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  • Birthday 07/07/1961

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Bigmouth Quillback

Bigmouth Quillback (6/89)



  1. I hope so too !! I'm 2mi north of town just off D hwy. My mom lives on south side of Bolivar. She only had 1/2" yesterday. I have a pond about 30yds from the house. It rained so hard for nearly 20 mins that i could not see the pond. Winds had to be 50-60mph. Ready for some normal weather. Piper creek is close to me. Its running pretty strong this morning but nothing like last friday.
  2. We had 5" rain north of bolivar a few miles. Had another 3" with the storm that just blew thru. Sunday was tough for us casting jigs. Could see them on the FF out from the brush in 8-10ft of water. could not get them to bite jigs or minnows. Rigged up the spyder rigs and fished 8' deep over 10-12' depth. Jigs tipped with minnows. .2 to .3 mph. caught the heck out of them. All 11"-13". Any faster and no bites. Couldnt see the bites. Just seemed like you run into a snag. Between wheatland and the dam. Should get better. I hope !!
  3. Have both 93sv and 73cv. Love the units. Livescope will be next purchase. I have a MK Ulterra TM. The garmins dont link to it. Only negative. Sharing waypoints between the unit and TM would be great but i figured i would like the live scope even more. I can idle up close enough with the boat and units then use the livescope to zero in on the brushpile/structure. If only getting one unit and money not an issue id go with the 93sv. When i get the livescope i will be upgrading the 73 to the 93.
  4. YES i seen that darn thing too. It took them close to 2 hours to fill. That was one of the main reasons i stayed above the ramp fishing. The jet skiis pulling the tube was a whole nother story. There were 2 jet skiis following behind the tube within 10-20 yds. Thats crazy dangerous along with being illegal. As far as kayaks go i got plenty of middle fingers from all them. For the most part i stayed on plane and ran some areas i shouldnt have to stay away from them. Tried slowing down a few time but trying to maintain a forward speed just creates a larger wake. Got the finger no matter what i did ! There were also plenty of them with small children in the 1-3yr range. I cant imagine what would happen if they turned over their kayak with an infant in that current and water temp. Think my summertime weekend trips are over. Be doing midweek if i even go during summer from now on. The low layer of fog was the real issue. You can see the fishermen above it as you travel up or down. But you dont see them kayaks untill your right on them. 3 times i came within 10ft of a kayak in the fog and i was going as slow as possible. I know alot of boats were running on plane thru the stuff. Not judging anyone ! I just chose not to. I for one never want to see much of the water patrol. Think its time they get involved on the upper end. Also think its quite irresponsible of the kayak outfitters to turn them people loose in those conditions. Done with my rant for the day ! Time to smoke some trout on the Green Egg, drink a few beers and calm down !!
  5. Took a trip to Taneycomo vs fishing the flooded lakes around home (Pomme and Stockton) It was short notice so couldnt get a room at Lilleys. Did get all my tackle needs filled at Lilleys though ! Stayed at a neighbor resort. Awesome fishing. Saturday was an interesting day. Alot of boats. Expected that ! Alot more kayaks. Even jet skis towing a tube all the way to the cable ! There was also a 2-3 ft layer of fog all day long to make things worse. Didnt hear of anyone getting ran over but sure wouldnt surprize me if they did. No ill intent towards the fishermen in kayaks. They know what theyre doing out there. Rest of them idiots dont. More id like to say on this but wont ! That being said we just kept running and floating from the cable to the boat ramp to avoid the madness. We caught 30+ on sat. 32oz olive/peach jigs (thanks to the young guy at Lilleys for that tip ) I was loaded up with white jigs. Caught a few on white early but the o/p was the ticket ! Sunday was way more pleasureable. Little traffic of any kind. Still fished the cable to ramp for most part. Started the morning out at the cable. Set the spot lock on the minnkota. Casting upstream and reeling straight back to boat. 13 on 13 cast to start off the morning. Wife had 6-7 during same time. Hooked a rainbow guessing 7-8lbs at the cable. Fought it all the way down to the rip rap on the south side. It was jumping and running the whole time. One jump to many and it came loose. Was a load of fun though. Fished from 9 to 2. Most action before noon. Didnt have as much luck drifting as we did spot locking and casting. All fish healthy and scrappy. Majority of fish were 12-16". Current seemed to be faster and more turbulent for the amount of water being released. Powersite dam thing im guessing ?? Overall great trip. Caught lots of fish. Didnt run over any kayaks ! Didnt get to stay at Lilleys . Next time !! Did get a terrible sunburn
  6. Took a trip to Taneycomo vs fishing the flooded lakes around home (Pomme and Stockton) It was short notice so couldnt get a room at Lilleys. Did get all my tackle needs filled at Lilleys though ! Stayed at a neighbor resort. Awesome fishing. Saturday was an interesting day. Alot of boats. Expected that ! Alot more kayaks. Even jet skis towing a tube all the way to the cable ! There was also a 2-3 ft layer of fog all day long to make things worse. Didnt hear of anyone getting ran over but sure wouldnt surprize me if they did. No ill intent towards the fishermen in kayaks. They know what theyre doing out there. Rest of them idiots dont. More id like to say on this but wont ! That being said we just kept running and floating from the cable to the boat ramp to avoid the madness. We caught 30+ on sat. 32oz olive/peach jigs (thanks to the young guy at Lilleys for that tip ) I was loaded up with white jigs. Caught a few on white early but the o/p was the ticket ! Sunday was way more pleasureable. Little traffic of any kind. Still fished the cable to ramp for most part. Started the morning out at the cable. Set the spot lock on the minnkota. Casting upstream and reeling straight back to boat. 13 on 13 cast to start off the morning. Wife had 6-7 during same time. Hooked a rainbow guessing 7-8lbs at the cable. Fought it all the way down to the rip rap on the south side. It was jumping and running the whole time. One jump to many and it came loose. Was a load of fun though. Fished from 9 to 2. Most action before noon. Didnt have as much luck drifting as we did spot locking and casting. All fish healthy and scrappy. Majority of fish were 12-16". Current seemed to be faster and more turbulent for the amount of water being released. Powersite dam thing im guessing ?? Overall great trip. Caught lots of fish. Didnt run over any kayaks ! Didnt get to stay at Lilleys . Next time !! Did get a terrible sunburn This post has been promoted to an article
  7. VJMAC

    June 28

    Went out of Stockton ramp sun afternoon. Trolled with flicker shads at 4 different depths. 10' at bank side and 20'+/- at far side. Trolled around for 6hr at various depths trying to figure out a pattern. All fish hit the outermost deepest running bait and mostly in 25' depth range. Couple crappie, butt load of drum and doz or so giant bluegill. BG's had to be close to a pound. All fish looked like theyd swallowed a goose egg. All spitting up small fry and baby shad. There are gazillions of baby shad everywhere. Fished a bluff end with Ned rig right before dark. Couple small bass. Theyre bellies also looked like they were about to explode. Stayed after dark and droped in the green light and fished minnows till 11pm. Set up next to the flooded trees and then on top of a brush pile. BP topped out at 30' and had alot of fish suspended over it. Caught one 9" crappie. I dont think theres a hungry fish in the lake. Just reaction bites. My opinion for what ever its worth !! With so few available ramps its just ridiculous trying to get in and out. Good luck to ya
  8. Put the tritoon in at state park. Wife and 8 girl friends spent the afternoon and evening on the lake. Did NOT want to be captain of that voyage ! Case of summer shandy and 4 bottles of wine !! So decided to try some jig fishing in the outlet. Pleasantly surprised to see all the water being released. Fished the slackwater area on the park side. Few dink crappie,drum and bluegills. Nothing worthy of a pic. Felt good to just cast a lure. Felt like i was at a trout park with all the cold water and air flowing outa there. Hope they dont turn it off for awhile.
  9. Anyone know if this ramp is open to use and if they have the loading dock available ?
  10. Crabtree campground has some really nice waterfront campsites with plenty of shade for your boat !!
  11. Crabtree and Masters today. Pic with hod of my truck is the road going into masters. Water is almost over the road. On the other side of the road you can see a slight current as the water gets pushed thru the tube ! Still rising
  12. Thats one lucky dude in soo many ways ! Have had my share of close calls over the years especially in boats that run 70+ mph. Once as a passenger going 80+ and hit a floater. Lower unit was gone ! Scariest ride of my life. Was like riding a giant 70mph water bug till it finally stopped. Since down sizing i dont run nearly as fast (35 max) but S$$t can still happen. Two weeks ago around midnight i was heading from orleans trail back to ramp at crabtree. Almost had a head on collision with another boat. He had NO lights on !! ! wear a lifejacket and kill switch always. These things always happen when you least expect it. Glad the guy wasnt hurt. Even more respect for Skeet. Good guy.
  13. All things considered it seems like ya had a good trip. Hope i helped if even a little bit. Wished i couldve got away from work to meet ya guys. See ya in July. Bring your sunscreen and skeeter spray !
  14. They are tasty critters. Make for excellent blackened fish tacos !! Main lake points and a Ned rig you'll have a limit in 30 mins !!
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