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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    So I made chili for my son's reception yesterday. Browned ground beef in asian chili oil and drained off fat. Added minced onions, green and red bell peppers and two cloves of garlic. Added that to meat and cooked until onion was translucent. Added abput a third cup of dark chili powder and ground cumin. Two tablespoons of garlic powder, tablespoon of tumeric and a teaspoon of pepper flakes. Mixed that into the burger. Added a small can of tomato paste and a large can of tomato sauce and for cans of chili flavored kidney beans. Minced cilantro was added then salt and pepper to taste let it simmer for a couple of hours. Due to snowmageddon only family ended up at the house. Had the chilli with shredded colby jack cheese and a dollop of sour cream. I added just a touch of Cholula hot sauce. Had more today between excursions into the snow.
  2. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    I have seen Amish souse or headcheese being made with pig's head and feet. Pickled and in a gelatin loaf. Haven't had that in years. Might oick up some when we are back in MD.
  3. Of course its a chicken😁. Did this instead of cleaning the driveway😌.
  4. We got 12 to 14 inches here in Columbia so far. Folks are starting to dig out. Still some snow coming down.
  5. Looked like a good spot to fish. Congrats! They wanted to eat for sure!
  6. Nice smallies! Was that yesterday?
  7. I have already canceled my trip to Bennett's for tomorrow😓.So it's not likely to be much if any big deal here in Columbia. Some of that is due to the possibke weather the rest is a lot of stuff needs to be done at our house before Monday.
  8. Nice Jeff. Glad you caught a few!
  9. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    How was the wine? If you were in a restaurant would the have you smell the pull tab😁?!?
  10. Bo happy birthday! Time on the water and a couple of fish in the boat is always a great present!
  11. There are lots and lots of geese and many ducks around us in Maryland. Problem is that nearly all land is private land that lease their hunting rights. You get stuck paying if you want to hunt in that area. If not there are very limited options.
  12. Great read and tips! Have to get down to LA. I haven't caught a redfish yet and there are some other fish species that I could find in the marshes as well. Thanks for posting the link.
  13. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Breakfast...it's what's for dinner! Looks great Marty! Sue made our son one of his favorites... Shepard's pie.
  14. Yessir! You can't imagine how much alcohol I Have bought over the last 32 years in order to keep her around😂.
  15. Wish that I had the time to make it down there on this Missouri trip. Love to get on some of those fish if they want to feed😉.
  16. QB Nice to get out and catch a couple. Still haven't wet a line yet this year. Definitely champing at the bit to catch a fish.
  17. Have had some grief for keeping bass under the slot. Eventually found lakes with good bluegill numbers and size and didn't keep as many bass from that lake. Also a private lake that they wanted us to keep most bass less than 16 inches.
  18. Ok here is a true story. We had a well stocked bar in my room at our fraternity that I shared with two other guys. My one roommate would walk through levels of drunkenness. If he ended with tequila it meant that he would be hugging a trash can later. So my girlfriend at the time (she's now my wife) and I were hanging out by the fire in our room when Mike came in and told us how horny he was. He grabbed a beer and said he wasn't coming back until he had a girl to take to bed. We didn't see him for 30 to 45 min later. He walked in much more intoxicated with three guys. I turned to Sue and said if he makes a move towards the stairs to his loft that I would tackle him and she should kick the guys out. Instead they had tequila shots and we put Mike to bed with the trash can😌.
  19. I used to be able to figure out how much alcohol was involved the night before by looking at the woman I woke up with. If she was not real attractive I must have had a lot to drink! If she was a knock out she must have had a lot to drink😂! If it was a dude well I did live in a fraternity😌.
  20. I can't recall the name of the researcher. I believe that he was in Minnesota. He had 15 to 20 years of mercury research destroyed by some protesters. That work began looking at the propagation of mercury through aquatic food webs on nervous system effects on animals like mink and otters due to mercury toxicity. Set that research back a decade or more. If you are looking at sources of mercury in your house just look at any fluorescent lights. Each have millihram amounts of mercury.. So don't just throw them out in regular trash.
  21. Not if they keep those below the slot 12 to 15" limit where posted. Used to keep a number of 11 inch bass from a local impoundment near us when we weren't catching crappie or bluegill. More meat than a crappie.
  22. Looks like a great hunt with the yellow dog! Even if only a few birds were harvested those photos show what your memories will be of this hunt.
  23. Thankfully the stonerollers and chubs are doing well 😁.
  24. I think that you should. If nothing more than the challenge of that tight space fishing. However I know that you don't like fishing those naturalized rainbows 😜.
  25. I would agree with the turtle. Used to have snappers and soft shell eat our stringered fish. Often just left the heads. Always clean cuts.
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