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Champ188 last won the day on June 13 2024

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About Champ188

  • Birthday 07/31/1960

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  • Location
    Bella Vista, AR
  • Interests
    Bass fishing and golf ... both with my wife and best buddy Donna.

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  1. Just a quick word of caution --- be very, very careful running Roaring River. In fact, don't even try to run most of it. There's a lot of BIG underwater trees in that area just waiting to claim another lower unit.
  2. Sounds like the same propaganda from any of the previous 20 years. Fishing is great, so come one, come all ... and that goes double for national-level bass tournaments. The bigger, the better! How about MDC gets out and does some REAL sampling ... like creel surveys over a yearlong period at various ramps around the lake? Or, as has been tossed around on here a few times ... close down one of the three main arms of the lake during the spawn.
  3. I've lived here 25 years and for my money, this is your guy: https://striperguides.net/
  4. I have 15 rods/reels chomping to go after I dismantled, cleaned and lubed every darn one of em on a couple of subfreezing days this week. Dewayne, it surprises not one bit that you were out Saturday. You never did have a lick more sense than me regarding such things, and that ain't much! 😆 I hope you're doing well, brother. Miss seeing ya at the old CPA derbies and the BFLs. P.S. to all interested parties ... I discovered why the old BPS Pro Qualifier reels have been so popular ... they are made by Lew's. I dismantled a Lew's and a Pro Qualifier side-by-side and the only difference is the frame color. I believe every part would be interchangeable.
  5. Hard work but very rewarding --- on the water and in the skillet.
  6. Nice work, sir. Just curious, still using 2D sonar or are you live scoping these days? Regardless, you're one of the best deep fishermen I've come across.
  7. Seems a tad early for lunch. 🤣
  8. I wouldn't mess with any other guide for walleye than Jeff Fletcher at Eagle Rock. Just sayin ...
  9. Not anymore, QB. It's a dead one now. Kinda makes me glad after seeing a striper guide cleaning smallmouth recently at the Rocky Branch boat ramp dock.
  10. Quillback a mere mortal? Say it ain't so!!! :) :)
  11. Water level dropping 1.5 feet in a week will sure pull them out to those deeper places.
  12. Sounds like you guys had a large time. Congrats on getting on a pile of em.
  13. Looks like heaven to me after nearly a year of too-clear water. Time to get out the blade and squarebill.
  14. That's the challenge with low water in the fall ... it eliminates a lot of good cover but it also concentrates the fish. It's all worth the bother, though, when you find that school of crank bait fish in a creek channel bend or on a corresponding flat and just wreck the heck out of em.
  15. One of the best fishermen I've ever known on that lake told me 6 weeks ago that he's not going back to the north end until we get some significant rain and a bit of color back in the water. He believes the ultra-clear water (even more so than normal) on that end is just making the fish spooky as all get out.
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