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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Congrats! Sounds like an awesome fish!
  2. So who was catching those chubs today buddy? Did you bring some back for dinner? @FishnDave has been catching some lunker creek chub.
  3. I thought that this yellow bullhead might have been a juvenile flathead when I first caught it. Very different body shape than a flathead, but they are yellow to brown and also have an unforked tail.
  4. It's like bigfoot, until there is a body this argument will not get resolved. Don't need bags of fish, just good high resolution photos. Need to see the head and mouth in profile, be able to count the fin rays and the lateral line scales.
  5. Interesting video. As a manufacturer you have to be cognizant if this demand is a bubble before you ramp up production to meet that demand.
  6. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Looks good. Might be able to do some forging with that unit
  7. Nice day Jeff! What a belly on that spot! You do catch a lot of healthy spotted bass buddy.
  8. Upstream I would have needed a trout permit. So just took a photo. Down stream photo. Way upstream - highest water fall in Georgia.
  9. These are just photos that I know for certain that I caught these bass all on the same Excalibur spitn image WTD bait. There were plenty others, e.g., largemouth bass, green sunfish, etc., but I just am not sure which photos are with that bait. Missouri Smallmouth Georgia Redeye (now Chattahoochee bass) Bass Georgia Shoal Bass
  10. I'm still in denial because I make the excuse that I hate change. so when I get my rifle sighted in with the ammo that it likes to shoot I will stockpile that brand. When the first .22 shortage began, I would pick up a box or two every time I see them on the shelf. Since we moved and the majority of the ammo is still in a box, I really don't know how many rounds there might be. Still not admitting to hoarding
  11. Yes . The guy that gave it to me said I want you to use them and not just have them sitting around. This was the first fish on my first MH special. Actually fished it with a fly rod as god had intended it to be used. The second fish got me hung in a heavy vegetation and broke me off.
  12. I love fishing topwater baits. A few Whopper Plopper fish from a trip back in 2016. After losing a big fish and my WP on a different trip I risked losing an MH (aka @BilletHead) Special by throwing it in the same stretch of water. Did land this green trout .
  13. There is a private lake in Columbia that my friend has access to that you can't keep the big bass off of a pink fluke or worm. I bought my oldest a package of bubblegum ribbontail BPS worms figuring that I would never use them and they would just be hers. Fishing that lake I have bought "her" many packs of bubblegum worms !
  14. Some smallmouth caught on a fluke. Teaching Livie when young to fish the fluke
  15. Lepomis scarlopinna Micropterus bocaminutus Oncorhynchus leprocanpotogoldmarkus
  16. I would figure its a spotted bass. Based upon how the named flowers and their parts I believe that most botanists were lonely old.horny men 🙄
  17. Do what you want guys. I'll play along every so often 😉!
  18. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Parmesan baked blackfish fillets and roasted brussel sprouts.
  19. Probably a great blue heron, basses eatamess
  20. Reminiscent of Yogi Berra ordering a large pizza, but cut in only 4 pieces since he couldn't eat eight
  21. Going during mid week should be better. Still probably run into a few folks even then.
  22. Looking back at Oct 2019, I did fish that access after leaving your place and heading to Poplar Bluff. I caught mosquitofish and blackspotted TM in the small pond next to the train tracks. Also bleeding shiners next to the boat ramp.
  23. Looking at the current trout cam for Bennett's, looks like quite a few less folks than I would have imagined along the spillway. Maybe most folks all limited out and are putting their trout in the cars to get ready to go back out with another stringer .
  24. Congrats Ham on making a bad day into a great fishing trip! Sorry to have missed out on that deal. Some nice looking fish buddy.
  25. The day was a bunch better than what I had when near freezing water was rushing over the spillway. Felt good to figure out those fish either trout or those sunfish and where they should be as long as those flow patterns continue. Folks don't teach their kids about respect anymore. Sad really. As you mentioned it's likely to get worse unless there is a change in how we interact with each other.
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