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snagged in outlet 3

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Everything posted by snagged in outlet 3

  1. They were closed for a while right? Headed down Saturday for the week.
  2. This is river flathead and I thought about eating it. Smoked a square bill.
  3. Is Cooper creek boat ramp usable? What about the downtown ramp? Is that usable?
  4. I posted about this before. Get some Doritos and chum up some bluegill. It won’t take long and you’ll see how many catfish are in table rock. I’ve done it from the pontoon near the island across from the state park with the grandkids. Those cats come in and pound those bluegill.
  5. I watched a few of them. Pretty interesting stuff.
  6. Dude! They all received laptops and phones. They gave My daughter a monitor to work remotely. She didn’t pay for it. Whatever you are talking about is not what they experienced at all. They be of the girls an electrical engineer at the new soccer stadium downtown. I don’t even know why I’m explaining this.
  7. I should’ve taken another picture. They pulled way back on the bones and had a beautiful bark with black edges.
  8. What are you talking about? Mastercard? City Corp? Spectrum? Scams😂😂. They’ve all been working since last year.
  9. Dino beef ribs on the smoker. Salt pepper garlic. Cherry wood. I’ll take them out 200. Magic happens at 200😂
  10. That’s a pretty broad generalization. My youngest just graduated from Rolla last year. Her and her group of six friends all had full-time job offers as juniors from their internships. All went to work the first week they were out of college. Good engineering jobs too.
  11. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CdPNEWQLdMH/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  12. With all those dollar signs you must be cussing about the prices of things today or the stock market😂
  13. Bactrian is the other
  14. I hung a crank bait in a tree last year and I still see it this year. If someone else was with me to drive the boat in current I think I could get it with my net. . I shake my head every time I go by it. 😂
  15. I got to the river and although it was down it was MUDDY. No bites but I did find this. I left it since it was hung up in a vine. Figured somebody might come looking for it. Didn't really know what to do to help. Figured if I cut it loose it would drift down river and end up who knows where and maybe banged up...
  16. Both single and double hump camels exist...
  17. Good luck!!
  18. Real nice! I’m “working” from home tomorrow.😁 River is getting down just in time too. I hope I get into them like that.
  19. You know why Chinese children don’t believe in Santa? Because they make all the toys.
  20. Have you caught them for your life list?
  21. I'd bet leading up to Memorial Weekend will see an onslaught....
  22. I thought they had filters and water separators???
  23. Can’t buy or sell ethanol free in the STL metro area. Against the law for some ridiculous reason.
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