Had a great time today! Thank you to Dan for organizing this and for everyone watching kayaks and canoes, shuttling people, and bringing and preparing delicious food! Got on the water about 8 and got done around 1. Water temperature was 76 degrees.
Hopefully Mr. Bassin4fun is using a good drysuit, PFD, has a ditch bag with him and maybe a backup radio in case the cellphone doesn't work. Utilizing these things will drastically improve your safety in cold water/weather situations. If you search "cold water Chad Hoover" on the youtubes he has some good videos about it.
I was by there Saturday. What aarchdale@coresleep.com says is true. Steep gravel ramp. Hopefully it gets maintained and/or improved. I know 2 government agencies were fighting over who was going to pay to do it. It's a wonder anything got done.
I would also look at the stuff in this link at the top of the James River Forum if you haven't already, the maps in here are better than the one I put in the previous post.
Put In and Take Out 1 2
By Bob in MO, June 20, 2016