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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Back in grad school, I had a buddy that was researching sunfish spawning behavior. He would snorkel shirtless and watch the fish on the beds. One of the males kept biting his nipple until it bled . After that day he would always wear a shirt .
  2. I have only musky fished Pomme once. We had a 42 to 45" musky come out from some docks after our baits. It was only mildly interested in those baits. That one might have taken a toe or two if it bit someone's foot.
  3. @BilletHead has been shopping at the "free" range chicken farm! I think that he has misinterpreted the signs !
  4. No @ness the post above is a crock..... 🙄 Should have been posted in the porta pot thread🤣🤣
  5. Wouldn't need the bags if all I were to catch were as easy to id like a mundane stinkin' bass 😉!
  6. So Ness are you the.pot or the kettle😁?
  7. Hey that's why I post on OAF !
  8. Except to bolster their egos or have confounding backgrounds for those "caught" fish, I see no point to this activity at all. Even those reasons kind of make me a bit queasy . Just catch the fish, take a photo if you want then let the poor thing go.
  9. A great report and like always ends with a mess of crappie. Congrats!
  10. Congrats on a mixed bag of rough fish! Jealous of those gar and grass carp!
  11. Looks like you found a great bite! Congrats!
  12. Congrats guys! Great fish and smiles on those faces! Making memories for sure!
  13. I was in the area for others reasons that incurred the expenses. Just was making lemonade so to speak. That's my story and I'm sticking with it 😉
  14. Looks god to me! Great bow! Congrats on a great night trip!
  15. Congrats on a nice mixed bag of decent fish!
  16. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Lemon roasted chicken, noodles and beets.
  17. @BilletHead is Ness at the age where he takes half of a viagra so he doesn't pee on his shoes? 🤣
  18. I got the seat for a hunting trip with my daughter where we would be staying in a trailer on 200 acres, but my buddy does not want folks using the trailer's facilities. I setup a popup blind, put the lid on a 5 gallon bucket with a bag and animal bedding in the bag. Worked well and the bedding reduced the odor. It's nice to have a rabbit at home!
  19. Update: I have been trying to some new darters here in Maryland, but still have not been successful. I did however catch a new minnow and received confirmation on this juvenile spotfin shiner. Still have time on those darters though they are starting to pi$$ me off a bit. We did end up going to GA for a family issue. During that time I did find a few times that I could get out and fish. I was able to complete my sunfish goal of catching three new species while down there with this dollar sunfish ! The bonus was that I'm certain that both Livie and I were catching coppernose subspecies of bluegill as well. Regardless these big boys and girls were a lot of fun to catch! @Quillback would agree with that statement . Anyone have any ideas about this camo fatigued sunfish let me know. I thought it looked pretty cool! While trying to catch (but unsuccessful) spotted sunfish in the Ogeechee river both Livie and I caught coastal shiners which were new species for both of us. This fish gets me ten lifers with a goal of 12 for the year. I hope that those that set goals for 2020 are making them happen!
  20. Congratulations on completing the slam! Thanks for taking us along! I would love to do it all again, but have so little time lately when I am or we are back in Missouri.
  21. That works for skates and sharks off the beach as well. That was the set-up used to catch this clearnose skate in Delaware.
  22. I get a call at work.. "When are you coming Home Dad?!?" was the question. "5:30 was the response. Good. Mom says that you'll need to change into fishing clothes when you get here and we are going to the bridge!" Now I probably fish a lot for many folks, but never enough for me. So when my wife says that we are going fishing I don't question it. A big "YES DEAR!" is all that I have to say . We decided to fish the bridge - aka Bill Burton fishing pier on the Choptank river. The pier is really the old bridge with the center taken out for boat traffic. I chose the Cambridge side of the river. We had a bag of bloodworms that needed to be used if you know what I mean. We typically bottom fish using a high and low hook rig and a 1 to 2 oz weight. I have been wanting to get Livie to catch an oyster toadfish. She has caught a couple in our crab traps but never on a hook and line. I pushed us to go to the end of the pier and fish the large pilings out there. We got some worms on the hooks for my wife and let her fish while Livie and I rigged the other two rods. No sooner than her baits go to the bottom, my wife hooked and landed an oyster toadfish! Livie was a little steamed that she may have missed her chance. Sue gave her the rod to fish and I finished rigging up another rod for Sue. She soon caught a small white perch while Livie was getting no love and getting a bit more frustrated. She had just lifted bait off the bottom to reel it up and check her baits when she got a pull on the line. She finally got her oyster toadfish! they have the face that only a mother could love or in this case the whole Folly family . Livie caught her toad - Mission accomplished. We still had another hour to 90 mins before the pier closed and I had all the rods rigged and ready to go. I have to say it was a bit of a white perch and spot slay fest. We would cast towards the new bridge pilings and get bit as soon as we got the slack out of the lines. Many doubles (fish on both of our hooks) were caught. We also caught a few silver perch and one juvenile striper was landed. We weren't thinking about saving any, but a few like this one made me question that idea. All in all a great suggestion by my wife, great weather, and just under 50 fish landed in under 2 hours!
  23. One of the lakes that I fished near Columbia, my buddy figured out how to drift baits in the deeper section of the lake. We had to have been drifting our baits (livers or nightcrawlers) over suspended fish. We were using less than a 1/4 or 1/2 oz of weight and with our drift speed could not have been any closer than 5 to 10 feet from the bottom. We caught a bunch of channels and blues using that technique.
  24. I agree. Bluegill are my favorite fresh water fish to eat.
  25. We now have some sieves that we brought out to MD, but just haven't gone back out to the park mainly due to higher COVID cases on that side of MD.
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