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Everything posted by FishnDave

  1. I caught a bunch in Iowa this year. They seemed to be everywhere in one river we were wade-fishing!
  2. February: With @Ham again...Caught new-to-me species #2 of the year, Chain Pickerel. Small one, but dang was it hard to catch! Picky buggers! Wouldn't hit my stuff. Ham had to force me to use his fly rod...they liked that! ...and new-to-me species #3, Knobfin Sculpin: ...new-to-me species #4, Largescale Stoneroller. I caught one really nice one. Ham caught 2, one was a bruiser! A nice river Largemouth, and feisty Smallmouth: Rainbow Trout: Foul-hooked...doesn't count for anything....but interesting to see what's hanging around chasing the fly but too small to eat it.
  3. As I did for last year, I'm starting a thread to share pics of fish caught while flyfishing in 2022. Feel free to add your own pics under this thread if you wish. January: Got out once...a below freezing day with @Ham . Good start to the year with a new species for me...Ozark Sculpin. Smallmouth Bass: Rainbow Trout: Striped Shiner:
  4. @Johnsfolly I checked through your list compared to mine. Is Smallmouth Bass on the list? I assume Spotted Bass and Kentucky Spotted Bass are the same...I'm not even sure what the correct name is. 🙄 I also call Hybrid Sunfish a separate species. I know there are many possible crosses, I just lump them together...and they are naturally occurring. Caught one yesterday, as it turns out. Looks like you got all mine on there (short list, ha!).
  5. Lotta cr@tch-grabbing during halftime show. Made me miss the days of N!ppleGate.
  6. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/hudson-ohio-mayor-argues-that-ice-fishing-will-directly-lead-to-prostitution/ar-AATESiL?li=BBnbfcL This guy was ELECTED.
  7. Sounds like, just from that brief article, that the issue is when the Feds come to MO to investigate and prosecute crime, they can't do it based on the Federal laws...they have to do it based on the less restrictive MO laws, which perhaps makes it more difficult to charge someone with certain crimes? Or aspects of crimes? If they can't make one crime stick...like they can't find enough evidence for murder...they can at least still prosecute and jail someone based on a different crime, like owning a non-registered firearm, or tax evasion. 🤪 Maybe something like that....I have no idea what I'm talking about. 😅
  8. Same! Gull on a Pop-R. No blood, and very calm and cooperative. I was wading at the time. Lasso'd a Cliff Swallow on a backcast. Had an Osprey pluck my 12" trolled baitfish out of the water while fishing for Roosterfish around Cabo San Lucas.
  9. When I moved from Iowa to StL, I gave my snowblower away. Kept one snow shovel. I live in a townhome. Short but steep driveway. Our HOA fees are supposed to include snow removal....must be waiting for the full load to finish dumping on us before starting their removal. 😬 May snow all day today....Grass finally disappeared under the snow overnight. Guessing we have @ 5" currently?
  10. Thanks! Yes, they are a very cool fish!
  11. Barely squeaked in a fishing trip before the end of January! @Ham introduced me to a new-to-me species....Ozark Sculpins! Caught at least 10 sculpins...not sure if they are all Ozarks or not. The location we fished has Banded and Mottled Sculpins as well. Also caught some Rainbow Trout, 3 Smallmouth Bass, 1 Striped Shiner, 1 bluegill, and one green sunfish.
  12. Happy Birthday, Bill!
  13. If anyone is interested in reading history of mussels from the Mississippi River used for making buttons in the early 1900's, you can read this article (and search for others): http://www.semopress.com/mississippi-harvest/
  14. If you have the time and inclination, by all means take college classes. Are you interested in specific individual classes, or want to pursue some sort of degree? But "going to college" sounds like a full-time, on-campus, gig. I did my stint...and just like high school or middle school or elementary school...I've no desire to go back and relive it, although overall I enjoyed it all at the time.
  15. I just got this: The Lamson fly reels makes sense, but....should I be wondering who in my family is searching for adult body bags???
  16. @fishinwrench, is Fly Depot an online store? I searched for it, and nothing came up. 🤷‍♂️
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