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Tim M

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Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. Thanks for the update was curious what the water temps were
  2. YES BILL I only fish for Walleye. Its been tough tho fighting off sunfish stealing our bait and catching a ton of shorts last time out my son and I we only caught one keeper by my son, 19-1/2 in We went thru 4 tubs of crawlers. This years shorts should be next years keepers, at least that's what I'm hoping
  3. My son and I have been having good luck the last two weekends trolling bottom bouncers in that same range of 25-30 ft of depth we managed last weekend to catch a 20”a19” and 2 18in keepers We use trolling bags to keep our speed down and keep the bouncers just ticking bottom We both caught over a dozen a piece of Walleye just under the 18” limit and it was non stop bite in our lil spots It’s encouraging to know there’s a healthy population of lil guys for the coming years
  4. MY son and I fished out of Big m and my son caught 3 keeper Walleye one was 24-1/2" the other 22 and the last 20 mine was 17-1/2" and had to throw him back Also caught 3 lil cigar walleye which were quickly thrown back in unhurt. ill try to post from my phone for pics
  5. My son has used lead core line as well trolling crank baits he has caught walleye that way and have actually caught a few small flathead Catfish both in Stockton and as well at Table Rock My sons biggest Walleye so far has been 27 inches mine was 25 at Table Rock we have never caught many big ones at Stockton At Table Rock keepers have to be at least 18 inches We now fish identical rod reel and line setups so we can find a pattern to finding them I'm sure there are bigger Walleye at Table Rock
  6. I use an 8ft okuma trolling rod with Diawa line counter reel so I know exactly how much line I have out and know I'm hitting bottom and keep track of my depthes when I get hits . I also try to figure out what color blades are hitting and will change them accordingly
  7. I fish mainly for Walleye too Havent been to Stockton in a while What size or weight bouncers are you using?? I use 2 1/2 oz to 3 oz bouncers but mostly fish Table Rock and have found some spots that have walleyes we use Trolling bags to keep our boat speed down below 2mph
  8. A bobcat out in my area has killed a few of my chickens . Earlier this spring my neighbor has pictures of some babies climbing down out of one of her trees. Great pics and story😊
  9. We are heading down to BigM Saturday we were down there last Saturday and our depth finder said it was 58 WT will be curious to see it this Saturday Been watching the temps from Indian Point Marina showing it a lil warmer Curious if the lake has turned over completely ? Last weeks bite was tough. Was marking fish deep and they seemed to have lockjaw Only caught some small Kentuckys and a crappie trolling.
  10. Yes we are targeting walleye and learning the areas we fish and looking for good structure. Earlier in the year my son caught a 27 in Walleye. Liprippa is my son and we've been working as a team in the boat bottom bouncing and using the electronics searching them out. We both love to fish. After he caught his 27 inch fish we talked about not keeping the big ones and just keeping the eaters/ 18 inch keepers trying different tactics besides just bottom bouncing spinners and having fun when we have some success using other trolling methods. To me that's what fishing is all about. Especially with my own son. Good clean fun 🙂
  11. I saw the Monarchs too on Saturday! I thought one was trying to hitch a ride on my trolling rod🤣
  12. retired here and on the couch🤣
  13. Weve kept a few big ones but now are just keeping the eaters Stockon is only 15" TR 18" That's cool my son and I target Walleye and learning Table Rock all the time. We have found a few areas that weve been having some success with My son caught one this summer that was just shy of 27"
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