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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Is the little boat to keep @JestersHK in line ? Just let him float around by himself behind Riley's. As long as he has a rod in his hands, he would probably like being out there.
  2. In Columbia we would have them breed in our rain barrels. As they got older we would also see one or more on our sliding glass doors catching moths and insects attracted to the kitchen lights. Nice to see them out here in MD as well.
  3. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    We stuck with the Mediterranean theme with olive and artichoke pesto over pasta.
  4. @Fish24/7 you have had a haul on tomatoes. Looks like a farmer's market sale. Our tomatoes went to the squirrels. They would grab the larger ones and eat them on the bird feeder ! Then we lost the plants during one of our trips to MO and everything dried out. Our cherry tomatoes are bouncing back and may get a few more from them. We do have some small acorn squash coming along and still have the hot peppers.
  5. Just in case you missed him in the previous photo. Tiny tree frog.
  6. Saw this guy over the last couple of days. Hope that it survives. Smallest one we have ever seen.
  7. Saw this guy over the last couple of days. Hope that it survives. Smallest one we have ever seen.
  8. I might know a guy that could hook you up with some fish photos🀣
  9. He caught that striped sucker in Duck Creek CA which is northeast of Mingo. I'm sure that they are in Mingo as well. Saw and lost lots of gar there. Looked like long nose mostly. State record spotted gar was caught in St Francis River back 2019.
  10. Congrats on catching some fish! Don't see a lot of Mark Twain reports. So good for you guys.
  11. Sounds like there wouldn't be a Taney Jigfest. May have to rename to a Signature Series Taney Slamfest!
  12. SIO3 is correct that there was hardly any ice thick enough most years to ice fish in central MO. We thought that we would have more opportunity here in MD, but have yet not seen enough ice here either. We may have to do 4 hour runs up into PA just to find thick ice .
  13. Have to hit the big rocks, then gravel, and then the sand to get the best shine 😁!
  14. Love catching bass on topwater poppers. Congrats on another Iowa Toad!
  15. Great ice fishing trips for sure! Haven't seen too many folks pulling up toad largemouths through the ice. Livie likes to ice fish but didn't often have enough ice to fish. We had a couple of trips fishing the urban trout through the ice in Columbia.
  16. Not too cold for those crappie! nice catching on the flyrod!
  17. @FishnDave Found this old post - Nice slab bluegill and toad of a largemouth! Hard to put down the spin tackle and throwing similar baits, but these make me want to dust of the long rod.
  18. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    These are now my wife's goto breakfast. Easier that regular pancakes or crepes since you just make one. can be topped with just about anything, fruits, eggs and cheese, etc., and be good
  19. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    we've eaten chicken feet. The flavor is fine. It's the texture that keeps me from eating them again. Oh and I see where our chickens walk. Don't think that you could ever get them clean enough to eat πŸ™„.
  20. You guys caught some variety of micros. The salamander is cool. Looks like a great time.
  21. Congrats on a couple of pretty little creek rainbows!
  22. Looks like a great time buddy! Love the photos.
  23. Bret If I don't get one out here in MD, you know I want to get out with you for those flatheads.
  24. Congrats @rps if there is a good population of walleye you will pattern them soon enough. Can't wait to see some catch photos soonπŸ™‚
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