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David Goddard

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David Goddard last won the day on October 21 2024

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About David Goddard

  • Birthday 08/25/1995

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  • Location
    Columbia, MO
  • Interests
    Bass, crappie, and walleye fishing. Avid bow hunter. Addicted to smallmouth. Previous collegiate baseball player, current president of the Mizzou Bass Fishing Team.

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Bluegill (10/89)



  1. The legend it back!!! Glad to see you in here Bill!
  2. Looking to upgrade the trolling motor on the jet boat. Would also be selling the 24V fourtrex that's on the boat now
  3. Thanks for the report! Sounds like a blast!
  4. I wish I could find a crankbait bite like that! Looked like a blast!
  5. Put in at Coffman around day break. Had some pretty wet conditions but thought it would make the fish bite and i was right. Shot deep docks and caught my limit in about 20 minutes. Fish definitely liked a smaller profile bait with a bright head. I don't think color mattered. I like zman crappie jigs but caught some on Bobby garland baby shad and strike king slab-a-lishious too Proceeded to catch and release with 14 in my livewell for about an hour. Caught approximately 60 in 90 min so. Threw a glide bait for and hour with only 1 swirl on it and the rain chased me off the lake. Was back home by 10:30.
  6. My friend Ryan and I fished the Anglers in Action championship down on table rock last weekend and finished 13th with a little over 26 lbs for 2 days. I came down on Friday and got a day of practice. Did a lot of graphing and found quite a few fish shallow in timber on channel swings in the mid lake area. Caught some on a small swimbait but really thought with the overcast conditions the next 2 days I could avoid scoping all day and catch them throwing a top water over those trees. Caught megladon grass carp on a small swimbait in the mouth. That thing was wild and covered my boat in boogers but was a fun fight. Looked for a jig bite on gravel and channel swings a bunch. Never found it or even had a bite. Loads of smallmouth on rock piles but could never get them to bite anything. Day one of the event we weighed 12.81. Caught 1 fish on a top water by 1 p.m. due back in at 3:20. Went out deep over the main channel scoping and caught 7 keepers and a few shorts before weigh-in. Day 2 went scoping all day. Saw tons of fish on bait on the scope but they weren't easy to catch. Lots of followers but few biters. Culled through 10 or so keepers throughout the day and weighed 13.52. Overall I was happy with the finish. Especially against that murderous row. Huge congrats to Pete and Brian for smoking 22 lbs yesterday and taking home the win. Quite a few guys I know ran up the white and the James and caught them on a glide bait and out deep on bait. Pretty tough fishing for most part though. Tight lines everyone!
  7. Fished the OMTT championship down on bull this past weekend. I haven't posted a report on here in a long time but I genuinely miss all the helpful info and great reports this forum used to provide so I will try to start posting again. @Bill Babler you are missed greatly on here. 1st day of practice found the going pretty tough. Never really found much of anything. A few fish in brush piles. 1 keeper. A few fish on a small swimbait, all small. Lost a 3+ lbs smallmouth on a jig. This is my first time on bull this time of year so Justin and I chalked it up to lack of experience. Decided to go to the river in the dark and throw some jerkbaits for trout. Boy was that fun! Caught a bunch of browns and I got my first ever tiger trout. Day 2 of practice found big schools of bait with a few fish bothering them caught 1 keeper off of it. A 3 lbs smallmouth. Caught a 3.5 smallmouth, 20 incher. On small swimbait on bottom. Looked for bait all day almost and never found what we were looking for. We fished from the dam to almost diamond city in practice. Not sure if we missed it or we were just in the wrong area but just never really got it going. Really felt like we were missing the bite but thought it would be won deep off of bait so tried to force it. Day 1 of the tournament was a poor showing for us. 1 small 13 inch spotted bass that ended up dying on us on a drop shot out of a tree about 55 ft deep on bottom 2 small mouth both about 3 lbs one on bait, one on a jig on a point. Had a little over 6.5 lbs after the half pound dead fish penalty. Really still no idea what to do. Ran all over between music creeks and dam. Day 2 of the tournament we went looking for bait and deep fish again. Never found it. About 8:30 i coaxed one about 35 ft deep into biting a small swimbait and it was a solid largemouth around 2.75 lbs. Decided to go drag a jig in that area and caught 3 more keepers. Ran that pattern all over the lake fishing steeper banks with a jig out to 50 ft deep. Neither of of had ever fished that deep before for fish on bottom. Ended up catching 10+keepers and missing a few others. No real big ones but the potential was there. They are the right class of fish just never got a big bite. Ended up with 11.97 and got 22nd in the event which paid absolute nothing. However, feel like we learned a ton just about fish behavior in the fall on white river lakes and hope to run it on table rock here in a couple weeks at the AIA championship there. Only 2 bass Pics. The big one I caught in practice and a neat looking meanmouth, but enjoy the trout pics too lol thanks all. Always loved this forum and hope to see more reports soon
  8. Glad to hear there is some top water action! Hope it keeps getting better!
  9. You can run up pretty far once you know the route, well past the bridge. First time I'd take it fairly slow. Lots of stumps.
  10. Fished up the white and found the same thing between Baxter to big bay. Is there any way that you've found to determine which creeks are good? Seems like bait helps but isn't necessary. All size of creeks hold em too. I did catch 4 today on a crankbait. Seems like there's a bit of a crankbait bite if you get wind
  11. Al I agree. I like special regs and I'm all for them if data supports them. Unfortunayely I doubt the MDC actually has any finite data that proves whether or not the work. As far as enforcement goes I feel that as an officer you should be able to learn/remember the regs regardless. They can't be that complicated. I personally disagree with river tournaments and don't think they should really be promoted. Rivers fish too small for there to be tournaments on in my opinion. As far as keeping people off small streams if the trend continues with "YouTubers" plastering creeks all over the web, I think that land owners are about start letting air out of tires or worse. I did NOT make this post to argue or stir the pot. I just thought maybe we could voice our opinion to MDC. Since I seem to already have stirred it, the left is coming for all your guns, the right is killing everyone with covid, and who wants to talk religion? Lol (all totally a sarcastic joke)
  12. I'm with you there.
  13. Unfortunately, I agree with you Brian. I guess my only reason for posting is that they literally cannot do less. However, I would rather have them do nothing than ignorant programs like when they tagged fish
  14. If you select 'extremely dissatisfied' on the question which asks, "How satisfied are you with MDC overall?" A text box will drop down for you to fill out. Probably should've included that in the original post.
  15. Hey guy, the most recent MDC survey is most likely in your email inbox by now. I did mine this morning. As smallmouth fisherman I think we need to voice our opinion on the issues surrounding smallmouth in Missouri. As most of us have noticed, there has been a lot more fishing pressure since the spring of 2020. Especially on smaller bodies of water which are primarily smallmouth fisheries. Take the survey and let MDC know about the issues were facing... giggers, spotted bass, unreasonably high kreel limits, etc. It may not make any difference, but it's an easy way to try. If nothing else, it can be a gripe session which we all love lol I'd love to be able to catch fish like this till I'm a grumpy old timer, but if something dosen't change, I fear they'll all be gone!
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