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snagged in outlet 3

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Everything posted by snagged in outlet 3

  1. Those pictures are enough proof for me! Heck they’re enough for ME to shoot the next one I see. 😬
  2. You have to actually have a job to fired though right?😂
  3. Where does Missouri get most of its electricity? coal In 2022, coal fueled 66% of Missouri's electricity net generation, and 8 of the 10 largest power plants in the state are coal-fired.
  4. Gotta keep the rif raf out and the property values up. Priorities man. If you’re going to shat yourself go inside.
  5. HOA nazis will be all over em. Those overgrown rats will wish they were stuck in a leg snare when they get done with them. 😂
  6. Quitter😂
  7. Can we shoot them? Is there a “season”? Edit: Looks like just trapping.
  8. I just watch the live radar. It’s only delayed a few minutes.
  9. Thx. I’m coming down next week. Might leave the boat at home.
  10. Sorry. I misunderstood.
  11. I use the My Radar app. Just radar no BS. I’ve tracked fronts right down to the minute of getting to me. I use the classic radar setting Seems more defined Thx for the report and picture
  12. I snuck out of work about 8 am and tried to get on some biters. River wasn’t high but was still murky to muddy. Started with a square bill then switched to a small spinner bait. Had several boil on it but not commit. I sorted through my tackle and found a small rooster tail. Rigged up my light action trout rod and spanked em! Even caught some big drum. I used to get bummed when I would realize it’s a drum and not a smallie but the strike is still good. I spent the next 2 hours having a blast. Casting up to the weeds and pulling it into the current. A bunch of small ones and two like this one. Not quite 17” since I didn’t notice he wasn’t fully against the board. Man they were killing that spinner. 12” stocker brown on the board as a reference photo.
  13. Yeah smoked trout dip is ok since they cover the trout taste with smoke and sauce😆.
  14. Trout taste terrible. IMHO. And before you go all wild, native or you haven’t cooked them right. Save your breath. I’ve eaten them all every different way. Dredge em in fry mix, dip in ketchup or hot sauce and get it over with. 😆 I like wild salmon though.
  15. Says Garmin right on it.
  16. And I thought I had a bad week at work 😆. That poor thing.
  17. Agree for the most part. Especially for food. But they do bite big lures on heavy gear so that’s a plus. Yep. Hard to catch a stocker trout on a half ounce spinner bait. I love a good spinner bait bite.
  18. I think Largemouth in lakes are somewhat overrated. Largemouth that live in rivers are way better fighters.
  19. You’ll know when that happens to me. I’ll be drinking beer, eating pretzels and deserts while smoking a Marlboro Red.😁
  20. Maybe you should stick to writing books. But you still might want to keep your shop😂
  21. Zman jerk shadz have a 3.5”. It’s elastec so it floats.
  22. Put a bunch of laxatives in them and really have some fun. Pictures are a nice touch to any report. Fish and bear please.
  23. One of my customers invited me up to fish St Clair. We’re trying to work out the details. 2 weeks ago he was out for 3 hours and had 11 smallies over 20”s. I supplied the steel casing for tge caissons and he’s doing the foundation work for the Soo locks expansion.
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