outing for Norfork and the weather was nice also. Caught fish from 5 to 40 feet deep and had 6 different species. Cranking fish were on wind blown banks in the 5-10 foot range, Rock crawler caught the most, but I'm sure a WW would have caught them also just didn't use it. Deep fish were on the spoon or damiki . The striped bass was here and there, shad had to be present. The crappie were hanging on the top side of brush piles ranging from 10-20 feet. I think I could have caught more, but just got enough for supper. Hope everybody has a great weekend and Christmas with the family, if you get a chance you need to go fishing. I have been on Table Rock and Norfork lately and caught them on both lakes. I know they are catch them on Bull also, so get out and enjoy the Ozark fishing we have. Water temp 53ish depended were and how the wind was hitting the area Color was clear with brown tint
  10. I got out Friday though Sunday and had some luck on the deep fish. The damiki and spoon produced most of them. Lot of "Football" spots this place is known for. I did find a lot of brownish colored water in those areas, still clearer the close to the dam, but it still had the brown tint. Lots of boats out and about in that area. Not much to report other than at least I was fishin. Water temp 54-56 Water clarity just wasn't what I'm used to here (brownish) Suspended from 20 down to 75 and most were over 80-120 Shad was abundant also
  11. Water Temp 89-91 Clearity 2'-15' (depended on your location) Dam to K-Dock fished from bank line to 60' depth range. Reaction baits was the ticket..... Shallow--Topwater (FAST).....Deep--Spoon, Scope spin, Damiki Caught several in all depths, but my only consistent bite was chasing shallow fish in the Big crk-Branes bay area. If you could fire up a bite there was usually some more with it. You just had to keep moving and not slow down, They are not everywhere and when you do find them, the "trigger" is different each day. I did not stick with the deep fish long enough to develop any type of confidence with them. But I hear it is the same way. Graph a ton of spots then boom you found them. But they are also tricky on the bite and each day/hour they will react to baits different. Wind didn't seem to help as much as it normally does over there, at least to me. Had a super hot day sat with out much wind and they bit the Topwater. On Sunday it was cloudy and windy, but they wanted a slower popping action to the topwater. So who knows just go and have fun. I don't listen to the fish as well I should. They say to do that and you will be better I still try to use reason, It don't work....😁
  12. I have had Pro-Guides installed in 10+ basscat boats I have had since early 2000's. I have only had one problem and it was taken care of by them. Only why to go, I have not tried the lithiums, but have heard great things, just like Bill says.
  13. Got out on the lower end of Norfork for the hopeful early bite and tried to find some of the top water action, but to no avail, at least for me. I did have a decent limit by 9 on a spoon and swimbait but noting to brag about just a decent day on the water. I was in the beautiful Colorado rocky mountain weather all of last week and got spoiled to the low humidity and 40 degree mornings, boy was that out the window here.πŸ₯΅ . I did go shallow on a couple wind blown channel banks and tossed the plopper nothing, so went back out to deeper water. Surface water temp 85 at 4:45 am by noon it was 88 Water clarity was 8-10 feet probably, it had a good tinted color, I stayed deeper than 40' all day with the boat except the short run to the channel bank the wind had it choppy and colored so I could not get a feel for the clarity there. Have fun stay safe out there it gets hot quick
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