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Bass Yakker

Fishing Buddy
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    Springfield, Missouri
  • Interests
    Fishing, Watching Football

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Black Crappie

Black Crappie (8/89)



  1. Had a great time today! Thank you to Dan for organizing this and for everyone watching kayaks and canoes, shuttling people, and bringing and preparing delicious food! Got on the water about 8 and got done around 1. Water temperature was 76 degrees.
  2. September 21 float works for me. Probably not the camping though.
  3. Hopefully Mr. Bassin4fun is using a good drysuit, PFD, has a ditch bag with him and maybe a backup radio in case the cellphone doesn't work. Utilizing these things will drastically improve your safety in cold water/weather situations. If you search "cold water Chad Hoover" on the youtubes he has some good videos about it.
  4. Outstanding! That had to be awesome on topwater. Congratulations!
  5. The water temp at Southwood Canoe Access which is upstream from Springfield Lake and next to Highway 65 was 62 Saturday morning after the rain.
  6. Way to get out and catch some! Thanks for the report with the water temp👍
  7. I was by there Saturday. What aarchdale@coresleep.com says is true. Steep gravel ramp. Hopefully it gets maintained and/or improved. I know 2 government agencies were fighting over who was going to pay to do it. It's a wonder anything got done.
  8. Great fish!! What did you catch it on?
  9. I was thinking about going up there soon. Thank you for the heads up!
  10. I would also look at the stuff in this link at the top of the James River Forum if you haven't already, the maps in here are better than the one I put in the previous post. Put In and Take Out 1 2 By Bob in MO, June 20, 2016
  11. https://missouricanoe.org/james-river-and-finley-creek/ I don't know if this is the one you were referring to but I hope it helps.
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