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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. One of the benefits when you don't sleep much anymore πŸ˜’
  2. I need evidence that they are continually raising license fees. I recall one increase in the last 15 to 20 years in resident licenses and trout stamp costs. Looks like a trout stamp is still $10 up from $7 and $5 vs $3 for a daily park stamp. I'm sure that you don't charge more now for the same engine jobs that you did 15 years ago. You just absorb the increase in the cost of parts and supplies to get that work done and don't pass on those costs to your clients. I'm sure that you haven't changed your labor rates to keep up with inflation on that work either. If you have changed your prices to keep up then why can't a state agency increase its permit costs to account for those same economic realities? πŸ€” I know that the costs of feeds that we use to raise our fish have increased well over 30 percent in 15yrs. Even if we just increased our prices to keep up we couldn't do "more" with the monies received than we did then.
  3. RIP Michael NesmithπŸ˜” leaving only Mickey Dolenz as the last of the Monkees
  4. If I can leave them in the net all the better πŸ˜‰
  5. That helps, but close it's mouth. The photo looks like a crime scene 🀣
  6. Work sucks! I need some trout photos - STAT!
  7. I consider any part below round spring the lower Current.
  8. https://flylordsmag.com/fly-fishing-for-chain-pickerel-tips/?amp= Just trying to push a little to get @FishnDave to think about a lower current river or 11pt trip this winter for chain pickerel.πŸ˜‰
  9. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Seared off the loin and into oven until medium temp. Beets and a noodle side dish. Tasted great but maybe needed an Asian sauce.
  10. Nice cutt DJ! Looks like pretty decent weather. Much better than those subfreezing jigfests in the past.
  11. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Pork tenderloin resting overnight. It got a massage with a rub consisting of five spice, garlic powder, ginger powder, and cardamom. Also with a little garlic and sesame oil. Will sear and serve it tomorrow πŸ˜‰!
  12. Could be a big brown, rainbow, or smallmouth bass! Can't wait to see what you might land in that stretch.
  13. Good luck and hope you catch a bunch.
  14. Congrats @GotaFish on getting a couple of hens. Pretty awesome to do it with one shot! I had a couple of opportunities to kill two birds with one shot of my shotgun. Both were out in KS. The first was a couple of jakes. I was holding out for the gobbler that was coming in behind them. So I held off and didn't fill both of my tags. In hindsight maybe should have since the gobbler never came in πŸ˜’. The second time was with two gobblers. They were following behind a hen. One was a chocolate colored bird. Every time I aimed at him the other gobblers head was within my pattern. If I hadn't already shot a gobbler I might have pulled the trigger. Instead they both walked.
  15. Congrats on those McCloud rainbows! There are some creek chub in there that are as big as some of the trout. At least there used to be. I haven't fished it in a few years. Used to be a 4 hr drive one way. Now it's about 18 hrs πŸ™„.
  16. I agree. One of my favorites
  17. I thought about posting this video this morning, but didn't want to steal your annual thunder Marty πŸ˜‰
  18. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Tonight was General's chicken. Did use a store bought sauce, but the chicken is the new batter that Sue is using and double fried to get it crispy and brown. Sauted broccoli and topped onto basmati rice. Very tasty and I'm happy with leftovers πŸ‘
  19. I haven't been fishing in a while. A lot of that had to due with work and other interferences. I have been wanting to try for a new blenny species that is found down in the inlet area. I also have been having some conversation with a local guy about how he goes about fishing some of the unusual freshwater species like banded sunfish, mud sunfish, pirate perch, etc. Since I know a spot where there have been banded sunfish caught that I tried back in July that is not too far from the Ocean City spot (only another 25-30 mins tacked on a 90 min one way trip - thinking of @fishinwrench). The spot where this guy had success after dark on some banded sunfish was within a few miles of my target spot. My wife came along to try her luck. We got to a small free pier in OC and I had on a #12 hook about 4 inches above a 3/8 oz bell sinker. I had a small piece of blood worm. The tide was incoming, but still really low. I didn't get much luck on the outer edge of the rocks. So I dropped the bait into the crevices of the rocks. That was the ticket. I got three bites in the first hole, but no hook sets. These were not blennies, but a silvery fish. The next hole I was able to get a hookset and caught the first juvenile sheepshead of the day. I caught another and then knew that I had a pattern. I ended up catching five sheepshead. This was the largest of the group and he gave me a bite as I unhooked him. These wern't the first of this species for me this year since we caught a few down in VA, but were the first in MD. I would have liked them to be 5 or 6 lbs, but they aren't πŸ™„ Sue was having no luck on sandfleas or fishbite baits. The wind gave us a chill and we headed to my target creek. The goal was to get there right around sunset. I fished another spot on the way hoping for some pickerel action on a paddletail bait. Most excitement was a jogger kicked up five hens that flew towards me. One landed above me and I pointed her out to Sue. No luck on fish and we moved on. There was little water movement in the creek and it still had a film on the surface. That would later prevent me from seeing any fish after dark. I cut off the bell sinker and put tow split shot above the hook and added a little redworm. I poked that bait into the weeds and around the edges while it was still fairly light out. I got bit when i put the bait in front of the culvert pipe and landed a fish that I have tried for on other occasions, a redfin pickerel. If you read about our FL trip last spring that was the species that Sue caught and I lost one at the last minute and threw my rod in disgust πŸ™„. Now I have one in hand and am so excited. This was the lifer that I needed after a long drought in my fishing. I didn't catch anything else and really didn't see any other fish with the limited visability. I'll be back down that way again. Mayber later this winter or next spring.
  20. Did you fish at all? If so how did you do. I have always liked fishing the blue ribbon section this time if year.
  21. That sounds like a faulty plug to me πŸ˜‰
  22. https://thehill.com/changing-america/sustainability/environment/583760-the-real-moby-dick-mythic-white-whale-captured-on Pretty cool sight. I've always been fascinated with these big whales. Even did a book report on Moby Dick back in 5th grade. If they had a drone would have been an even cooler encounter but this was a chance encounter.
  23. Sounds fun buddy and glad that you guys caught a couple. I guess they are hitting the NJ beaches right now. That's a tough hit or miss run for us. So will have to live vicariously through your post Jeff.
  24. Saw this about the bogus clips that I have seen of the interview with Alec Baldwin. He is such an upstanding guy and obviously the victim in this tragedy. Why to go John on calling out the BS.
  25. Right there with you. One of those kids made two of their own as well 😁
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