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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by m&m

  1. At about 11am, We put in at Aunts Creek because I want to learn that part of the lake. Only my 3rd time there. Took a nice boat ride and threw that jerk bait for 3 hours. Nothing to show for it. WT was 64, water was very clear and hardly any wind. But it was a great day to be out. Mike
  2. I was trying to plan some fall fishing so I searched the MSHP regatta site so I didn’t go when a ton of boats would be out. I did not see a regatta permit for this Open. Mike
  3. Gonna try that jerker tomorrow. Nice pictures of healthy fish. Mike
  4. I’m gonna head out tomorrow for a couple hours and try that cheesemaster jerk bait. There’s got to be fish shallow. Mike
  5. Aaron Martens was a really good fisherman and a better family man. He will be missed. RIP Mike
  6. Jeff, 25-40 fow on a drop shot? The Ned and Kietech baits in your tackle box must feel abandoned. Nice pictures of healthy fish. Fog on the water makes for an awesome setting but kudos for waiting for it to lift a bit. Mike
  7. This is such a shock. We are praying for his family and will certainly miss him at the OA tournament. Mike
  8. Jeff, hard fishing right now for sure. Bill, healthy looking fish in the photos. Mike
  9. Good idea about the image. Mike
  10. Those of us who attended had a great time. Congratulations to cheesemaster for the win. Mike
  11. Someone took your reels! Call the police. Mike
  12. Randy, good luck with the surgery. Mike
  13. I have this knack of pulling the hook away just as a fish is about to chomp on my lure. But if I ever do hook one that bleeds I will try the Rejuvenate thing. Mike
  14. Exactly my philosophy. Mike
  15. Gotta love that too water action. Mike
  16. Nice healthy looking fish. Mike
  17. All, the MSHP Regatta website reflects the following 3 tournaments besides ours on Table Rock Lake for Saturday October 16: 15 boat tournament out of Moonshine Beach - NWA winter Bass Series 50 boat tournament out of Campbell Point Marina - Guys and Gals Benefit tournament 130 boat tournament out of Port of Kimberling - MO Bass Nation so for those attending the OAF Bo James Benefit Tournament where you can start fishing at 7am anywhere on the lake but weigh in at 2pm at Aunts Creek boat ramp, plan your fishing sites accordingly. Mike
  18. Jeff, happy belated birthday. Mike
  19. It appears October is a tough time to catch fish at Table Rock Lake. A few dinks here and there and maybe a few keepers mixed in. But we keep going because we love it! Mike
  20. Jeff, you’re in transition from a Keitech season to a jig season. Different bite for sure. Mike
  21. Johnson 150GT runs forever if you take care of it. Mike
  22. For those not familiar with the cove or the tip jar, I’ll let the caretaker provide the information. Bill, it is definitely that time of year where “right time, right place & right lure” is necessary for the short feeding cycle. C4F, I do have the patience to teach, but most of the credit goes to my friend who is also left handed so no need to switch hands during or after the cast. By the way, catching or casting aside it was a beautiful day to be on Table Rock Lake! Mike
  23. I took a neighbor fishing on Thursday for a couple hours. 8:30am - 11:00am. He is a fly fisherman and wants to get into bass fishing so I decided his best chance to catch something might be that anonymous cove. I caught a nice 3lb smallie on a c-rig creature off the gravel point. We had a couple of blow ups on a whopper plopper. I taught my friend how to throw a bait caster so it was a good day. I did leave a little something in the tip jar. WT was 77. Mike
  24. Gotta love the jig bite. Mike
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