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Maverickpro201 last won the day on October 20 2024

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About Maverickpro201

  • Birthday 12/28/1953

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hillsboro MO & Dripping Springs, TX
  • Interests
    Fishing, Hunting, Yard work, Carpentry, Food,

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Brown Trout

Brown Trout (39/89)



  1. I drill a hole in the handle and attach a rope/string to it when on a dock and tie it to something or make a loop and put around the wrist. Problem solved. Back in the day I lost 2 very good knifes, 1 was a really old old one, Opa gave it to me. it was a very special German Steel Filet Knife. That one broke my heart, fell into 25ft of water. i was diving for it for 2 days and never found it. Even used a strong magnet and still did not find it.
  2. Thanks Wrench
  3. Have the crappie started biting good yet.
  4. Way to many BONES and LITTLE BONES it them for me. I did have some fresh caught Cutthroats, that I caught up in one of Colorados Lakes a few years back. They turned out perfect on the grill. They were stockers but had been in there for several years and were not pellet fed.
  5. My thoughts exactly
  6. yep need some pictures
  7. Tell those Yankee's up North to close the dam door up there. All next week below 32* and single digits at night here.
  8. Heaven forbid, if He is the American Standard.
  9. We know who this is but can you introduce the rest of his family. This is a really good laugh for sure
  10. I heard real men do not eat that quiche stuff. I guess when I get really old, I will have to try it.
  11. Opa use to call those Suckers, Hog Molly's we would camp on the Current River for 10 days, those were dinner all most every night. When we went to some of private lakes he knew about. We would Buffalo fish he made a good wheatie's dough bait, And he would grind them up and fry in like salmon patty's or make fish stick out of them; and bass fishing I swear some of the Bass he caught would have been state records. He would mount the heads on a piece of wood, let it dry, then shellac them.
  12. Ken Rollins smoked meatloaf - Search
  13. What you think A or F
  14. I use the Ketchup Mustard Glaze some times. Sometimes Mayo, Sometimes BBQ sauce and sometimes Ketchup. I like it cold or just barely warmed. Just bread is fine, Toast is fine, sometimes a tortilla wrap with salsa.
  15. I made big pots of Chili, then big pot of Ham Shanks and Beans and then 2 - 2 1/2lbs of meat loafs, this week. Meat loafs consist of 1 1/2 lbs ground chuck, 1/2lb ground deer, 1/2 lb Sweet Italian sausage, 2 tbs Worcestershire, 1 TBS minced Garlic, 2 eggs, 20 Hi Ho crackers crushed. 1/2 onion diced, 1 bell pepper diced, 1 Jalapeno diced, 1/2 cup of milk. black pepper and a little red pepper to taste. Baked till 170* Turns out great. We have it all for dinner, the day we make it, then freeze in 2 people servings for future meals. Meat loaf goes in the refrigerator till the next day then sliced up and put in foodsaver bags. Besides the meatloaf sandwiches.
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